Dec 30, 2010 at 5:48 PM Post #16 of 458

Oh, and it looks like EQu is not longer free. It's $2.99 at the app store.
I'm not understanding how "Equalizer" works... I need to go on wifi and download my music onto the ipod??

no.  i dont believe either the free one or the paid one requires that.  though i dont have much experience the free one b/c i quickly found it to be worthless compared to the paid one.
it has 2 modes. one involves a music server and doing some kind of download, but i have never tried that one.  the other mode is called direct, which basically turns the app into your music player, and allows you to eq on the fly and save settings.
thats the one you want.  its not perfectly intuative, but its easy to get the hang of as there is not much to do.
Dec 30, 2010 at 5:57 PM Post #17 of 458

Hmm. That's odd. I'm using "Equalizer" right now, and it says I need to turn on the "file server" and it wants me to use wifi to download music onto it. Shrugs. I can't find any other way to play music and EQ it on this app. lol. I'm probably just having a brain fart right now or something. I tried flipping on the other option, but nothing happens. lol
Oh, and it looks like EQu is not longer free. It's $2.99 at the app store.
I'm not understanding how "Equalizer" works... I need to go on wifi and download my music onto the ipod??

no.  i dont believe either the free one or the paid one requires that.  though i dont have much experience the free one b/c i quickly found it to be worthless compared to the paid one.
it has 2 modes. one involves a music server and doing some kind of download, but i have never tried that one.  the other mode is called direct, which basically turns the app into your music player, and allows you to eq on the fly and save settings.
thats the one you want.  its not perfectly intuative, but its easy to get the hang of as there is not much to do.

Dec 30, 2010 at 6:05 PM Post #18 of 458
I just realized why EQu doesn't work on my ipod. lol. It's because I don't have version 4.1+... I'm still on 3.1.2. Maybe I'll upgrade to the 4.1+ firmware once the final jailbreak is out for it. 
Dec 31, 2010 at 9:59 PM Post #20 of 458
after reading some of the reviews on these apps, a lot of people are a little disappointed because you can't do anything other than listen to music if the eq is running.  I don't know if it would be worth it to have it and not be able to do anything at all.  I guess it's ok if you are just listening to music.  But it seems that with an ipad for sure you're never just listening to music.
Have you experienced this with these apps or is there a way to make sure that the eq will still function while you're doing something else on your machine?
Dec 31, 2010 at 10:09 PM Post #21 of 458

Hmm. That's odd. I'm using "Equalizer" right now, and it says I need to turn on the "file server" and it wants me to use wifi to download music onto it. Shrugs. I can't find any other way to play music and EQ it on this app. lol. I'm probably just having a brain fart right now or something. I tried flipping on the other option, but nothing happens. lol

Sounds like you got an old version of "Equalizer"
I think from v2.10 on allows Equalizing on the fly with your iTunes library.
Dec 31, 2010 at 10:47 PM Post #22 of 458
Equ 1.0.1 only plays songs from ipod playlist, on 1.1.1 version they finally have added Artist and Album order,but it seems the application always crushed on Artist or album ordered menu. Has anyone experienced the same problem?
Dec 31, 2010 at 11:09 PM Post #23 of 458

after reading some of the reviews on these apps, a lot of people are a little disappointed because you can't do anything other than listen to music if the eq is running.  I don't know if it would be worth it to have it and not be able to do anything at all.  I guess it's ok if you are just listening to music.  But it seems that with an ipad for sure you're never just listening to music.
Have you experienced this with these apps or is there a way to make sure that the eq will still function while you're doing something else on your machine?

