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Nov 2, 2013 at 7:03 PM Post #14,282 of 24,690
World War Z (2013): 6/10 

Divorcing the movie from the book isn't quite as difficult to do in this case as it is for me in normal circumstances. For all intents and purposes, the filmmakers basically just borrowed the title and a couple of the scenarios from the novel, and reworked everything else. Taken on its own merits it's not an awful film--it's about what I was expecting from a sanitized, big-budget zombie flick. Zero character development, lots of CGI and shakey-cam, a paper-thin plot, a disappointing final act, zero gore--all par for the course when you take gritty genre material and gussy it up for Hollywood. 

Still, when it works it works really well--the set pieces are pretty great, director Marc Forster knows how to generate tension, and some of the minor characters have so much possibility that you wish they'd get their own film (the lovely Segen). But oh, the wasted potential. Here was a grand opportunity for the zombie genre to finally do something fresh on the big screen, something that had never been done before. All of the framework was right there in the novel. And instead we got an average zombie flick with a strong Emmerich flavor. Boo.

Nov 3, 2013 at 4:10 AM Post #14,284 of 24,690
RED 2: 6/10

This movie is pretty broken. The only reason I give it a six is that it had an alright story line, along with some parts that could give me a laugh for effort.
You'll notice as you watch the movie, that some parts will happen, then seconds later, the people killed in the scene are back on their feet. Not very "flowing" if you ask me, but that's just me, and each to their own.
Nov 3, 2013 at 4:27 AM Post #14,285 of 24,690
  RED 2: 6/10

This movie is pretty broken. The only reason I give it a six is that it had an alright story line, along with some parts that could give me a laugh for effort.
You'll notice as you watch the movie, that some parts will happen, then seconds later, the people killed in the scene are back on their feet. Not very "flowing" if you ask me, but that's just me, and each to their own.

I'm with you here, it's not a 'good' movie if you ask me, but it surely is entertaining.. One of those guilty pleasure movies.
Nov 3, 2013 at 4:36 AM Post #14,286 of 24,690
I'm with you here, it's not a 'good' movie if you ask me, but it surely is entertaining.. One of those guilty pleasure movies.

That is so good to hear! I loved teh first one for pleasure only
Pleasentville 10/10 

Nov 3, 2013 at 5:09 AM Post #14,287 of 24,690
Wow, I never had much interest in seeing Pleasantville, but every time I hear from someone the review is positive...maybe I'll give it a shot. 
Nov 3, 2013 at 5:23 AM Post #14,288 of 24,690
  Wow, I never had much interest in seeing Pleasantville, but every time I hear from someone the review is positive...maybe I'll give it a shot. 

It's a very unique movie! Visually and story wise it's pretty awesome. I enjoyed it, didn't think I would but it took me by suprise! 
Nov 3, 2013 at 5:49 AM Post #14,289 of 24,690
Stardust: 9/10

Very entertaining, quite unpredictable story line. You can sense that the movie was made with tight budget, but it's still well made. Definitely recommendable.
Nov 3, 2013 at 10:27 AM Post #14,291 of 24,690
  Stardust: 9/10
Very entertaining, quite unpredictable story line. You can sense that the movie was made with tight budget, but it's still well made. Definitely recommendable.

Claire Danes + English accent = yes please.
Nov 3, 2013 at 11:29 AM Post #14,292 of 24,690
Claire Danes + English accent = yes please.

I like the crazy Claire from Homeland...the way she gets her eyes to bug out of her head just does it for me. 
Nov 3, 2013 at 11:30 AM Post #14,293 of 24,690
Question for the group...
I'm watching the original, extended version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Netflix has all three originals in their extended formats. I saw the remake with D.Craig and enjoyed it, but I like the original even better. Are the 2nd and 3rd entries also worth a watch assuming I liked the first one? It's quite a time investment, so thought I'd get some opinions. 
Nov 3, 2013 at 11:46 AM Post #14,294 of 24,690
  Question for the group...
I'm watching the original, extended version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Netflix has all three originals in their extended formats. I saw the remake with D.Craig and enjoyed it, but I like the original even better. Are the 2nd and 3rd entries also worth a watch assuming I liked the first one? It's quite a time investment, so thought I'd get some opinions. 

I've not seen the extended versions of the original trilogy, so I can't comment on them specifically. However, I do think that the original trilogy is quite a good piece of work based on my experience with their theatrical cuts. The remaining two films don't measure up to the impact of the first, but they are pretty good in their own right, and Noomi Rapace is utterly fantastic throughout. 
Nov 3, 2013 at 11:50 AM Post #14,295 of 24,690
  Question for the group...
I'm watching the original, extended version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Netflix has all three originals in their extended formats. I saw the remake with D.Craig and enjoyed it, but I like the original even better. Are the 2nd and 3rd entries also worth a watch assuming I liked the first one? It's quite a time investment, so thought I'd get some opinions. 

I enjoyed them. I actually watched all three of the ones there on Netflix in one long night, after having previously seen the USA re-do. (yes, I had the next day off so I was able to sleep in)

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