Power Cables... Really?

Jun 20, 2010 at 9:51 PM Post #152 of 417
So what? I may be a little more practical? Making my hobby a science project? Nope. It doesn't have to be? Really it doesn't. Especially when it comes to something as simple as power cables. Some make power cables a lot more than they are? There is no mysteries to them. Just a little money to find out if they help your rig or not.
Jun 20, 2010 at 9:54 PM Post #154 of 417
Curiosity question .... What price is too high to pay, if a person gains higher personal satisfaction by believing he hears improvements ?
I only have two things to say :
I am so very glad I am able to hear the minute differences that others say they can not hear. It makes my listening SO much more enjoyable !
The hobby and lifestyle of enjoying ALL things audio, which leads to such a high level of fun and satisfaction for me, would be so very dull if I were a cynic.
Jun 20, 2010 at 10:10 PM Post #155 of 417
Big poppa, you have to understand, most anti-cablers are not here for sharing subjective experiences with power cables. They're here because they want to ask for objective proof, and you can't get objective proof of hearing a certain cable when all you have to do is look at it to know it is a certain cable. Whenever someone asks for objective proof, you start going on and on about subjective experimentation, which I don't have anything against, but it is NOT objective data, so stop telling people looking for objective data to do subjective tests.
Jun 20, 2010 at 10:19 PM Post #156 of 417
In my experience anti-cablers don't want to spend the money upfront to find out for themselves. They would rather ask a million questions instead of experimenting and disclosing their findings that they are so interested in. Just my 2 cents. I am a doer, some anti-cablers just sit on the sidelines and just discount what ever somebody does.
Jun 20, 2010 at 10:41 PM Post #157 of 417
In my experience anti-cablers don't want to spend the money upfront to find out for themselves. They would rather ask a million questions instead of experimenting and disclosing their findings that they are so interested in. Just my 2 cents. I am a doer, some anti-cablers just sit on the sidelines and just discount what ever somebody does.

Why buy something you don't think is going to work?
Jun 20, 2010 at 10:44 PM Post #158 of 417

Why buy something you don't think is going to work?

How will you absolutely know until you try it? Really?
*I have crashed and burned so many times with cables learning what works and what doesn't. I have paid my dues. There is no short cut but maybe a little guidance?
Jun 20, 2010 at 10:50 PM Post #160 of 417
It is not business. Just a hobby.
Jun 20, 2010 at 10:52 PM Post #161 of 417
It's a business for the people selling the cables. It's a product for the people buying them.
You don't go out and buy a vacuum that may or may not clean better than a broom just because housekeeping is your hobby.
Jun 20, 2010 at 11:02 PM Post #162 of 417
With this hobby you have to buy everything. What is the point? Yes you can go to a meet like the Centralia meet where we had a free table and get something cool. I got some cool Telefunken tubes. Anyway, this hobby is what you make it. Some make it harder than others on themselves. Which boat are you on?
Jun 20, 2010 at 11:05 PM Post #163 of 417
In my experience anti-cablers don't want to spend the money upfront to find out for themselves. They would rather ask a million questions instead of experimenting and disclosing their findings that they are so interested in. Just my 2 cents. I am a doer, some anti-cablers just sit on the sidelines and just discount what ever somebody does.

If you were a doer, you'd be organizing actual experiments to prove your hypothesis.  You are instead simply making assertions to justify the time and money you have spent buying and making wires.  There is no evidence to suggest that power cables make any difference.  The fact that you hear a difference under uncontrolled conditions merely indicates that it is time to conduct a properly controlled test to see if your are correct.
I'm also a DIYer.  Not as much for audio as other things, since I'm new to this hobby, but I'm fairly handy.  A few weeks ago I made a mini to mini IC to connect my D2+ and my Bithead.  I used some nice Neutrik connectors and some silver plated copper teflon insulated wire.  I didn't hear a difference between my IC and the stock one.  Fortunately, that's not why I made it.  I wanted something that would be exactly the right length.  I figured it would be as good a chance as any to test a cable though.  Obviously it wasn't a proper test, since I'm only one person, but when the preliminary test supports the null hypothesis, you generally don't need to try a better test unless you're testing for tiny differences.
My main point here is that we are not all 'armchair quarterbacks' as it were.  Some of us have tried these things and not found differences.  In the big picture though, it wouldn't matter even if we were.  Unless these power cables operate on a whole new law of physics, then anyone can work out if they do anything by proper use of logic, math, and maybe an engineering or physics text.  That's why we can knock it before we try it.
Jun 20, 2010 at 11:05 PM Post #164 of 417
With this hobby you have to buy everything. What is the point? Yes you can go to a meet like the Centralia meet where we had a free table and get something cool. I got some cool Telefunken tubes. Anyway, this hobby is what you make it. Some make it harder than others on themselves. Which boat are you on?

I'm riding on the easy boat. No differences in cables = less money spent and fewer worries. Now I get to focus on headphones!
Way to change the subject, by the way.
Jun 20, 2010 at 11:11 PM Post #165 of 417
Hey maverickronin, good to have a DIYer chime in. Head Injury if power cables aren't your focus....Great.... Have fun with the headphones.

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