Questyle QP1
Sep 28, 2015 at 6:56 PM Post #1,666 of 4,272
  Have my QPR1 and the sound is amazing. Hope firmware updates are in design to have the wheel more responsive, more consistent but I am getting better at it.  Want an option that shuffle will work on all folders and of course that media update goes way beyond 5800, 10K sounds good for future purposes.  
Also went to register the product per card in package and there is no place to do so on the web page. Any help here is appreciated.
Any advice on how I can import playlist from JRiver (without importing all the folders/songs again) would be appreciated? Sorry to rant on but the product is lovely for SQ and just want it to be all I dreamed it would be. Thanks!
Trying to figure a way entire albums can be added in one shot to playlist per the QPR1 but no luck so far.  Wondering out loud if I can move them to the premade list on the computer if this will work.  If it does I will drop a line to this positive result. 
Love the SQ, top notch and am so glad I waited for this to come!

There appears to be a misunderstanding here. The shuffle works across folders in all the category play sections except for by album, unless you have each song from an album in separate folders. If you are browsing by file, a folder play through is being investigated, but if you simply want to shuffle the entire database then use play by song. As to the 5800 file limit for the data base, that is being forwarded to the designer.
Sep 28, 2015 at 6:59 PM Post #1,667 of 4,272
  Lurking around here from the start as I loved the design of the QP1(R) and because of it's interesting specs. Now I'm glad to read so many positive posts on the sq (of course still the most important part)

But as long as the 5.800 file limit isn't fixed and when it's not possible to use it at shuffle all files randomly (or is this possible and did I misread that?) it will be a no go for me. All my 4 current daps can pull this off atm, so I consider this as normal. On the other hand, I'm also sure that Questyle can and will fix this with a FW upgrade => just a matter of time...

All files can be shuffled randomly, though this may be limited to the 5800 file limit. Unfortunately I use a lot of high resolution files, so I have never come close to the 5800 file limit.
Sep 28, 2015 at 7:08 PM Post #1,668 of 4,272
And this is why you do open source projects. I for one would be very happy to include a few features for the community and submit it to your lead developers who can then merge it into their code.

Basic open source that works wonders.

On an unrelated note, I opted for a X5ii hoping some day there is a QP2R with USB DAC and open OS.


The major problem with publishing the firmware is that you run the risk of someone accidentally or intentionally creating a firmware patch that will brick everyones units. The firmware has many direct hardware calls that if misentered would cause the unit to fail to start, and a reset would require sending the unit back to the factory.
Sep 28, 2015 at 7:10 PM Post #1,669 of 4,272

Good to know about the wheel getting better as it is used.  I would agree.  Also thanks for the tip on turning off the flip function and by holding down the next key it will skip, like a song skipping forward, sort of.  Anyway thanks again for the tip/s.
Agree on patience for FW update.  Sound is wonderful and do not want that hampered. 
My list is really not terrible as I'd like the 5800 limit extended to at least 10k
Albums to be able to be added to playlist with a single "ok" like individual songs are (dream would be playlist from JRiver could be exported but I understand drives do not correspond so this is unrealistic - unless Questyle and JRiver work something out.)
Lastly, for an introduced product to hit SQ  on the mark and only to be raising suggested improvements on FW is a pretty special.  Thanks Questyle, given your representatives and past responses on our previous pages I have full faith in improvements down the road when warranted. 
Sep 28, 2015 at 7:16 PM Post #1,671 of 4,272
The firmware is all done in house, as it has to communicate with very specific hardware. That is not to say that some off the shelf components were not use, no programmer wants to reinvent the wheel. The majority of programmers nowadays use object oriented programming, which depends on libraries created by other programmers, so it is not surprising that several companies sourced their data base components from the same source. The firmware is currently 31 MB, that's over a million lines of code, no single programmer could have produced that in the 9 months since the initial hardware was completed. 

This makes perfect sense now. To clarify I was not trying to undermine the efforts Questyle has put in to the code for the QP1/R. The point was that I recognize the undeniable similarities in the base components. Thank you for the clarification.
Sep 28, 2015 at 7:17 PM Post #1,672 of 4,272
The major problem with publishing the firmware is that you run the risk of someone accidentally or intentionally creating a firmware patch that will brick everyones units. The firmware has many direct hardware calls that if misentered would cause the unit to fail to start, and a reset would require sending the unit back to the factory.

This is plain wrong. Yes it's a possibility but that's just not a fair one.

You have your own website where you publish your firmware.
You have your own git repo where the source code is (and the firmware on your website is just the compiled package of this code).

Anyone that has access to the git repo can check out the code, make modifications and compile it. They risk bricking their device doing so of course. Anyone following a stupid link might encounter something similar.

However, this is also how you have people working on solutions and propose it to your main developers (with a process called pull request). Said developers can now merge it into their own code and test it before publishing a new firmware.

This is the case for most Linux based OS and more generally any open source project.
Sep 28, 2015 at 7:22 PM Post #1,673 of 4,272
As the guy previously said, our programming world has grown and those errors are disappearing significantly. Updates and edits can be submitted with ease, via GitHub, and in an extremely efficient manner. Errors that would brick devices can be caught and those add-ons can be tested prior to their release.

What a great time to be alive in this age, eh.​
Sep 28, 2015 at 7:39 PM Post #1,674 of 4,272
  I never turned it off, this and the 5800 file limit for the data base will be forwarded to the designers​

Thanks .... for me I have decent size library of 17k songs ... almost all of it is just apple lossless from CD's ... so this explains why I would like a larger library ... I really got spoiled with my mod'ed iPods with the extra large hard-drives ... Once you carry everything all the time you never want to go back
I think with the 200gb cards I can get most of collection on the unit .
Info:  Current HW:  V4    &   SW:  1.0.2
Sep 28, 2015 at 7:54 PM Post #1,675 of 4,272
  You have not been paying attention, there have been 3 firmware updates since the units were debuted at T.H.E. Show Newport. 2 updates since the review samples were sent out last month, all in response to user feedback to enhance features (IE: no reported bugs). 

  What version of firmware do you have in yours?

I only had a demo unit in my hand last week. Went down to the store for trying as soon as they announced that it had arrived!
So I did not went so deep in the settings to check the firmware version.
And that demo unit couldn't sort library by album artist. And if the limit of 5800 Songs still exists for library mode than it is a big setback if you use two 128 GB MicroSD cards (or even 200 GB cards)
Sep 29, 2015 at 2:19 AM Post #1,678 of 4,272
Did anyone notice an internal click sound every time you plug in the headphones? I meant the sound is not coming from headphone but the device it self. Curious what this does.
That is the amp circuit switching on / off by a relay, to stop the thump noise of it powering on coming through your headphones.
Sep 29, 2015 at 8:50 AM Post #1,679 of 4,272
Joy,fellow Canadians.  My unit is at the dealer, now.  Just need to ask for shipment to me, as it's a bit far to walk to get it.  Thanks for your help and patience, Questyle guys.
By the way, what is this 'flip' option?  Will it consern me as a button 'non-wheel user?
Sep 29, 2015 at 10:11 AM Post #1,680 of 4,272
my qp1r has been lost by fedex!  

i ordered it from headphone audiophile. joe shipped it to the wrong address, corrected the address while it was in transit a week ago, and i was just told by fedex that he has to file a lost tracking claim.  
in the meantime i still haven't received the qp1r i pre-ordered in late july, 2 months ago.
i am an unhappy camper.

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