Aug 23, 2010 at 3:49 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 22


Headphoneus Supremus
Feb 13, 2007
I thought it would be fun to start a thread collecting funny pranks or prank ideas that you may have used on friends, family, and co-workers. Any good stories to share?
Aug 23, 2010 at 4:08 PM Post #2 of 22
My co-workers are always playing jokes. 
One day while sitting in my cube, the guy in the office that looks into my cube shouts out "hey is there a spider near the post that goes into the celling?"
I look at him, expecting him to scare me, and say "hunh"
he repeats himself, and adds that its right near where that column thingy meets the wall. 
Like an idiot I start staring at the corner there and another co-worker stands up from behind the wall. 
I nearly jumped out of my chair, and screamed like a little girl. 
how we all laughed.
Aug 23, 2010 at 4:14 PM Post #3 of 22
For co-workers, we used to mess around with name tags which we could print at work. Our name tags have the name in large font in the middle and company position centered beneath. Obviously vulgar names wouldn't be a very good choice due to the dealings with customers, but simple and subtle things like "Produce Inspector" and "Specialty Massage Manager" would get a nice laugh out of the customer.
My group of friends is usually quite crude with pranks, but occasionally we dish out something fun. Taping a picture of a naked man on the ceiling above a friend's bed, covering a friend with pickles after they passed out on a hammock (yes I know, a terrible waste of pickles) and convincing an inebriated friend that something outrageous is actually factual (more fun than it sounds).
Aug 23, 2010 at 5:09 PM Post #4 of 22
Alot of the pranks we "used" to do at work, would be with peoples backgrounds on there computer. If they left work logged on then its all go! Cutting and pasting someone's face onto a guy wearing budgie smugglers and laying on a blow up mattress within a pool etc. When they log on the next day its always a good laugh seeing there reaction.
Probably the best one i have ever done was with a fella who wasnt very computer literate. I screen captured the background he had, hid all of his desktop icons and replaced it with the screen shot.... He was screwed for days, even had the I.T department confused when he rang them.
Aug 23, 2010 at 5:27 PM Post #5 of 22
I work in a restaurant. Once we ordered ice cream for a large order we had. With the ice cream came a large block of dry ice, which had kept it cold. We put the block into our dish washing machine, which instantly started fuming. I yelled angrily at our trainee (who had been washing there a while ago) to come and see what he had done. You should have seen the look on his face when he saw the smoke-filled machine and all of us looking angrily at him and blaming him for it.
Aug 23, 2010 at 5:33 PM Post #6 of 22

Originally Posted by Landis /img/forum/go_quote.gif
 convincing an inebriated friend that something outrageous is actually factual (more fun than it sounds).

That is quite possibly the most boring way you could have said that... Good stuff, though. 

I was at the home of one of my friends with a group of guys one afternoon, and unbeknownst to the host friend, we had brought someone's xbox that had red ringed out of warranty and kind of deconstructed and smashed parts. We spread those all over his basement, and hid his functioning xbox. Then we made a small sparkler bomb (I'm sure that some guys 'round these parts have made some in their youth, it's a fun thing that we do regularly) with a really long fuse, then set it off and returned upstairs. The resulting bang brought our friend down, and he freeeeaked out, thinking that his xbox exploded. I've never heard so many R-rated expletives in my life. Very fun time.
Aug 24, 2010 at 4:12 PM Post #7 of 22
The best prank I successfully pulled off was using .22 shotshells in a revovler, pretending I could shoot dragonflies at 10-15 ft.
I alternated shot rounds with stubbies in a 9 shot revolver and had an impromptu "contest" while out on a lake with a friend. 
Aug 24, 2010 at 4:31 PM Post #8 of 22
Lots and lots.
One time at my last job, the high-speed printer spat out a bunch of pages of random characters.  It did that occasionally and it usually went to the recycling bin.  But one time, we stapled the pages together, put a formal filestamp on it and holepunched it to go in the hanging files.
There was one co-worker who wasn't terribly bright and horribly rigid and inflexible in her belief systems.  You know the type.
So we dropped the gobbledygook "filing" into an interoffice envelope and sent it to her.  Oh, my favorite part was that I deliberately misspelled her name.  Nothing obscene or hurtful, I simply substituted an "A" for an "O" to make it look like a careless mistake.
The next day, the envelope arrives at the not-so-favorite co-worker's desk.  She immediately begins foaming at the mouth because her name was misspelled and how careless and awful people are around there.  Then she was thoroughly confused by the document - it never really occurred to her that it might have been a joke.  Instead, she starts sending firmwide emails trying to find who sent it her and which file it was supposed to go in.  She probably wasted a good two hours trying to figure out where it came from before giving up.
Even then, she kept grumbling about her misspelled name.
Aug 24, 2010 at 4:44 PM Post #9 of 22
Best prank I've ever heard...
1) Gasoline canister, fill with water.
2) Wood matches
3) Q-tip dipped in gasoline
1) Find sleeping/passed out friend
2) Use Q-tip to swab gasoline under nose of friend
3) Wake them up by pouring water on them from gasoline container, note that they will think it's gasoline as they smell gasoline from swab
4) Light match and toss it at them
5) Enjoy
Aug 24, 2010 at 9:29 PM Post #10 of 22
This had me in stitches!! Oh man!
Best prank I've ever heard...
1) Gasoline canister, fill with water.
2) Wood matches
3) Q-tip dipped in gasoline
1) Find sleeping/passed out friend
2) Use Q-tip to swab gasoline under nose of friend
3) Wake them up by pouring water on them from gasoline container, note that they will think it's gasoline as they smell gasoline from swab
4) Light match and toss it at them
5) Enjoy

