QUAD ERA-1 Thread
Jul 20, 2020 at 3:34 PM Post #1,051 of 2,286
Has anyone tried the ERA-1 with amps from opposite sides of the spectrum like THX and OTL tubes? I am running mine alternately with the SMSL SP200 and the LD MK3 and one of the things that i really like about the Quads is their malleability. Extremely transparent, precise and neutral with the SP200 and very enjoyably organic and layered with LD MK3, at least as far as it sounds to me. You might want to give it a try if you haven't done so already.
Jul 20, 2020 at 3:52 PM Post #1,052 of 2,286
Heard them with the Quad PA-One Plus in comparison with the Musical Fidelity MX-HPA (no THX) at Hifi-Concept in Munich.
While it sounds really pleasant on the PA-One, the MX took them a bit further, imo.
On the MX, the sound out of the Era-1 was more engaging to me.
But that impression was from a short, maybe 30 minutes, audition.

Will take a look at this behavior to expand my experience. :)

One thing is really consistent with the Era-1, wherever you plug them in it (mostly) sounds quite enjoyable. :L3000:

How is your Hedd going? :wink:

Saving some funds to get the iFi Pro iCAN soon.
Curios about the iCAN attached to my R28.
I'll report back once it arrive.

Have a great day.
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Jul 20, 2020 at 4:12 PM Post #1,053 of 2,286
Has anyone tried the ERA-1 with amps from opposite sides of the spectrum like THX and OTL tubes? I am running mine alternately with the SMSL SP200 and the LD MK3 and one of the things that i really like about the Quads is their malleability. Extremely transparent, precise and neutral with the SP200 and very enjoyably organic and layered with LD MK3, at least as far as it sounds to me. You might want to give it a try if you haven't done so already.
Interesting, I've been wondering about tube amps. I don't really like how my Fiio K5 pro (powerful neutral SS amp) makes the Quad sound. I feel like my $20 Fiio E5 makes a better job at make its timbre shine. Actually I feel the same about the HD600 lol... Maybe it's placebo in full effect. Honestly though I don't feel like the Quad requires that much power, 100 mw already drives them as well as one full watt.
Jul 20, 2020 at 6:47 PM Post #1,054 of 2,286
Saving some funds to get the iFi Pro iCAN soon.
Curios about the iCAN attached to my R28.
I'll report back once it arrive.

Please do, I'll be around to read your impressions and help out if needed :beerchug:
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Jul 25, 2020 at 2:35 PM Post #1,056 of 2,286
@Chris Kaoss Sorry for the direct question, but would you say there would be a big difference when you power the Quads with an amplifier versus just listening to them direct from the LG V30?
It's not happening with these headphones at the moment but I'm aware I might be under-powering them.

I've compared the ERA-1 with my Jotunheim vs my Samsung S8.. Although I was surprised how good it sounded on the S8 it's pretty much apples and oranges.

There is more of everything using a proper amp.. Control, definition, space, soundstage, bass-range, treble-clarity... You name it, a good amp does it better than a good phone..
Jul 25, 2020 at 6:27 PM Post #1,058 of 2,286
@Chris Kaoss Sorry for the direct question, but would you say there would be a big difference when you power the Quads with an amplifier versus just listening to them direct from the LG V30?
It's not happening with these headphones at the moment but I'm aware I might be under-powering them.
Yes, there's a difference.
But this belongs to every planar, not only to the Quads.
Every planar do love power.
While the Era-1 sounds quite enjoyable out of the V30, my R28 adds more omph to the party.
Firstly, this is a different dac than the ESS on the V30, which should have an impact on the overall sound.
The amp in the R28 drowns nearly 10watts on 20ohms at 100%.
As i mostly listening at 60 to 65 out of 100 steps in volume level, the data sheets says that it is below 10% of the max output of the R28 bc of the "super" exponential volume metric of it.

While the amp of the R28 is death neutral the additional "coloration", besides the raw power, comes from the R2R dac, i think.

A THX amp should be fine for a proper amplification of the most planars, i guess.

But there's one think to consider, and that is gear synergy.
The Quad isn't as prone as some other planar headphone, but it is another possibility to keep in mind.
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Jul 25, 2020 at 7:41 PM Post #1,059 of 2,286
As a general rule I would say that if you don't like an underpowered headphone, there is little chance you will start loving it with a powerful amp. At least with something like the Quad. As others said, it already sounds good (not great) with a smartphone. Another thing to consider is burn in. I don't know if it's real but give it a couple of weeks of full use and see if something happens. My Quad was quite sibilant at the beginning.
Jul 27, 2020 at 3:32 AM Post #1,060 of 2,286
I now have my second pair of Quads, the first ones had vibration on the left side at lower frequencies / bass.

I agree with mobbadict, these get better and better with time, actually quite a lot better, better than others I have burned in - I think. I started using the new ones now two days ago, and there is a very different sound in these. Can't wait for these to open up too.

