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Apr 18, 2016 at 5:19 AM Post #19,171 of 24,690
The truth with Nicolas cage. 8/10. Has cage finally found a role he acts well in? YES!!

Shouldn't that be The Trust? Come on man, Castor Troy wasn't good enough for you?!
 Ah, the much maligned Nic Cage - yeah he's got a lot of turkeys in the can but he has that unique rubber face and does 'unhinged' with the best of em, it's just that not enough directors put it to good use. Face/Off, Leaving Las Vegas and Bad Lieutenant were all doozys in my book!
Apr 18, 2016 at 8:35 AM Post #19,172 of 24,690
Shouldn't that be The Trust? Come on man, Castor Troy wasn't good enough for you?!
 Ah, the much maligned Nic Cage - yeah he's got a lot of turkeys in the can but he has that unique rubber face and does 'unhinged' with the best of em, it's just that not enough directors put it to good use. Face/Off, Leaving Las Vegas and Bad Lieutenant were all doozys in my book!

The Michael Caine of his generation. Talented young actor fearing unemployment starts taking every single role available and then some for about a decade. We can hope that like Caine he gets older and more selective at some point.
Raising Arizona, if for no other reason than his performance reminds me of Charlie Wolf from the Bugs Bunny cartoons, left me with a soft spot for Cage.
Apr 18, 2016 at 8:40 AM Post #19,173 of 24,690
The Michael Caine of his generation. Talented young actor fearing unemployment starts taking every single role available and then some for about a decade. We can hope that like Caine he gets older and more selective at some point.

I'd say that's a safe bet 
 Unless he's discovered Henry Rollins's secret...
Apr 18, 2016 at 10:53 AM Post #19,174 of 24,690
Shouldn't that be The Trust? Come on man, Castor Troy wasn't good enough for you?!
 Ah, the much maligned Nic Cage - yeah he's got a lot of turkeys in the can but he has that unique rubber face and does 'unhinged' with the best of em, it's just that not enough directors put it to good use. Face/Off, Leaving Las Vegas and Bad Lieutenant were all doozys in my book!


Ya, the trust.

Not only a crazy look man, but there were times when he was going for wonder/awe/shock/curiosity that came oozing out his eyes. He really nailed the part. I need to go bad and re-watch bad lieutenant.

I think the whole movie is really satire, and I enjoyed it a whole lot.
Apr 20, 2016 at 6:12 PM Post #19,175 of 24,690

Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil - 7/10
About as close as I get to a rom com. It's kinda predictable once you've got the hang of it (which takes all of the first 5 minutes), but still does a great job of sending up the Wolf Creeks and Summer Camps of this world. Some of the most imaginative and amusing deaths since Shaun. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a good date movie. 
Apr 20, 2016 at 6:14 PM Post #19,176 of 24,690
Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil - 7/10
About as close as I get to a rom com. It's kinda predictable once you've got the hang of it (which takes all of the first 5 minutes), but still does a great job of sending up the Wolf Creeks and Summer Camps of this world. Some of the most imaginative and amusing deaths since Shaun. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a good date movie. 

Is that like a "John Dies at the End" type film then?
Apr 20, 2016 at 6:27 PM Post #19,178 of 24,690
I think so, though I never caught that one. Reminiscent of 100 Bloody Acres with the hillbilly comedy horror thing, but it's more Wright/Pegg than anything. Severance is another good parallel, if you've seen that.

Right then, got it.
Apr 21, 2016 at 8:10 PM Post #19,180 of 24,690

Set the Thames On Fire - 4/10
I feel kinda bad about bagging on a home-grown micro-budget film like this, and a directorial debut to boot, but it just wasn't my cup of tea. It seemed a bit out of place being part of the London Comedy Festival too, as it's not very funny. The best moments, in fact, are born of pathos, such as David Hoyle's scene-winning performance as the world weary magician delivering a melancholic, metaphysical card trick which spellbinds his audience.
It seems like there's a nod to Jeunet & Caro in the film's visual style (it evokes Delicatessen and The City of Lost Children quite strongly) and that's well done. The writing is what lets it down - it's just flat for the most part. There's not much of a plot either, more a series of loosely connected vignettes that is ultimately quite unsatisfying.
Apr 22, 2016 at 6:50 PM Post #19,181 of 24,690
Point Break 2015
Long time since I saw a movie with such a bad and nonsensical story. A group of greenpeace terrorists funds their escapades by crimes. They have to do a lot of crimes because they give back just about all. Some old adrenaline seeker makes for the most non believable fbi agent ever. 
Must be hell participating in such a movie and have to act like what they do make sense :p
1/5 see the original instead. Make much more sense and is actually good. This is among the worst remakes in Hollywood history.
Apr 22, 2016 at 7:17 PM Post #19,182 of 24,690
  Look who's back 2015.

A parody about Hitler in the modern age that still manages to highlight the serious issues surrounding his propaganda fueled dictatorship and regime. 
Great acting by lead actor, Oliver Masucci

I had just added this on Netflix earlier in the week....looks like an interesting film
Apr 22, 2016 at 8:07 PM Post #19,183 of 24,690
Hush (2016)

Not a movie worth watching. They spent some money in the production, everything else is mediocre.
Watch "Creep" from 2014 instead, that was awesome
Apr 23, 2016 at 3:58 AM Post #19,184 of 24,690
  Hush (2016)
Not a movie worth watching. They spent some money in the production, everything else is mediocre.
Watch "Creep" from 2014 instead, that was awesome

One to avoid then
 cheers for the warning. Sounds a bit Like Julia's Eyes with ears instead of eyes! Agreed on Creep - excellent film; one of the best I saw that year.

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