Aug 25, 2010 at 3:03 AM Post #11 of 22
Back when I was 18 I had a job as a computer technician. One day I installed this joke program on the "admin" system. My boss went to use it and I could send commands remotely to it from over the network.
He'd click on excel to use it and it'd pop open and then i'd immediately minimize the window. I did this several times and then made the window move all around and then flip upside down. I was about 20 feet away from him and had a hard time trying to not laugh.
Here's the absolute best one though... while at this job we always had a customer's computer in for repair. My friend had just set up a customer's computer to repair. He went out for lunch and left it there. I set up a batch file in DOS that would churn the hard drive non-stop and look like it was formatting the hard drive. He came back and saw that and about had a heart attack.
My mother is a minister and reads the bible everyday and goes to church all the time. My friend called her answering machine while she was at work and "hacked" into it to change the message. He left the message that everyone hears when they call to "Hello, this is Jesus. I am not in right now, but please pray to me and I will answer you right away". Obviously she was not happy about this but later laughed about it. When I went on vacation with her she was feeling guilty about skipping church and thought that everyone would be wondering where she was. When we got back I called her answering machine before she got home and disguised my voice to sound like her pastor and asked why she was not at church on Sunday. I called 10 minutes later and the line was constantly busy. It turns out she was calling the church and trying to explain why she had missed church, but the church had never really called her and it was just me! She got so mad at me, but eventually found it funny. She's the type that would almost never miss church.
Aug 25, 2010 at 7:19 AM Post #12 of 22
I had these friends at work who would place a small spot of oil under the Bosses motorcycle. He took it to Honda and they took it apart to find the leak. No leak was found. The Boss rode the bike back to work and they did it again
The same guy would use the door code to open his truck door. These same workers watched him and learned his truck door code. They opened the door and found the keys in the ignition, moved the truck to another parking area.
The best prank was a lady finger firecracker in a cigarette. The great part of this was after the first cig exploded and scared the hell out of the guy, he ran around like he was going to kill somebody. When he calmed down he sat down and lit another only to have it explode again in his face........the best!
One afternoon a coworker brought in some home grown Habonaro chili peppers. These were small but the hottest thing this side of fire. We waited for a coworker who would eat lunch. He opened a Coke and then went into the bathroom to wash his hands. We placed the pepper all around the rim and placed a lot in parts broken up inside the Coke. We could see him from behind the glass window as the sat, he got relaxed, loosened his tie then took a huge swig of coke! His face turned bright red and he ran to the bathroom!
There was this party at a guys house. It was winter and they had a huge fire in the fire place. Someone went into the bathroom and found a brand new can of under arm spray. A 16 oz can. This can was placed under a log in the burning fire. After 4 min. the can blew sending burning embers all over the house and the log flying into the roof.
One Sunday the coworkers spent hours getting the Bosses desk ready for Monday. They took out all the stuff and lined the drawers with plastic trash bags. About 5 gallons of water filled the drawers to the top! He looked for his pen and water was everywhere!
For a big party in Newport Beach the crew found a billy goat at a remote location and gave him two gallons of red wine. A goat will drink what ever you give him. After the goat passed out they tied his legs and put him in the trunk of the car, in a big sack. Upon entering the party they hauled the goat upstairs to a bed room. The goat was hung over and mad as hell. He was let loose and ran threw the party to the dismay of many! After that a grand piano was run off a second story ballcony into the swimming pool. What a sound!
My last prank story is on the dangerous side. This happened to a company near where I used to work. A new employee did not like the treatment he was getting from his new coworkers. He thought it would be fun to bring in a tray of pot brownies and not tell the coworkers. this may seem like fun but it was the worst. Many people freaked out. The police were called, an ambulance had to be called as one guy layed on the ground and started crying!
Aug 25, 2010 at 11:47 AM Post #13 of 22
Remember to laugh maniacally
Best prank I've ever heard...
1) Gasoline canister, fill with water.
2) Wood matches
3) Q-tip dipped in gasoline
1) Find sleeping/passed out friend
2) Use Q-tip to swab gasoline under nose of friend
3) Wake them up by pouring water on them from gasoline container, note that they will think it's gasoline as they smell gasoline from swab
4) Light match and toss it at them
5) Enjoy

Aug 25, 2010 at 1:59 PM Post #14 of 22
You could laugh manically, or you could go for a more somber tone, and be like "I'm sorry I have to do this, [name]"
Truly hilarious prank, thanks for that

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