Another thing, what do you think about what Sandu Vitalie says about these cans, have other similar experiences?

"How should I put it…my former planar-magnetic headphone that I purchased and used for quite some time was a pair of 4000 USD/4100 EUR Audeze LCD-4 and all in all I do believe Quad ERA-1 can stand shoulder to shoulder to LCD-4 on almost every technical aspect."

Jul 27, 2020 at 3:49 AM Post #1,061 of 2,286
I now have my second pair of Quads, the first ones had vibration on the left side at lower frequencies / bass.

I agree with mobbadict, these get better and better with time, actually quite a lot better, better than others I have burned in - I think. I started using the new ones now two days ago, and there is a very different sound in these. Can't wait for these to open up too.

Another thing, what do you think about what Sandu Vitalie says about these cans, have other similar experiences?

"How should I put it…my former planar-magnetic headphone that I purchased and used for quite some time was a pair of 4000 USD/4100 EUR Audeze LCD-4 and all in all I do believe Quad ERA-1 can stand shoulder to shoulder to LCD-4 on almost every technical aspect."

Good to know about burn in :)

Sandu then said the opposite later in his full review of the LCD4, I believe his opinion may have changed because of his difficult the Audeze is to drive.

"LCD-4 trounces those two and is doing all that on a higher level."
Jul 27, 2020 at 3:51 AM Post #1,062 of 2,286
I now have my second pair of Quads, the first ones had vibration on the left side at lower frequencies / bass.

I agree with mobbadict, these get better and better with time, actually quite a lot better, better than others I have burned in - I think. I started using the new ones now two days ago, and there is a very different sound in these. Can't wait for these to open up too.

Another thing, what do you think about what Sandu Vitalie says about these cans, have other similar experiences?

"How should I put it…my former planar-magnetic headphone that I purchased and used for quite some time was a pair of 4000 USD/4100 EUR Audeze LCD-4 and all in all I do believe Quad ERA-1 can stand shoulder to shoulder to LCD-4 on almost every technical aspect."


Nice to hear your problem is solved. Did you contact hififreaks or Quad themselves?

The review is, in my opinion, spot on. I read it before I bought my ERA-1, the fact he compared it to the HD660S that I owned gave me some perspective. The only thing I disagree with is that I don't think it is a boring design. :wink:
Jul 27, 2020 at 4:01 AM Post #1,063 of 2,286
That review was also one of the things that convinced me about the Quad :) I mostly agree with him on the rest, but I don't know if he's the most reliable reviewer. Let's not forget many bloggers get free samples to review (I don't know about Sandu but I find he's always positive about the gear he tests).
Lately I've been looking at YouTubers as I think it's more interesting to hear them speaking with simple words, rather than read audiophile jargon. Of course the same issue exists with YouTubers (just look at Z reviews...).
Jul 27, 2020 at 4:27 AM Post #1,064 of 2,286
That review was also one of the things that convinced me about the Quad :) I mostly agree with him on the rest, but I don't know if he's the most reliable reviewer. Let's not forget many bloggers get free samples to review (I don't know about Sandu but I find he's always positive about the gear he tests).
Lately I've been looking at YouTubers as I think it's more interesting to hear them speaking with simple words, rather than read audiophile jargon. Of course the same issue exists with YouTubers (just look at Z reviews...).
Hear, hear..

That is probably the most universal problem with reviews.

Ultimately it is someone's opinion and we will never know if there is a hidden agenda. Comparing reviews over time, comparing conclusions with equipment that you are personally familiar with gives you some idea of where a reviewer is coming from, but at the end of the day trusted reviewers can point you in the right direction, but it is only you that can decide and conclude..
Until that moment though, I love reading reviews. Dreaming of the stuff that you cannot afford (In my case that LCD4 level) and imagining how that would sound to you..
Jul 27, 2020 at 4:56 AM Post #1,065 of 2,286
Hear, hear..

That is probably the most universal problem with reviews.

Ultimately it is someone's opinion and we will never know if there is a hidden agenda. Comparing reviews over time, comparing conclusions with equipment that you are personally familiar with gives you some idea of where a reviewer is coming from, but at the end of the day trusted reviewers can point you in the right direction, but it is only you that can decide and conclude..
Until that moment though, I love reading reviews. Dreaming of the stuff that you cannot afford (In my case that LCD4 level) and imagining how that would sound to you..
Yes I agree with your approach. Then for something like the LCD4 I think you would need to hear it at some point, it's crazy to spend that amount of money without knowing what you're buying. I did that for the Quad because of the overwhelming reviews (was there anyone disliking this headphone here?) but that really was a shot in the dark. There is a hifi show in Paris in November where I hope I can listen to a few planar flagships, which will be interesting since I'm used to the Quad sound now.

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