QDC - Discussion and Impressions Thread
Apr 9, 2019 at 6:25 PM Post #511 of 2,734
Cool, thanks and good to hear. The inability to try them out is a little bit disappointing but the feedback from impressions and reviews has been pretty positive so far. Unfortunately it sounds like they're not going to Axpona, Canjam Socal or RMAF this year so a demo for me won't be possible. Just curious which TOTL IEMs you compared the VX to?
I compared the VX to the 64 Audio Tia Fourte. I felt the bass was better on the VX and a bit smoother Highs ( I was using Cayin N8 in tube mode by the way). The Fourte is a great IEM, but that treble can get sibilant fast, especially if you like listening to Adele. I also compared to Custom Noble Encore and the universal VX had equal or better bass, a nicer midrange and both had excellent treble. I would say the VX was a bit more detailed without being sibilant in the treble. I love my Encore, but the VX was better. I would not make this switch though if only universal was offered. I expect the improvement to grow once I have the custom as this is what occurred with the Encore. I also then tried increasing the bass on the VX and this was interesting. I did not have time to stay all day and listen, but the controls on the VX might actually be valuable. We will find out once I own it. I compared to the Khan as well, though I had returned these already. So this is only memory, which is never really reliable with music. But as I felt my Custom Encore was right with the Universal Khan, the VX was more musical in the midrange and did not have any noise when connected to my iPhone or Dragonfly Red as the Khan did.
I also tried out the VE 6 ( the VE8 was not there to try). I was very impressed with this IEM. I felt the VX superior, but I would like to someday test their new top of the line universal. The AAW Mockingbird was also available to test, but I was not a fan. It just did not have the bass impact to even be considered a competitor to the VX. I like tight impactful bass when the music calls for it. The Tia Fourte had much better bass than the AAW. I own the Fourte, Andromeda and the Encore. I did not have the Andromeda with me at the time though, which is why I did not mention it. In the past I have owned the Shure SE846 and the Westone W80. The Fourte, Andromeda and Encore are all superior to both of them which is why I do not own them now. I hope this helps you a bit with your decision.
Apr 9, 2019 at 10:16 PM Post #512 of 2,734
I compared the VX to the 64 Audio Tia Fourte. I felt the bass was better on the VX and a bit smoother Highs ( I was using Cayin N8 in tube mode by the way). The Fourte is a great IEM, but that treble can get sibilant fast, especially if you like listening to Adele. I also compared to Custom Noble Encore and the universal VX had equal or better bass, a nicer midrange and both had excellent treble. I would say the VX was a bit more detailed without being sibilant in the treble. I love my Encore, but the VX was better. I would not make this switch though if only universal was offered. I expect the improvement to grow once I have the custom as this is what occurred with the Encore. I also then tried increasing the bass on the VX and this was interesting. I did not have time to stay all day and listen, but the controls on the VX might actually be valuable. We will find out once I own it. I compared to the Khan as well, though I had returned these already. So this is only memory, which is never really reliable with music. But as I felt my Custom Encore was right with the Universal Khan, the VX was more musical in the midrange and did not have any noise when connected to my iPhone or Dragonfly Red as the Khan did.
I also tried out the VE 6 ( the VE8 was not there to try). I was very impressed with this IEM. I felt the VX superior, but I would like to someday test their new top of the line universal. The AAW Mockingbird was also available to test, but I was not a fan. It just did not have the bass impact to even be considered a competitor to the VX. I like tight impactful bass when the music calls for it. The Tia Fourte had much better bass than the AAW. I own the Fourte, Andromeda and the Encore. I did not have the Andromeda with me at the time though, which is why I did not mention it. In the past I have owned the Shure SE846 and the Westone W80. The Fourte, Andromeda and Encore are all superior to both of them which is why I do not own them now. I hope this helps you a bit with your decision.
That's great info thanks. I also have the Andromeda and have been itching to try the Solaris, Khan, Rai Penta and any other hybrids I can get my hands on, but hearing about the all BA VX has me thinking in a different direction. Maybe I'll try to make it to Canjam NYC next year if QDC makes an appearance there again.
Apr 12, 2019 at 5:18 PM Post #513 of 2,734
Just got a pair of the Anole VX-S in today. So far things are sounding really good. Just curious, what tips are QDC owners finding best for these BA IEMs? Also, does anyone know what brand/make BA drivers the VX has? In all I've read up on this IEM prior to purchasing, I can't recall seeing any mention of what type they use.

