Poll: Is gaming a waste of time?
Jan 18, 2011 at 12:13 AM Post #92 of 248
in all honesty. i love playing video games. and if you enjoy it i dont think it counts as wasted time. does anyone agree.

I enjoy movies too, but I don't watch them 8 hours a day. Balance is key, but I think it's more difficult to find a balance in gaming. Prospects of "leveling up" is addicting XD
Jan 18, 2011 at 3:05 AM Post #93 of 248
What I get out of gaming now is relaxation.  I've got plenty of serious stuff to deal with throughout the day, and gaming gives me a break.  It forces me to focus on something for just a moment.
That being said, moderation is key.  It can be a waste of time, but it doesnt have to be.
Jan 18, 2011 at 3:27 AM Post #94 of 248
Think of the alternatives.

Play games for three hours. Or you could go to the bar and talk to women.

I hope you all know that some things are more fun than playing games.
Jan 18, 2011 at 3:41 AM Post #95 of 248

Think of the alternatives.

Play games for three hours. Or you could go to the bar and talk to women.

I hope you all know that some things are more fun than playing games.

Well, IMO I think it depends on the person. Some people may not like to socialize and might be more entertained by playing games than talking to strangers. While I agree that there are things that are more fun than playing games, it might be harder to do that activity than just turning your pc on and start playing games.
Jan 18, 2011 at 6:44 AM Post #96 of 248
For me, surfing the Internet will always be a bigger waste of time than playing games of which I do not do so now.
I am going to get Sid Meier's Civilization 5 with all of the extra downloadable civilizations from Valve Steam this Friday when I get paid from NJIT. I am also going to buy Ahead Nero 10 Multimedia Suite Platinum HD as well. So, I am getting into gaming while also getting something to help me be more creative with regard to handling my photography, videos, and audio.
I am eagerly looking forward to playing Civilization 5. I have not played this game in over 15 years and I am wondering if it lives up to the hype surrounding the professional reviews. I think that I will like it a lot because it will be intellectually stimulating.
Jan 18, 2011 at 2:01 PM Post #98 of 248
I am reading a lot of threads from different sources on the Internet that Sid Meier's Civilization 5 crashes and freezes computers a lot even with the latest patches. I might re-think purchasing it.
Jan 18, 2011 at 10:15 PM Post #99 of 248

I am reading a lot of threads from different sources on the Internet that Sid Meier's Civilization 5 crashes and freezes computers a lot even with the latest patches. I might re-think purchasing it.

It worked fine on my comp. Civ 4 is better though.
There are reasons why gaming isn't a waste of time.
Jan 19, 2011 at 1:18 PM Post #101 of 248
Time changes things, but not the other way around.
Or actually I think that's not quite right. I think time is change and probably everything is change. If everything is indeed change then saying that something is a waste of time is like saying that everything is a waste of itself, which makes no sense.
Jan 19, 2011 at 2:14 PM Post #102 of 248
Think of the alternatives.

Play games for three hours. Or you could go to the bar and talk to women.

I hope you all know that some things are more fun than playing games.

This would be fantastic if I weren't underage and I didn't have a girlfriend. As it is, I do, so I find other ways to have fun. Games just happen to be one of them.
Jan 19, 2011 at 5:52 PM Post #103 of 248

Think of the alternatives.

Play games for three hours. Or you could go to the bar and talk to women.

I hope you all know that some things are more fun than playing games.

Women? What are these strange new things of which you speak?
Kidding, kidding. Seriously, like all things (and I'm sure this has been mentioned), gaming is fine as long as it doesn't encroach on the rest of your life. When you start blowing off your family and friends, then you have a problem.
Jan 20, 2011 at 1:14 AM Post #104 of 248

Think of the alternatives.

Play games for three hours. Or you could go to the bar and talk to women.

I hope you all know that some things are more fun than playing games.

Well, IMO I think it depends on the person. Some people may not like to socialize and might be more entertained by playing games than talking to strangers. While I agree that there are things that are more fun than playing games, it might be harder to do that activity than just turning your pc on and start playing games.

You are so correct, sir! There are many types of personalities in the world. For loner type of guys (like myself) gaming is often preferable to direct human contact, I just enjoy it more than going to a bar or dancing or getting drunk (or many other activities with heavy social components) by far most of the time (there are exceptions of course). It is a matter of priorities, and just like there is no universal headphone, there is no activity that pleases everybody.
Jan 20, 2011 at 3:49 AM Post #105 of 248

Think of the alternatives.

Play games for three hours. Or you could go to the bar and talk to women.

I hope you all know that some things are more fun than playing games.

you could say the same thing about headfi......just look at your post count

srsly,there are some studies i read before but cant remember the source that said that video games are actually beneficial. something like improved thinking,improved reaction...
not as some ridiculous says that gaming make the kid dummer.
beside who can resist playing Black ops.WOW or resistance retribution online? organising your time is the key.i find playing all day is dum,unproductive and lazy.

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