Quit Smoking
Sep 11, 2003 at 12:28 PM Post #16 of 39
don't mean to bring you down, but most people attempt to quite at least four times before doing it successfully.

in the uk wqe have a government paid for helpline to help people quit.

i know, i work for them!
Sep 11, 2003 at 6:33 PM Post #17 of 39
Good luck, dude. Quitting is all a mind game, from my experience. Learn how to change your thought habits, and you are home free.

Like this:

As a smoker, you plan your smoking, make sure you have your lighter, make sure you have butt's, look forward to the next cig, ETC.

When you quit you can fight these thoughts, but it's like fighting the tide. The thoughts stay, you just fight them, and eventualy you fall back.

Another choice, the one I found worked for me, was to replace them. Make sure you have your wallet, and belt, and cell phone. Plan your dates, your work schedule. Look forward to getting home and listening to some tunes.

If you replace those paterns, and keep them replaced long enough (I read in a psych textbook that it takes 21 days to replace a thought patern), you will find they are completely gonne.

Again, it's not the actions that aer the thing to pay attention to. It's the thoughts. Remember to wrinkle your nose (internaly) when you smell smoke. Remind yourself of how much the smell of smoke sucks. Remember how much smoke can make you cough, and feel sick. Focus on things like that, and you are home free.

Focus on the 'I can't smoke, even though I wish I could' and you are as good as smoking again

Good luck, and hope some of this rambling helps.
Sep 11, 2003 at 6:35 PM Post #18 of 39
Dweebgal, It's looking good, cause I've quit like 10 times!
This morning not so horrible, went jogging, put on the patch and listened to my tapes (who knows if hypnosis works)
I feel a little congested, but overall better than last night.
This is it, I can do it, I know I can.
Ill stay AFK today, so thank you all for your kind words of encouragment.
Sep 11, 2003 at 6:40 PM Post #19 of 39
Malthius, great thoughts. I also read about the 21 days to aquire/remove a habit. Im giving myself 30 cause Im kind of stubborned, but you're right, Mind over matter.
Sep 12, 2003 at 12:13 AM Post #20 of 39
**** the patch, and **** nicotine gum. I will not use products made by cigarette companies to quit an addiction to cigarettes.

definitely, the most important part is the mental one. Smoke your last cigarette, say your goodbyes, and then KNOW you are an ex-smoker.
Sep 12, 2003 at 4:10 AM Post #21 of 39
I can already hear the groans of disgust, but this worked for me.

In '86 I had been smoking for about 6 years and had tried multiple times to quit. Then one day a friend let me try his dip (Skoal I think). After the huge headrush I realized this might be a good substitute for the smokes and it was. I spent a couple of months doing the long cut Skoal, then changed to the "Bandits" (little baggies of the stuff). Eventually I was able to switch down from these to chewing gum and I haven't ever had a relapse! Got a lot of grief over the spitting and the ever present cup to spit into but- hey it's been 17 years now and I'm glad I did it.

Still like a good cigar though (once in a while).

If this didn't help, I hope it at least made you smile! Between ewwww's... that is.

Sep 12, 2003 at 4:51 PM Post #22 of 39
sounds terrible but I've been craving and feeding the addition of my Pipe Smoking and Cigar smoking

However, since you don't inhale, the nicoteen you truely recieve with a full cigar may only be like one or 2 cigerettes
Sep 12, 2003 at 6:11 PM Post #23 of 39

**** the patch, and **** nicotine gum. I will not use products made by cigarette companies to quit an addiction to cigarettes.

lol, I feel the same way, but I cant ignore my physical dependance. After 10+ years of buying tobacco products, 1 box of patches wont make a diference.

fan4fan... noooo... dipping is Not an option, but thanks for the chuckle.

I've been looking at all the gear pictures posted around here and I've promised myself to buy me an amp if I stay clean for 3 months. When I get a craving I think: "Amp, Amp, breath..." lol

I came to Head-fi looking for 1 pair of headphones and Im already on pair #3 headed for the amp/IC forums.
You guys do this to people all the time dont you???
Somebody stop me !

Sep 12, 2003 at 6:16 PM Post #24 of 39

but the amp will be worth it.

edit: oh and what is that like 4 avatars in the past day? they've all been nice though.
Sep 12, 2003 at 7:19 PM Post #25 of 39

Originally posted by iGig
lol, I feel the same way, but I cant ignore my physical dependance. After 10+ years of buying tobacco products, 1 box of patches wont make a diference.

fan4fan... noooo... dipping is Not an option, but thanks for the chuckle.

I've been looking at all the gear pictures posted around here and I've promised myself to buy me an amp if I stay clean for 3 months. When I get a craving I think: "Amp, Amp, breath..." lol

I came to Head-fi looking for 1 pair of headphones and Im already on pair #3 headed for the amp/IC forums.
You guys do this to people all the time dont you???
Somebody stop me !


Plus, without smoking, you will have the money for the amp just from the money you didn't spend on cigarettes.
Sep 13, 2003 at 8:17 PM Post #28 of 39
lol Sentral Dogma, it's too late for that. I've been emailing my brother overseas and now we're both hooked.
This new addiction is not only dangerous and expensive, it's also contagious !!

HD500: I've had 2 ppl tell me that stuff works, I'm using the patches because I had some left over from last "quit", but if I start to struggle I will try smoke away.
Im on day 2.

Amp, Amp, breath...
Sep 14, 2003 at 3:10 AM Post #29 of 39
Hello iGig, Keep up the good work and please keep posting about your progress. I was going to quit smoking last year, but I never aquired the mindset to even start. I need to quit. Reading about your quitting is getting me in the mood.

The last time I quit I made about three months. I did the old I can have just one thing. We know that dosn't work.

I wish you success.
Sep 14, 2003 at 9:24 AM Post #30 of 39
Keep it up iGig. I've just recently quit also. It's been 3 weeks of smoke free living for me. It's all about mindset, me thinks. Of course, I've been staying away from smoke inducing environments like clubs/bars and alcohol.

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