Thanks in advance.
Apr 12, 2019 at 6:51 PM Post #514 of 2,734
Just got a pair of the Anole VX-S in today. So far things are sounding really good. Just curious, what tips are QDC owners finding best for these BA IEMs? Also, does anyone know what brand/make BA drivers the VX has? In all I've read up on this IEM prior to purchasing, I can't recall seeing any mention of what type they use.

Thanks in advance.

i use sony hybrid tips with my VX, and i do believe they use knowles drivers.
Apr 12, 2019 at 10:09 PM Post #516 of 2,734
Just got a pair of the Anole VX-S in today. So far things are sounding really good. Just curious, what tips are QDC owners finding best for these BA IEMs? Also, does anyone know what brand/make BA drivers the VX has? In all I've read up on this IEM prior to purchasing, I can't recall seeing any mention of what type they use.

Thanks in advance.
Not sure about driver type, but I'm back and forth between spiral dots and peeled Symbio W's. I can't seem to get a proper seal with foam tips, which I'd prefer.

Tell us more of your impressions?
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Apr 13, 2019 at 12:34 AM Post #518 of 2,734
Not sure about driver type, but I'm back and forth between spiral dots and peeled Symbio W's. I can't seem to get a proper seal with foam tips, which I'd prefer.

Tell us more of your impressions?

Cool, thanks for the info. I'll try some Hybrids, as I have some pairs around. So far, Dita single flange silicones are working best to me at this early stage. Will keep experimenting with what I have though.

Initial thoughts: The first couple songs I played I was sort of underwhelmed... but the more I went through some of my favorite music, the more I realized how this IEM doesn't put a foot wrong at all. Also, like you noted about the bass, I am pleasantly surprised. Actually your comments about the bass from when you first got your set were what tipped my willingness to drop so much money on an IEM. Now I'm really glad I did. To me early on, the VX is on a whole other level over the Tanchjim Oxygen, and Moondrop A8, both of which I consider great IEMs. Now doing comparisons for a while tonight, I really hear what a large step up the VX is over those two.

The things I hear over the O2 & A8 are significantly more expansive sense of space, both in width, and depth. The bass is right on par with the O2 (with a quicker decay), and that is with the switch on default. I haven't even played with any of the switches as I enjoy the sound as is on default across the board. Have no desire to. Maybe sometime this weekend I'll click the bass switch up and see what depths that brings, but for now quite happy with the lows. There is a sense of tactile realism to every note, whether it's the mids, highs, or lows... there's just so much definition and a carving of each sound's place in 3D space. Very nice. And there's great speed to those notes. Even the A8 has a touch of smearing by comparison. Again, the first couple songs I thought uh oh, I don't really love this IEM like all the hype suggested. But after some time, I really hear the elevated qualities across the board.
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Apr 15, 2019 at 3:04 AM Post #519 of 2,734
Hi, new member here. I have been reading some posts recently about IEMs in general. I would like to purchase only one "if possible" high end IEM, my budget is 1000-2000$ though i would like it to be as close as 1000$ as possible.
If you have to keep only one model of qdc which would it be? 8, gemini, vx?
How would you compare them to the andromeda/ andromeda S/ solaris.
Intended use would be listening to rock music, and maybe gaming if they work for that, also portability for when im not in my home.
Im basically thinking between these 2 brands (as i still dont have enough knowledge in this matter)

My Gear currently is an Audeze LCD2C which sounds pretty good to me, but i cant wear it more than 3 hours because of neck problems, i also own a sennheiser pc37x for gaming, and my DAC/Amp is a Denon S740HE3 AVR which is connected to my win10 pc.
Waiting for a RME ADI 2DAC which i ordered from EU.

I appreciate your comments
Apr 15, 2019 at 9:04 AM Post #520 of 2,734
Here is a slightly alternative take on the Anole VX. Actually not that much of an alternative take, but another data point for anyone interested in the VX.