there is no doubt that EQu is a bit buggy. But i do know he is still working on it actively.  i havent used "equalizer" much so i cant say for sure.
EQu crashes when you try to do anything only if you try to simply hit play as the app opens.  which essentially is like playing your entire collection on random.
But if I use any of the options of choosing such as playlist, artist, or album to play music, which is the only way i ever do it anyway, than it allows me to do anything else i want.. unless of course another app needs to make sounds, but thats the case i believe for any app.
I dont extensively use a lot of apps that make sounds though so i cant say for sure.  i successfully browsed the web, typed an email (even though technically it does click when i type) and used a few other apps like flashlight, contacts, etc.. and it did not crash.
All i can really say for sure is that i have used this app every day since i started this thread, and it has few enough bugs that i have made it my primary music  listening app and have never become even mildly frustrated from the occasional glitches.  it actually works quite well.  in fact i rarely have any issues at all.  occasionally it will skip a few times right after it starts playing, but this always dissapates in a few moments. 
I dont know if the experience on ipad will differ, though it would be sweeeeeeet to have such a big screen to work with.  I hope it works out for you.
Dec 31, 2010 at 11:18 PM Post #24 of 458

im still baffled at the lack of comments about this seemingly awesome development.

Then I'll give some comments... frickin' awesome!!! Great find, is EQu new or did I miss it somehow? 'Completely changed my experience' is right, I'm having the time of my (audio) life with this thing. Makes the Touch/iPhone go from last place to first in the realm of custom EQ with that parametric UI (looks and works great on a Retina display.) Best of all there seems to be no hit to audio quality, SNR, etc. Maybe battery life, we'll see... but who cares!
Only bug I've found so far is that the program does not respond properly to a mic remote control button. Instead of one tap to pause, two taps to advance to next track, etc., bizzare things happen. The pause doesn't work and track changes are unpredictable. But a small bug and I'm sure they'll fix it soon.
Dec 31, 2010 at 11:25 PM Post #25 of 458

Then I'll give some comments... frickin' awesome!!! Great find, is EQu new or did I miss it somehow? 'Completely changed my experience' is right, I'm having the time of my (audio) life with this thing. Makes the Touch/iPhone go from last place to first in the realm of custom EQ with that parametric UI (looks and works great on a Retina display.) Best of all there seems to be no hit to audio quality, SNR, etc. Maybe battery life, we'll see... but who cares!
Only bug I've found so far is that the program does not respond properly to a mic remote control button. Instead of one tap to pause, two taps to advance to next track, etc., bizzare things happen. The pause doesn't work and track changes are unpredictable. But a small bug and I'm sure they'll fix it soon.

hey now thats more like it! 
i suggest shooting an email to the dev.  about the remote issue.
yeah its great to have such a low distortion level, and even if its an issue you can just drag the whole thing downward at once.   I actually do this every time, so for example if i have created a lot of big peaks i will just drag the whole eq line down until the top peak is at zero, thus no distortion possible.  great feature
Dec 31, 2010 at 11:53 PM Post #26 of 458
What this does for a set of Shure SE530 is incredible... that liquid midrange with highs and lows tailored to (my own) perfection. I'm just stunned at the improvement over the stock EQ.
Dec 31, 2010 at 11:57 PM Post #27 of 458
How about creating a separate thread based on the app you guys have been mentioning. Especially since this thread was based on the iPod's being able to use custom EQ settings, NOT on using an app on the iPod touch or the iPhone - the title is deceptive and misleading.
Do all of your co-Head-Fi'ers a favor, don't mislead the nOObs that might join as well, please. 

Jan 1, 2011 at 12:58 AM Post #29 of 458

I suggested creating a thread about the app that they're referring to, not "restarting a thread". This was about a "custom EQ" that could be created via the presets in iTunes, so the title does end up being (unintentionally) deceptive.
I don't think that there's anything misleading about the current thread title, or at least not to the point where it's worth restarting the thread.

Jan 1, 2011 at 1:25 AM Post #30 of 458
this thread has never been about creating custom eq settings via itunes.  in fact that has never been mentioned in this thread at all.  it has always been about eq apps.  I have however been editing the title to hopefully more closely reflect the overall idea, which i just did again.

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