Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Jul 21, 2010 at 9:47 PM Post #6,091 of 24,689
I watched Whisper of the Heart by Studio Ghibli yesterday for the first time (japanese voices with english subs of course).  Oh my gosh!  What an incredible picture.  10/10
Jul 22, 2010 at 6:14 AM Post #6,092 of 24,689
Shutter Island - 8/10
Solid movie. One of the most creepiest, eerie movies I've seen yet. I cheated and knew about the twisted ending before watching it through. It still came out pretty impressive. I see the resemblance to The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, but couldn't stand watching more than 3 minutes of that horror classic. 
Jul 22, 2010 at 3:57 PM Post #6,093 of 24,689
Just watched Inception, 10/10, utterly brilliant.
The final hour made the movie for me. The scenes in limbo with the absolutely perfect 'magic hour' lighting, paired with Hans Zimmer's music was just sensational.  However, every aspect of the movie deferred to the whole multi-layer dream concept, which made things seem a bit removed and emotionless at times, but this made the ending quite thought provoking.  
Oh and Marion Cotillard made for a great 'villain' :D 
Jul 22, 2010 at 5:38 PM Post #6,094 of 24,689
I feel like I posted this before but I just checked and apparently not.
Space Odyssey - 7/10.
Boring beginning, awesome ending, pretty interesting middle.  Besides the beginning, I thought it was paced exceptionally well.  For a movie with so little dialogue I was surprised that I did not feel like it was dragging on and on.
Jul 24, 2010 at 9:29 PM Post #6,096 of 24,689
You know, I thought Kick-Ass would of kicked more ass if:
They had gone trough and really killed Kick-Ass, instead of the cheap imposter trick. That scene was so removed, the viewer knew the street walker was a fake. What if it really was him? That would of been ballsy satire. Instead the movie copped out and became homage. I was really disappointed in the second half. They were really onto something interesting. The action was fun, but oh what could of been.
Jul 24, 2010 at 10:01 PM Post #6,097 of 24,689
Terminator Salvation: 5/10. Mindless action flick (that pretends not to be mindless by continuing the lame time-travel kill paradox and the predictable robot with morals/feelings story-line) with alright CGI and fight scenes.
Jul 25, 2010 at 2:17 AM Post #6,099 of 24,689

I feel like I posted this before but I just checked and apparently not.
Space Odyssey - 7/10.
Boring beginning, awesome ending, pretty interesting middle.  Besides the beginning, I thought it was paced exceptionally well.  For a movie with so little dialogue I was surprised that I did not feel like it was dragging on and on.

I assume you are speaking of 2001 A Space Odyssey? I view the film as a piece of art, both visual as well as the excellent score. The pacing of the movement and dialogue are brilliant in my book. While this isn't a movie you'll get a lot out of the story, everything else is sensory overload. In this way I find 2001 one of the pinnacles in sci-fi.
Jul 25, 2010 at 3:56 AM Post #6,100 of 24,689
The Man from Earth 8/10
Nothing mindblowing, but very very interesting. It keeps you thinking. I'm surprised a movie like this hasn't already been made. It kinda reminds me of that John Doe series. Probably would have been better with a bigger budget. 
I also didn't feel like the acting was all that great. The story was the main, important aspect of the movie. 
Jul 25, 2010 at 7:04 AM Post #6,103 of 24,689
You know, I thought Kick-Ass would of kicked more ass if:

I totally agree with your spoiler! It was obvious and that little twist would have been awesome, even if Kick-Ass would have survived somehow. (Maybe we'll see a Director's Cut?
BTW, I also wouldn't have minded if it were less violent. It's not like I mind violence (at all), but it's enough of a reason for me not to buy the movie as I'm 100% sure I won't watch it in ten years time.
Also watched Wall-E yesterday for the fourth time.
It's a perfect family movie with a really loveable character robot. The visuals are simply stunning and the only reason I don't regret paying the extra bucks for a LED.
I do prefer Disney Pixar's Up, though, which apart from a cheesy action sequence is even funnier.
Jul 26, 2010 at 7:01 AM Post #6,104 of 24,689
The Book of Eli, 7.5/10
Great post-apocalyptic world, and good performances with the exception of the miscast Mila Kunis (whom I usually like), but a bit weird with the proselytizing. It seems intent on making some serious points about God and human nature but then comes to no conclusion. The Book is Good, but not if it gets into the wrong hands, blah blah blah, here we go again...
Featuring Tom Waits and Malcolm McDowell in minor roles, and Beats by Dr. Dre Tour earphones with a 2g iPod, built to last!
Green Zone, 7.5/10
Decent thriller featuring Jason Bourne as a Chief Warrant Officer in the U.S. Army during the "Shock and Awe" phase of the Iraq invasion, searching for weapons off mass destruction to justify the war. He didn't find any, and it's not the CIA or the Army's fault, it the (corrupt) Coalition Provisional Authority's. Or something like that.
The Young Victoria, 7.5/10
Gorgeous, well done and lavish period piece with stellar performances by Emily Blunt and company, right up there with the Elizabeth series featuring Kate Blanchett. If you're into this kind of thing, it's quite entertaining.
Jul 26, 2010 at 8:33 AM Post #6,105 of 24,689
Just saw INCEPTION. 
A very layered, complex, and deep version of The Italian Job or Oceans Eleven with one mastermind and a team of specialists. Original, innovative, and mind puzzling, but over-hyped and a bit overrated IMO. I left at the end of the movie feeling incomplete and unsatisfied. I don't recall any other movie that left me with so many thoughts in my head and made me wonder what the hell just happened. Is this reality or are we living in a concept of reality? Whose dream are we experiencing right now?
It seems to me that Christopher Nolan may have tried to fit too many concepts and ideas into one story. As a result, it made it seem a bit rushed, less polished, and less enjoyable as a whole because most of the time I'd be trying to figure out how all these pieces fit together. But I'm sure this was all intended and part of the master plan? He chose to focus strictly on the concepts and showcasing how they can be played out rather than the story itself. I think it would probably have been more interesting to learn about Cobb's character and how he came to be, instead of focusing on merely the concepts of dreaming, the sub-conscious, reality vs. fantasy. 
Aside from the story itself, I felt like the acting was only average. But I think that's just because there was so many things going on that the characters aren't given a chance to develop except for the main. Leo seemed like he played the same character he did in Shutter Island and the music also shared a very similar resemblance.  
I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy it more the 2nd time around though. I actually want to see it again..like right now. No other movie made me want to watch it again instantly. 
My rating: 8.5/10

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