VX is a neutral IEM with respect to its overall signature. But it does carry some brightness in its signature due to a slightly bright upper-mids and treble. But calling the IEM bright would not be correct. I guess you could say the tone of the IEM is neutral-bright. So if you are like me, who prefers a neutral-warm sound, VX may be a bit bright for you and fatigue might settle in sooner or later, as it is not a very forgiving IEM. While at the same time, it is not adamantly unforgiving either. Meaning, with well recorded tracks and a smooth sounding source, it’s going to sound quite forgiving. Also, don’t confuse brightness with leanness, as VX is not lean sounding. If anything, VX’s midrange is full bodied with a touch of brightness in the upper registers. It is tuned with clarity in mind than emotion. As result, the transparency and realism in the midrange is extremely high and noteworthy. This makes the VX an excellent reference monitor. If I was a recording engineer, I would pick the Anole VX over many TOTL IEMs I have tried so far (U10, U12, U18t, Fourte, Layla, Zeus, Phantom, Legend X, Andro, W900, K10, Katana, NT6, Samba), as it is the most correct and accurate sounding IEM in my books, except for that slight brightness.

Bass is a typical well-done BA type bass, with a priority on technicalities than impact. But flipping the bass switch tilts the scale on to the impact side. As you would expect with a BA bass, it is taut and quick in decay. But the increase in impact makes up for it. I like to leave the bass switch in the ON position, as it adds a certain fun factor. Which reminds me, VX is also very versatile with the genres. For genres like pop and electronic, the bass switch helps add a healthy, yet clean bass boost. I tried the Mid and Treble switch and it makes the IEM even more aggressive. People who love an energetic or aggressive sound would really love the VX. But people who prefer a laidback sound, VX would be a bit overwhelming even with all switches in the down/Off position. As for the soundstage, it’s a cube shaped stage with the priority for depth over width. So the soundstage may not come across as super spacious. But it is quite large stage that is adequately airy. As the resolution of the IEM is quite high, instrument separation, layering and imaging precision are effortless. The placement of instruments is a bit forward, which contributes to the IEM having the energetic/aggressive character.

While the VX is very versatile of music genres and mightn’t also work for movies, it’s not an IEM I would pick for gaming. It’s not that it won’t work for games, but I’d rather go for something like the IE80. Compared to the LCD2C, VX is going to be a bit more aggressive, softer in the bass, less warm in the midrange and may be just a hair brighter in the treble. VX might come across as having more details. But 2C has a more natural presentation. I would pick the 2C any day over the VX, if it weren’t for the hefty weight of the headphone.
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Apr 15, 2019 at 9:16 AM Post #521 of 2,734
Just got my qdc 3sh today and they sound amazing :) Was wondering what replacement cables (in case mine break) would work for these iems since it doesn't seem like many companies make cables for qdc's and 120 shipping from qdc is just too much.
Apr 15, 2019 at 10:37 AM Post #524 of 2,734
Australia... don't have that many headphone stores here unfortunately

Contact @EffectAudio . They have collaborated with QDC before to release special edition IEMs. So they might be familiar with QDC connectors and polarity.
Apr 15, 2019 at 11:35 AM Post #525 of 2,734
Hi, new member here. I have been reading some posts recently about IEMs in general. I would like to purchase only one "if possible" high end IEM, my budget is 1000-2000$ though i would like it to be as close as 1000$ as possible.
If you have to keep only one model of qdc which would it be? 8, gemini, vx?
How would you compare them to the andromeda/ andromeda S/ solaris.
Intended use would be listening to rock music, and maybe gaming if they work for that, also portability for when im not in my home.
Im basically thinking between these 2 brands (as i still dont have enough knowledge in this matter)

My Gear currently is an Audeze LCD2C which sounds pretty good to me, but i cant wear it more than 3 hours because of neck problems, i also own a sennheiser pc37x for gaming, and my DAC/Amp is a Denon S740HE3 AVR which is connected to my win10 pc.
Waiting for a RME ADI 2DAC which i ordered from EU.

I appreciate your comments

I would not recommend CFA IEMs if you listens to mainly rock, since they are not particularly great with male vocal aside from the solaris. But unless you have to have DD bass, there is also no reason to pick Solaris over the qdc 8 drivers, since Solaris lacks the technicalities qdc flagship IEM offers.

The difference between the qdc flagships are somewhat minor, 8SS is the most neutral, 8SH got a bit more bass than 8SS but less treble. 8SL has even more bass boost that 8SH. Gemini is like 8SL with more treble, and VX is like Gemini with better resolution.
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