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Dec 18, 2010 at 6:30 AM Post #7,066 of 24,686
damn I was hoping Tron was done properly

Dec 18, 2010 at 8:54 AM Post #7,067 of 24,686
In The Loop - 8/10
I was put off with this at first (trailers/plot) etc as I'm not particularly one for political movies but this was very good. I'm only going to say it's hilarious!, honestly. Think I'll have to watch it again sometime soon.
Dec 18, 2010 at 3:25 PM Post #7,068 of 24,686
The Hangover - 5/10
Some funny little bits and entertaining in places but overall it was pretty average. Had a few people saying that it was funny as hell and I should definitely watch it but I think my initial thoughts of the film from the trailer were pretty much correct, as to say, that's a good 108 minutes of my life I wont be getting back.
Dec 18, 2010 at 3:47 PM Post #7,069 of 24,686

The Hangover - 5/10
Some funny little bits and entertaining in places but overall it was pretty average. Had a few people saying that it was funny as hell and I should definitely watch it but I think my initial thoughts of the film from the trailer were pretty much correct, as to say, that's a good 108 minutes of my life I wont be getting back.

Aww sad to hear you feel that way..I thought it was hilarious and well worth my time!
Dec 18, 2010 at 3:51 PM Post #7,070 of 24,686
Don't get me wrong some bits were funny, there were a good few laughs and that's really all you want from a movie like this I suppose :p Jujst not something that I would normally actively seek out to watch, maybe I was a bit harsh.
Dec 18, 2010 at 4:31 PM Post #7,072 of 24,686
funny as hell, very entertaining
Dec 18, 2010 at 5:01 PM Post #7,073 of 24,686

Double damn. "Tron Legacy" was something I've been looking forward to. Maybe I'll wait for it to show up on Netflix.

Did you see that Netflix is not even offering Tron for rent? I wanted to get a refresh of the original, but, "ah lass," as some gents from the Green Isle ( or even a Scot!) may say.

It was on instant at one time. . . but now it's gone. . .
I'm going to see Tron Legacy for the music!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Dereezzed is awesome. . . might buy the soundtrack if I like what I hear in the movie.

the soundtrack is great :)
I've been listening for several weeks now, and it is absolutely awesome. I probably won't see the movie, but I'll watch it when it comes out on dvd.

Well I ordered the soundtrack b/c I won't get to see the movie this weekend. I guess I'll rent the movie like everyone else!
Dec 18, 2010 at 7:07 PM Post #7,074 of 24,686
Black Swan - 5/10
Found this rather dull, boring and quite pretentious. I think I sat through the movie and felt absolutely nothing. I did think some of the acting was good, but I hated all the characters. The mother in it did well though and it was one of the more interesting characters. This movie seems to be labeled as a suspense thriller, but to me it's just phony suspense and it's not very thrilling. It felt like a lot of it was just added by studio pressure to make it more entertaining. Reminded me of "Sunshine" which is a great movie, but it turned into almost like a slasher/horror movie during the last 20 minutes! This felt like total oscar bait to me. It seems like this movie would be good at fooling the audience into thinking they've seen a good movie, when it's just all really shallow. I don't know why, but the way they ended the movie just made me cringe. I'm not saying it's a bad movie and I'm sure many people will love it, but I hated it. That's all. I think I'll watch "The Red Shoes" tonight. That should be far better.
BTW I found it quite funny when one sex scene occurred. The audience's reaction is quite funny if you listen carefully
They seemed quite uncomfortable. Luckily nobody walked out.
Dec 18, 2010 at 8:28 PM Post #7,075 of 24,686
The last three days: pretty good thriller, the story is quite catchy. Haggis' direction is still very predictable though. I'd give it a 6 or 7/10.
Russel Crowe really is a great actor, it's just too bad he doesn't work with better directors (remember him in The insider ).
Dec 18, 2010 at 8:51 PM Post #7,076 of 24,686
The last three days: pretty good thriller, the story is quite catchy. Haggis' direction is still very predictable though. I'd give it a 6 or 7/10.
Russel Crowe really is a great actor, it's just too bad he doesn't work with better directors (remember him in The insider ).

I think you mean The Next Three Days right?
Dec 19, 2010 at 12:52 AM Post #7,079 of 24,686
I just saw Soldier again with Kurt Russell, 9/10
It has a lot more impact now that we are fighting Multiple Simultaneous Never-Ending Wars on Terror, it was around 7/10 in peacetime IMO. Really explores the de-humanization necessary to become an effective Murder Machine. Even Gary Busy was entertaining, and dare I say somewhat normal in this movie.
Kurt's character in this movie was basically Snake Plisskin with a scar instead of a patch.
Dec 19, 2010 at 11:01 AM Post #7,080 of 24,686
Sweeny Todd (2007) - Too much singing, but good! 4/5

Heh, I don't know what else you expected from a musical. 
Put me in the fan category. I saw it three times in the theater in fact. The wonderful set design has stuck with me. .Of course, Victorian London along with the subject matter,  was right in Burton's wheelhouse. If there ever were a perfect marriage of director and material, that would be it. 

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