portable amp for sennheiser hd800
Sep 24, 2009 at 1:30 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 30


New Head-Fier
Sep 14, 2009
i just got the hd800. my ipod is not strong enough to drive these 300 ohm phones. what portable amp will you recommend. i need a really good one. will be using it at home, at work , and the public library.
Sep 24, 2009 at 1:41 AM Post #2 of 30
My ibasso D2+ sounds glorious with the HD800. I highly recommend. As an added bonus the new ones have higher quality parts and their DAC now has a line out to use it as a standalone DAC. Furthermore, it's only $190 shipped and comes in like 2 days. If you can afford a Pico then do it but at less than half the price this is a great amp.
Sep 24, 2009 at 3:41 AM Post #4 of 30
Yeah, it's a little wimpy compared to the Phoenix of course, but it doesn't sound offensive to me. It's just nowhere near its true potential. With a very nice system, the HD800 is scary good.
Sep 24, 2009 at 4:34 AM Post #5 of 30

Originally Posted by usinare /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i just got the hd800. my ipod is not strong enough to drive these 300 ohm phones. what portable amp will you recommend. i need a really good one. will be using it at home, at work , and the public library.

The 800 isn't a portable phone. Buy a source and amp for it and leave it at home, and get some IEMs or an ESW9 for the library etc.
Sep 24, 2009 at 4:48 AM Post #6 of 30
How portable do you need? The amphora can run the hd800s.
Sep 24, 2009 at 5:01 AM Post #7 of 30
I think that the HD800 through D2+ is better than my ER4Ps through the D2+, by far, for obvious reasons. I also would vastly prefer my HD800s through the D2+ than my HD650s through my Phoenix, if I had to pick a system. HD800s badly amped are still extremely good...the D2+ does okay as it's also a DAC so it's got a clean sound through a laptop. A $1400 amp with a $300 can is not as good as a $1400 can and a $300 amp and never will be...my HD650s only have so much potential.
Sep 24, 2009 at 5:14 AM Post #8 of 30

Originally Posted by scootermafia /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think that the HD800 through D2+ is better than my ER4Ps through the D2+, by far, for obvious reasons. I also would vastly prefer my HD800s through the D2+ than my HD650s through my Phoenix, if I had to pick a system. HD800s badly amped are still extremely good...the D2+ does okay as it's also a DAC so it's got a clean sound through a laptop. A $1400 amp with a $300 can is not as good as a $1400 can and a $300 amp and never will be...my HD650s only have so much potential.

Thank you for saying this. Too often people forget that headphones are by far the most important part of the equation.

To the OP: I have heard the HD800 from iPod>LOD>Lisa III and thought it was relatively good (but not perfect, obviously).
Sep 24, 2009 at 8:35 PM Post #9 of 30
Why the need for a DAC/AMP? Might as well go for the P3+ swinging 9V, he clearly said he was gonna use it with his ipod
Sep 25, 2009 at 2:42 AM Post #12 of 30
Once you hear the HD-800 on a quality desktop amp, you won't want to go back to a portable.

If you have to move your rig around, look for a compact solid state desktop that you can put in a backpack and plug in. Something like the EC/SS or one of the Meier Corda amps would work. They're not pocketable, however, they're small enough to take with you in a bag, briefcase or backpack.

If you get a hit of the desktop crack after you buy a portable, you'll probably end up buying a desktop. The HD-800 demands the best and it really pays off.
Sep 27, 2009 at 1:15 AM Post #13 of 30
IMO, HD800 should go with desktop amp to bring out it's full potential.

But I would say LISA III, very good amp, if you want portable one, go for it.

And I enjoy it with my AKG701 very much, at least 60% potential of 701 I suppose??
Sep 27, 2009 at 2:30 AM Post #14 of 30

Originally Posted by FallenAngel /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Don't bother with portables at all.

No offense but the iBasso with it's 3.7V battery doesn't lift a finger to being able to drive HD800. The Pico with 2x 3.7V is another story, it has A LOT more voltage swing. Still, I wouldn't say it's enough, but definitely closer to specs.

I totally agree. I own HD650s and have tried them with several portable amps and nothing comes close to my desktop setup....nothing.

I can only imagine how much more this holds for the HD800s.
Sep 27, 2009 at 3:04 AM Post #15 of 30
This thread has got to be a troll.

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