Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Jan 9, 2012 at 2:57 PM Post #9,451 of 24,684

The Ascent. 8.5/10. Knew about but never did see it till one particular headfi-er mentioned it in this very thread. But no Laughing Graving for you.
Certainly sad and emotional. Crimea, don't give me "I have a masters in film studies," though (edit: here's lookin' at you, online reviewers).  I'm not sure I want to see it again for any reason. 

Is that the Russian film? Basically that's a masterpiece, but it's one I also don't ever want to watch again EVER. Probably gets my vote as one of the most depressing films ever made.
Interesting that it's made by the wife of the director of "Come and See", Elem Klimov. I watched that stupid movie before going to bed and couldn't sleep at all.
It's funny to think that "Come and See" isn't as depressing for me despite it's subject matter.
Another good series is "The Pacific" which is also really graphic, but realistic as far as I know. Makes "Saving Private Ryan" look tame in comparison really.
Jan 9, 2012 at 3:30 PM Post #9,452 of 24,684
The Fountain:
One of the only films I have ever been unable to finish. Populated with a cast of characters whose completely irrational and shallow behaviour renders them unrecognisable as human beings, dialogue that straddles the fine line between blandness and cliche and enough meaningless pretension to satisfy the entire population of modern art critics, it astounds me that some, albeit a minority, of professional reviewers reportedly found some deeper meaning in it. What symbolism could be discerned from this incoherent trainwreck was generally incredibly crude, but the way it was shot was quite pretty. Unfortunately, a truly awful film cannot be raised to the heights of mediocrity on the strength of the cinematography: hence the score.
Jan 9, 2012 at 5:03 PM Post #9,453 of 24,684

I agree for the most part, but the music was fantastic.
The Fountain:
One of the only films I have ever been unable to finish. Populated with a cast of characters whose completely irrational and shallow behaviour renders them unrecognisable as human beings, dialogue that straddles the fine line between blandness and cliche and enough meaningless pretension to satisfy the entire population of modern art critics, it astounds me that some, albeit a minority, of professional reviewers reportedly found some deeper meaning in it. What symbolism could be discerned from this incoherent trainwreck was generally incredibly crude, but the way it was shot was quite pretty. Unfortunately, a truly awful film cannot be raised to the heights of mediocrity on the strength of the cinematography: hence the score.

Jan 9, 2012 at 7:02 PM Post #9,455 of 24,684
The Next Three Days (8.5/10)
Despite starting off very slowly, TNTD was a great movie, and Russel Crowe did an absolutely stellar job!
Jan 9, 2012 at 8:34 PM Post #9,457 of 24,684

I saw that movie several months ago...I really liked it too.

Yes, it was a very enjoyable movie. I thought it started off quite slow, but once it picked up I became extremely immersed...
I also thought that the girl was guilty of murder the whole time until the end and the button popping. Too bad the cop just missed the button at the end...oh well.

Jan 9, 2012 at 8:49 PM Post #9,458 of 24,684
Haha watching Come and See was perhaps the most intense film experience in my life. Either that or watching Requiem for a Dream.
Is that the Russian film? Basically that's a masterpiece, but it's one I also don't ever want to watch again EVER. Probably gets my vote as one of the most depressing films ever made.
Interesting that it's made by the wife of the director of "Come and See", Elem Klimov. I watched that stupid movie before going to bed and couldn't sleep at all.
It's funny to think that "Come and See" isn't as depressing for me despite it's subject matter.
Another good series is "The Pacific" which is also really graphic, but realistic as far as I know. Makes "Saving Private Ryan" look tame in comparison really.

Jan 9, 2012 at 9:04 PM Post #9,459 of 24,684
2012 - 6.75/10
Bought this on sale on Blu-Ray for $14. Not really worth owning. I'm not sure what's wrong with this movie, but I think one reason is that I disliked most all of the characters in the movie. Especially the Russian Billionaire. Not even Woody Harrellson's character was any good. Not even funny really. I think casting John Cusack was a big mistake too.
Don't know why, but by the 2 hour mark I've got a headache somehow.
This is coming from someone who loves the director's previous movies "Independence Day" and "The Day After Tomorrow". Strangely enough I walked out of his movies "Godzilla" and "10,000 BC". I could watch "Independence Day" dozens of times and not get sick of it. One of the few very stupid movies I actually like just for it's entertainment value.
Jan 10, 2012 at 7:10 AM Post #9,460 of 24,684

Margin Call - 8/10
Jan 10, 2012 at 12:57 PM Post #9,461 of 24,684

2012 - 6.75/10
I'm not sure what's wrong with this movie, but I think one reason is that I disliked most all of the characters in the movie.

The only thing that it could have had going for it was the special effects, and they were very poor.  Bad acting, bad script, crappy plot.  It was like a really long ad for a video game. 
Jan 10, 2012 at 1:12 PM Post #9,462 of 24,684
Last film I wastched was Bad Teacher staring Cameron Diaz and Justin Trouser Snake.
Film was pretty entertaining. About a 6/7 out of 10.
But guys, it's worth watching just for Cameron Diaz. The scene where she comes home to her husband, and also the scene where they have a charity car wash!! WOWOW!
Jan 10, 2012 at 2:08 PM Post #9,463 of 24,684
Watched the Tucker and Dale versus Evil. The movie is oh how should i say. So random. :D If you want to throw your brains in to the corner and just watch a movie with no meaning, this is it. Good hangover movie.
Jan 10, 2012 at 3:26 PM Post #9,464 of 24,684

many crappy movie around us, so we need choose wisely.

I'd venture to say, "MOSTLY" crappy movies around us.  The few gems are well worth the effort though, but I really love a good film.  
The idea posited that allowing a writer to direct their own film is a bad idea, is so far from true in many of the films I love, and in the history of cinema that it is simply dead wrong.  Such a notion demonstrates a great ignorance for the history of cinema, really bad taste, or both.  I'd say most of my top ten films of all time were written or co-written by the director. Examples of great writer directors: Paul Thomas Anderson, Noah Baumbach, Susanne Bier, Herzog, Wim Wenders, Ingmar Bergman, Woody Allen, Thomas Vinterberg, Lars Von Trier (I hate some of his stuff but cannot deny he is a great talent), Fassbinder, Almodovor, Terrence Mallick, The Coen Brothers, Darren Aronofsky, Soderbergh, Nolan, Polanski, Tarrantino, Spike Lee, Tim Burton, David Lynch, Jarmusch, Terry Gilliam....   The list goes on and on.  Fer chrissake, the notion that is not only utterly absurd, I'd actually reverse it and posit that I much prefer the films of writer/directors to those that are split off to two talents coming  together to make a film.  Not to say there are not plenty of great films done either way, but to rule out the former would be a tremendous disservice to some profound talent.


Speaking of crappy movies, I was surprised and disappointed by a film that seemed to have such promise:  Directed by Herzog, produced by David Lynch and with a great cast of actors I would have expected a whole lot more.  Indeed it is as quirky and odd as you might expect with these two at the helm, but the dead-pan acting and a largely unsuccessful attempt to get into the mind of a mentally disturbed individual (apparently inspired by true events) made this a 5/10 for me.  Memorable for some quirky funny moments, but not at all cohesive enough to keep me engaged and interested:  My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done

Jan 10, 2012 at 4:55 PM Post #9,465 of 24,684
I Saw the Devil 8/10.  Very good serial killer horror flick that's dark and twisted, but I never ever want to watch it again, even though they don't show the female victims getting slaughtered from beginning to end. They show the viewer the bloody aftermath. What I like most about this film is that it doesn't follow predictable patterns as others in this genre.

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