PX100-II Review | Discussion Thread
May 4, 2015 at 10:04 AM Post #466 of 734
  I'm sure you do understand the difference between a bunch of random negative reviews and negative reviews predominantly bemoaning the same defect of the product. No point in explaining that. Your Lamborghini reference is irrelevant, I am afraid.
I've noted your advice to email Sennheiser. I will probably do it. Bringing it up here is also important, for those who come in here to indulge in the "appreciation" of these fine headphones of nearly disposable build quality. 

May 4, 2015 at 11:44 AM Post #467 of 734
Come on mate, that's a bit harsh. Morrison (?) is just lending an opinion. It's a valid one I suppose too. I had similar problems when I complained on the V-Moda thread. You can't please everyone all the time.

Anyway, am I alone in using these with HD414 pads? They sound even better imo. And theyre bright yellow!

Back on thread. The first thing I did when I bought my px100ii was to install the HD414 pads. IMHO this improved the sound markedly, widened the sound stage , tamed the bass and enhanced the highs, but left it lacking somewhat, so i then reinstalled the stock pads adding the HD414 pads over the top. This gave a sound signature that was pleasing to my ears. Have not tried the quarter mod yet, but will get another set of pads to try this on in the future.

Also they look fantastic with the yellow pads.
May 6, 2015 at 9:43 AM Post #468 of 734
  I'm sure you do understand the difference between a bunch of random negative reviews and negative reviews predominantly bemoaning the same defect of the product. No point in explaining that. Your Lamborghini reference is irrelevant, I am afraid.
I've noted your advice to email Sennheiser. I will probably do it. Bringing it up here is also important, for those who come in here to indulge in the "appreciation" of these fine headphones of nearly disposable build quality. 

If you found a consistent problem, contact Sennheiser. Sitting in here bitching about it won't change them I'm afraid :/
May 6, 2015 at 1:56 PM Post #469 of 734
Why is pointing out a serious defect on an otherwise good quality electronic product considered "bitching"? This is a forum where headphones are discussed. So, I am discussing PX100 ii and observing a major flaw on it which needs to be considered by everyone who comes in here looking for information on these phones. What's the big deal?
May 6, 2015 at 2:02 PM Post #470 of 734
  Why is pointing out a serious defect on an otherwise good quality electronic product considered "bitching"? This is a forum where headphones are discussed. So, I am discussing PX100 ii and observing a major flaw on it which needs to be considered by everyone who comes in here looking for information on these phones. What's the big deal?

Unfortunately, I have to agree. My PX100 II has the same defect. The plug was faulty. Lasted less, than 6 month. Such a pity.
May 6, 2015 at 2:11 PM Post #471 of 734
Unfortunately, I have to agree. My PX100 II has the same defect. The plug was faulty. Lasted less, than 6 month. Such a pity.

You are one of the many users with such an experience. In fact, it is overwhelmingly the most frequently sited complaint about them. But most members of this forum prefer slavish praise from us, regardless. The mere mention of its defect seems to be taken as a slap in their face. 
May 6, 2015 at 3:02 PM Post #472 of 734
That's simply not true. There's over 400 posts in this thread and a great many focus on this design weakness. I conceded myself that there's clearly a problem with the plug & cable design.

But yet, to the best of my knowledge not one complainant on here has made the effort to complain to Sennheiser themselves. Or, if they have, they've failed to report Sennheiser's reply (if any).

Factor in that the overwhelming majority of reviews on Amazon give them 5 out of 5 stars I just can't see the point of banging this same drum.

I've mentioned I had a similar issue with the build quality of A pair of V-Moda's I owned but I vowed V-Moda wouldn't be getting another penny from me. But those were £300 headphones, not £40 consumables.

I strongly suggest you investigate products from other manufacturers & save yourself the grief.

One more thing. I was very rude to you Morris a couple of days ago. I apologize unreservedly. I buried my Dad just last week & things obviously haven't been good. Not your problem I know, but that was why I pleaded that we all just chill out a bit. Perspective is a handy thing.

May 6, 2015 at 4:11 PM Post #473 of 734
Sorry to hear that, Gordon. Losing a parent is a terrible experience. I can sympathize too well, unfortunately. I've lost both.
Now, turning to PX100 ii, let me just say that I don't honestly believe reporting the issue to Sennheiser is going to be as effective as talking about what is wrong about the product online. Corporations simply don't work that way. I might get a polite response from them saying they will forward my complaint to their engineers but that usually doesn't mean much. What they might pay attention to is the user ratings, and -- believe it or not -- threads like this. It is obvious reading the Amazon reviews that lots of folks bought PX100 ii influenced by Katun's gushing praise right here. I am not shocked by that. That's how internet sales work these days, it seems. 
Still, I am going to take some time to compile a complete list of cable-specific complaints from Amazon and elsewhere and send it to them, so they know this isn't just one person having a bad experience. Amazing that I'm willing to take the time to do something like this. Goes to show how much I enjoy the sound and comfort I am getting out of these. (Now, if they ever made one with detachable cable, Katun's praise would be painfully understated.)
Also, let's not be afraid to consider another factor, which I've already mentioned in an albeit inappropriate context... Planned obsolescence is actually no joke. Companies do this. And it should not be tolerated. What else would explain the fact that so many cheaper products come with better cables and secure connections?  
While it is true that "the overwhelming majority of reviews on Amazon give them 5 out of 5," those who don't mostly complain about this one thing. That should have been prominently reflected in Katun's review. Since it wasn't, I will be happy to bring it up here - repeatedly, if I need to.
May 6, 2015 at 4:16 PM Post #474 of 734
Fair enough Morris (?).
I do actually understand and accept the concept of planned obsolescence. The car industry has thrived on it for decades. But consumers are gullible. I guess I'm lucky in as much as - at least hifi-wise - I've found my end game. Unless you want to start me on Sennheiser's choice of connectors at the earcups of the HD 650. But that's for another thread.
Peace out.
May 6, 2015 at 4:41 PM Post #475 of 734
Yes, you can call me Morris. Glad to see HD650 can be someone's end game these days. People seem eager to forget yesterday's flagships. (I wish I'm able to achieve that level of satisfaction with my HD600.)
May 6, 2015 at 4:47 PM Post #476 of 734
  Yes, you can call me Morris. Glad to see HD650 can be someone's end game these days. People seem eager to forget yesterday's flagships. (I wish I'm able to achieve that level of satisfaction with my HD600.)

What do you use to amp the 600?
May 6, 2015 at 4:59 PM Post #478 of 734
  PreSonus HP4. It's a $130 4-channel amp. Dead quiet and gets as loud as I'd ever want. Not sure upgrading it is a real necessity. 

If you heard my 650's driven by my Project Ember I guarantee you'd change your mind. The HD 6xx's thrive on power. It's not about volume, rather about really taking a grip of the drivers.
May 6, 2015 at 5:23 PM Post #479 of 734
If you heard my 650's driven by my Project Ember I guarantee you'd change your mind. The HD 6xx's thrive on power. It's not about volume, rather about really taking a grip of the drivers.

As an engineer, I don't quite understand the volume vs power distinction you're making. It sounds strange to me but I'm willing explore it. I'll read up. 
May 6, 2015 at 6:02 PM Post #480 of 734
  As an engineer, I don't quite understand the volume vs power distinction you're making. It sounds strange to me but I'm willing explore it. I'll read up. 

I get that. Think about it this way then. Compare the effects on a car of power v torque. In a headphone power actually translates to torque.

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