Power Cables... Really?
Jun 9, 2010 at 11:48 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 417


New Head-Fier
Jun 2, 2010
Seriously though, why would you ever consider replacing your power cord with and aftermarket power cord. I can understand wanting to make one yourself, there's an enjoyment factor there, but buying an incredibly expensive power cord with silver contacts and diamond studded earrings just sounds CRAZY to me. From my understanding, there is no way your power is going to be any "cleaner" by having one of these cables. If you're power is dirty coming from your socket (which is highly likely) then a cable is worthless, invest in a AC/DC converter. Even if your fifty feet away from your socket that can't compare to the hundreds of feet of solid core copper in your walls, not to mention the cables going to your closest transformer. Am I missing something here?
Jun 10, 2010 at 12:54 AM Post #2 of 417
Let's get ready to rumble..
Jun 10, 2010 at 1:01 AM Post #3 of 417
Jun 10, 2010 at 5:02 AM Post #5 of 417
The short answer.. the last few feet of cable "does something" to the power.
Well, you see... certain audiophiles have superhuman senses, can defy logic, and have enough money to do so.


Jun 10, 2010 at 6:09 AM Post #6 of 417
Until you try it, how can you possibly know one way whether or not it has an effect?  You don't have to spend massive amounts of money on one either to see if you will hear a difference.  Price and performance do not always go hand in hand.
I have a power regenerator and I can say even with it, different power cords have varying impact on my components.  Some I choose to use stock power cords on, some I choose to use aftermarket.  I've tried over 40 cords.  Some have little to no impact over a stock cord, some have moderate impact, and some have tremendous advantages, depending on the component they are connected to.
Jun 10, 2010 at 6:30 AM Post #7 of 417
The only thing that defy logic is people claiming something won't change the sound even before trying it, changing elements are a part of the fun, a safe and easy way to possibly improve the sound and sometime just a way to spend their money to own something supposely "better".
Why a power cable idea is crazy when it is almost completely accepted by everyone that capacitors (like all elements) color the sound ?
Just unplug your power cable and realise how important this element is.

Jun 10, 2010 at 8:43 AM Post #9 of 417

Until you try it, how can you possibly know one way whether or not it has an effect?  

Ok sorry, I can't possibly know.

The only thing that defy logic is people claiming something won't change the sound even before trying it, 

huh?  what in the world are you saying?
using logic means I can say.. "i can come to this conclusion, because this, this, this, this and this is true"
Its not foolproof, but its how I get by in my daily life.
changing elements are a part of the fun, a safe and easy way to possibly improve the sound and sometime just a way to spend their money to own something supposely "better".
Why a power cable idea is crazy when it is almost completely accepted by everyone that capacitors (like all elements) color the sound ?
Just unplug your power cable and realise how important this element is. 

If you have fun doing it, by all means.  I can't exactly say its my definition of fun though.. and I certainly wouldn't pay for it =/
Most people that actually know what a capacitor does, and how to implement them correctly compares them in crossover networks, DC blocking position, or in some other application directly in the signal path.  Capacitors have measurable data concluding that they do degenerate the original signal.  Also, the capacitor they review are not following 5000 other crappier capacitors right before it.  thirdly, a signal that goes through a capacitor isn't rectified, filtered, regulated, "cleaned up" right after it goes through the capacitor (else you'll just damage your headphones).  fourthly, fifthly, sixthly, seventhly and eightly - you're not listening to the power supply, the psrr of a equipment measures how much of the power supply noise is attenuated, "I'm not even going to get into the cable debate", not accepted by everyone, power cable manufacturers don't actually know what makes a power cable "sound better", and capacitors used in a circuit more often times than not is purposefully intended to change the signal, where cables are typically not designed to change the signal.
Even comparing power supply capacitors, you can use half the points I posted above.
Jun 10, 2010 at 8:45 AM Post #10 of 417
The last thing I'll say is this, once I get my little dot amp I'll try out another DIY cable (I like making cables, so no burden there). I'm not writing it off until I try it, it just doesn't make any sense at the moment.
EDIT: LOL thanks for those replies JamesL, me and you... on the same page.
Jun 10, 2010 at 9:32 AM Post #11 of 417
Some can make a difference, the issue is the value to difference. High dollar cords are targeted for those who see $ as a measure of performance or elitism. I was in your shoes until I had the opportunity to try a cord on my gear. You can usually tell immediately if it will help or not. Amps seem to benefit the most.
Jun 10, 2010 at 11:39 AM Post #14 of 417

Some can make a difference, the issue is the value to difference. High dollar cords are targeted for those who see $ as a measure of performance or elitism. I was in your shoes until I had the opportunity to try a cord on my gear. You can usually tell immediately if it will help or not. Amps seem to benefit the most.

Happy Camper is "Spot On Again"!!!!  For ME it was (I Built, I changed, and I heard......) and what I heard was cleaner/Blacker.......But you really must try several types of PCables, some help some "color" the sound negatively....JMO after yrs of trials and smiles

Jun 10, 2010 at 5:18 PM Post #15 of 417
Of all the power cables I've heard and owned, I find the PS Audio cables the best bang for your buck sonically and top notch construction wise.

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