Radiohead in LIEK ten days!
Jun 11, 2003 at 10:12 PM Post #61 of 71
I don't care if it's Radiohead or not either, if it has copy protection I'm not buying it, or I am returning it if it isn't stated on the packaging beforehand.
Jun 12, 2003 at 12:52 AM Post #62 of 71
It does have copy protection, but I was able to rip it to high quality mp3s. It did, however, take a lot longer than usual, and it does random blips in one song, but the rest are perfect. I'll rerecord that one and see if it was random.

Don't let that deter you from buying this incredible album.
Jun 12, 2003 at 1:44 AM Post #63 of 71
I got perfect rips in a shorter time than usual
Jun 12, 2003 at 3:23 AM Post #64 of 71
Ripping was absolutely normal for me. Maybe your computer was going crazy...
Jun 12, 2003 at 10:55 AM Post #66 of 71
Making a copy of the CD with "Alcohol 120%" trial version has turned out a copy that appears to be unprotected in every way.

I don't know what they think this protection is going to stop. Personally I think it's just a form of discrimination against Mac users.
Jun 12, 2003 at 2:08 PM Post #68 of 71
us version didn't give me any kind of problem. my --alt-preset extreme -Z copy is now on my ipod.

in my opinion, amnesiac and kid a are a lot better than this album. i think maybe they got rushed, or just too caught up in watching cnn while recording this. it's sort of sad to see one of my most favorite bands bitch and moan about politics and then make an album that reflects that. oh how i dream of the days when radiohead hated america because of the society and mentality of the country, not some stupid political disagreeance.

i'll keep listening to it and see if i lighten up, but so far i liked the bootlegged live versions i heard of them playing in spain/portugal last summer a lot more.
Jun 14, 2003 at 5:02 PM Post #69 of 71
After 5-6 listenings, I appreciate the record more and more.

Some titles don't do it for me: "Backdrifts", "The Gloaming", "A Punch Up at a Wedding".

On the other hand, I really like the turn some songs take toward the end. "2+2=5" is the typical version where it all accelerates like furious! The end of "There There" reminds me of the best of past records. "Scatterbrain" starts so so, but the end is magical.

"I will" with the very close voice gives me the creeps. It is I believe where the singer excels: presence.

"Myxomatosis" is sooo good. The last one, "A Wolf at the Door", is excellent. Who's singing? I love it, it reminds me of an other song, can't see which.

In conclusion, the album is better and better after several listenings. There are some wonderful tracks, worth every other older Radiohead album. Some titles had, IMHO, no need to te there, just like there was a bit of experimental stuff in the last two records. I actually prefer such album with a mix of styles rather than a monocolour record for the mainstream.


Jun 14, 2003 at 5:16 PM Post #70 of 71

Originally posted by arnaud
After 5-6 listenings, I appreciate the record more and more.

Some titles don't do it for me: "Backdrifts", "The Gloaming", "A Punch Up at a Wedding".

I love "Backdrifts" especially at the end of the song. I don't know, I guess I can just dig the electronic stuff while still loving the old guitar-driven Radiohead. I don't really understand people that want a band to continue making the same kind of album all throughout their career. We already have one Bends, one OK Computer, do we need another one?
Jun 21, 2003 at 1:18 AM Post #71 of 71
I've been listening more and more this past week, my favorite two tracks are definitely:

Where I End and You Begin

Especially with "Myxomatosis," i got the damn riff stuck in my head at work today for the entire afternoon, that's all i could think about, the album definitely has it's addictive moments. I imagine the live renditions will have more energy behind them as well. For the rest of the album i find the music sparse at times, like grinch said, sounds a bit incomplete to me, like its missing a few tracks of music in some spots.

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