Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Nov 12, 2016 at 8:12 AM Post #19,861 of 24,690
Con Air - 6/10
Basically a hyper-real cartoon. Ludicrous central performance from Cage, with his turbid southern drawl y'aaaall and his pink f**kin' bunny; more explosions than a small scale war and some of the most preposterous set piece action ever committed to film. Dumb as bag of hammers, but undeniably fun!

That is what action is supposed to be. Dumb and fun :D. Nowadays they are supposed to be smart and booring :frowning2:
Nov 12, 2016 at 9:00 AM Post #19,862 of 24,690
  That is what action is supposed to be. Dumb and fun :D. Nowadays they are supposed to be smart and booring :frowning2:

Con Air's dumb to the dumb squared though 
 My idea of a really great action movie is something like Hard Boiled, but there aren't too many like that these days either. I'd recommend Free Fire, if you haven't seen it - that's one recent actioner that doesn't take itself too seriously; quite the opposite in fact!
Nov 12, 2016 at 9:51 AM Post #19,863 of 24,690
Con Air's dumb to the dumb squared though 
 My idea of a really great action movie is something like Hard Boiled, but there aren't too many like that these days either. I'd recommend Free Fire, if you haven't seen it - that's one recent actioner that doesn't take itself too seriously; quite the opposite in fact!

In three words "Shoot em Up" :)
Nov 12, 2016 at 11:46 AM Post #19,865 of 24,690
Sicario - 6/10
Surprised by how little happens in this movie. Not much substance here and Emily Blunt was totally wasted in her role.
I really dislike the films of this director. I'll probably not like "Prisoners" either.
This one had some pretty good acting and I liked the cinematography, but that's about it.
Josh Brolin seems to be good in everything he's done (well, maybe not so much in "The Goonies"!)
Nov 12, 2016 at 4:42 PM Post #19,866 of 24,690
Popular script-writer Aaron Sorkin's letter to his daughter after Trump's election
  The Trumpsters want to see people like us (Jewish, “coastal elites,” educated, socially progressive, Hollywood…) sobbing and wailing and talking about moving to Canada. I won’t give them that and neither will you. Here’s what we’ll do…
…we’ll ******** fight. 

Dark times for Hollywood have come. Dark times for humanity. 
Nov 12, 2016 at 4:53 PM Post #19,867 of 24,690
Popular script-writer Aaron Sorkin's letter to his daughter after Trump's election

Dark times for Hollywood have come. Dark times for humanity. 

Fabulous, listen to a Hollywood screen writer who by his is own admission has spent at least 25 of his 55 years as a massive drug abuser. I believe when he was arrested at Burbank Airport he was carrying mushrooms, pot and crack cocaine. Further Sorkin, the idiot, was caught because his METAL crack pipe set off the metal detector. There is a man to whom you should listen.
Nov 12, 2016 at 7:07 PM Post #19,868 of 24,690
Please let's not get this thread locked! I like it too much.
I think too much discussion of politics in general are not allowed on this forum.
PS Hacksaw Ridge No. 5 last night

Nov 12, 2016 at 7:20 PM Post #19,870 of 24,690
Please let's not get this thread locked! I like it too much.
I think too much discussion of politics in general are not allowed on this forum.

PS Hacksaw Ridge No. 5 last night :D

My apologies.

In keeping with this thread a little known movie, 'The Duelists' watched it this afternoon. A solid 8/10 it was, I believe, Ridley Scott's first movie.
Nov 12, 2016 at 11:12 PM Post #19,871 of 24,690
Arrival 8.5/10
This is very much in the vein of Contact, the Sci-fi is a plot device to tell a human story and also make some observations/commentary on the human condition. If you read hard scf-fi and have a scientific mind you might enjoy this more, there are A LOT of little details and things that match up with proper science in this movie. They really did their homework.
If you are looking for an alien shoot em up or something you'll be very disappointed, this is a slow, methodical film.
Nov 13, 2016 at 7:01 AM Post #19,872 of 24,690
  Arrival 8.5/10
This is very much in the vein of Contact, the Sci-fi is a plot device to tell a human story and also make some observations/commentary on the human condition. If you read hard scf-fi and have a scientific mind you might enjoy this more, there are A LOT of little details and things that match up with proper science in this movie. They really did their homework.
If you are looking for an alien shoot em up or something you'll be very disappointed, this is a slow, methodical film.

So it´s not relatived to the old "Arrival sci fi". That one was great http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115571/?ref_=nv_sr_2
How on earth it´s a 6.3 at imdb???
Nov 13, 2016 at 11:30 AM Post #19,873 of 24,690
Surprised nobody has seen Hacksaw Ridge yet

Nobody on my facebook page seems to have any interest either.

Trailer made it look really cheesy, and the GF grew up in a Seventh Day Adventist family and had Doss's story memorized forwards and backwards by the time she was a teen--so she has absolutely no desire to see it. So it'll probably get a miss from me, even though I'm curious about Gibson's direction, as I've at least admired the look of his previous films. I might check it out on DVD later.
Arrival (2016): 8/10
Loving this new stream of surprisingly thoughtful mainstream sci-fi films we've been getting recently. Not that they're all necessarily really intelligent or even very good, but it's a welcome development, nonetheless. For my money this is one of the better ones (I certainly liked it more than Interstellar), finding as it does an intriguing way to marry the film's chilly exploration of big-idea sci-fi to the emotional development of the main character, which is not something that happens frequently in this sort of science fiction. This is one for both the brain and the heart, and I greatly appreciated it. I will say that I wish it had actually been a longer movie--the parts of the film I was honestly looking forward to the most (the more technical stuff) were mostly treated with montage, which was a bit heart-breaking. But I understand that the audience for this film is probably already a bit limited, so limiting it more probably wouldn't have done it any favors.
Nov 13, 2016 at 11:51 AM Post #19,874 of 24,690
45 years.
Typical movie video critics never dare to criticize. I would say it´s a movie made by cowards. Incredibly slow and it plays safe never dare trying to entertain the very least.
Still interesting subject that could be done as a short movie so just an hour wasted not 95 minutes.
Nov 13, 2016 at 12:27 PM Post #19,875 of 24,690
I like Dune, the long version. The theater version had too much cuts. One extra scene was when Paul was taking to the place where Water of life was extracted, that's when paul got the idea of drinking it.
The last movie I saw was star wars.

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