Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Dec 1, 2009 at 2:04 AM Post #5,027 of 24,687
i didnt have them down as competing for the same thing personally. non comparable

gamer - 5/10

2 points for the smoking newsreader and the ex supermodel, 1 point for R.R

Originally Posted by Ttvetjanu /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Zombieland - 8.5/10

In my opinion much better than Shaun of the dead.

Dec 1, 2009 at 3:26 AM Post #5,028 of 24,687
I went on a zombie trip of sorts and saw these films yesterday:

Zombieland - loved the stylized action and how it was a bit quirky = 7/10
Shaun of the Dead - was good and delivered a few laughs, but not quite what I was expecting = 6/10
28 Days Later - loved the score, had great atmosphere and was beautifully shot with just the right doses of action = 8/10

Then my wife finished reading Alice in Wonderland + Through the Looking Glass so we saw:

Alice in Wonderland (1999) - really crazy in a bad way = 4/10
Alice in Wonderland (1951) - exacitically as zany as it should be = 7/10
Dec 1, 2009 at 4:21 AM Post #5,029 of 24,687
Zombieland - 7/10 (bonus .5 for BM)

Some cool cinematography which seemed lacking in the second half but IMHO the film lost any real chance for greatness after the girls came in.

Personally I enjoyed Shaun a lot more.
Dec 1, 2009 at 11:14 AM Post #5,032 of 24,687

Originally Posted by DLeeWebb /img/forum/go_quote.gif
"The Wrestler" [8.3/10]: The story was pretty basic. (been told a thousand times...) Mickey Rourke's performance was certainly right on. However, the story seems to parallel his own life if what I have read over the years is correct.

What a fabulous film. The best picture of 2009, in my opinion,

Synecdoche, New York [9.2/10]

Wow, absolutely pitch-perfect. Beautiful, engaging, depressing... it draws you in and digs into something deep inside you. A truly great film.
Dec 1, 2009 at 5:50 PM Post #5,033 of 24,687
cued "2001 - Space Odyssey" for my son last night, who didn't have as much patience as I did for the music, but he did recognize the debt Star Wars owes to this film. 10/10, even though it does look slow by today's ADD-addled standards.
Dec 1, 2009 at 6:13 PM Post #5,034 of 24,687
"Twilight" - 9/10

Paul Newman leads an all star cast in a modern noir L.A. murder mystery. IMHO, Newman was the best and most credible of the flawed, older Hollywood PI's. Great production, casting, dialogue and pacing seat "Twilight" at the top of its genre. Was that Susan Sarandan in her birthday suit? Recommended.
Dec 1, 2009 at 7:39 PM Post #5,035 of 24,687
28 weeks later - 2/10. Boring, predictable, includes the smartest damn zombie in the world who always knows exactly where people are going to try to hide from him and just keeps showing up scene after scene even if there was not time for him to get from point A to point B so fast, as if to say "My contract says i can't die 2/3rds of the way into the film!"

7 pounds - 5/10. Tries to be cathartic, isn't. Character development is contradictory. Tries briefly to set up the lead as a former high-tech sales manager, then 45 minutes later he explains that he went to MIT and then it turns out that he knows how to fix an ancient printing press that nobody knows how to fix. This doesn't make a lot of sense - engineers like that don't end up giving pep talks to sales teams. They just don't. Some salesmen are former engineers, but never former world-class engineers. This interfered with my suspension of disbelief.

A history of violence - 6/10. Action movie tries to be smart. Meh.

Knowing - 3/10. Stupid, with a 'last mimzy' sort of feel to it, but without the camp. Nick Cage dramatically follows clues from the past about the future and dramatically realizes that the research he did before the film that nobody bothered to tell us about leads inescapably to something terrible. Really gratuitous disaster scenes with an almost rob zombie feel to them.

The limits of control - 7/10. Not Jarmusch's best work, probably his least accessible to date. Watched this because a friend in bratislava couldn't figure out what it was about. It's about . . . the limits of control. Also about how Isaach is an awesome actor that Jarmusch hasn't worked with in a while, and how much Jarmusch likes referencing old foreign films in his own films - but this time by just painting titles on things. Slow and weird. Most people won't like it.
Dec 1, 2009 at 7:54 PM Post #5,036 of 24,687
Oh yeah . . .

X Men Origins: Wolverine - 2/10. Dumber than expected. It's a shame I'm not 12 years old or I'd have liked it.
Dec 2, 2009 at 4:41 AM Post #5,038 of 24,687

Originally Posted by TheBigCW /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Synecdoche, New York [9.2/10] ~ Wow, absolutely pitch-perfect. Beautiful, engaging, depressing... it draws you in and digs into something deep inside you. A truly great film.

Definitely a movie to watch twice or more and not passively.

Surrogates struck me as completely average, maybe a little less in hindsight. I can foresee it on constant TNT rotation in about two years. 4/10

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