Please tell me that U.E. 10's need break in time!
Jan 1, 2010 at 11:42 PM Post #16 of 41

Originally Posted by shark2288 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm going to try all The tips tonight
There seems to be muffled highs and not much bass. Could they be fakes. I got them on eBay from a Guy who said he got them on the Amazon deal. I will take some pictures.

You're definitely doing something wrong then fit-wise.
Jan 1, 2010 at 11:45 PM Post #17 of 41
The TF10 sound will not be to everyone's liking, but what you described sounds like you either have a bad fit or defective pair. Definitely try the Sony tips, as they really made a huge difference for me (took the TF10 from "very good" to "excellent"), but if that doesn't help then I would get in contact with the seller and either get a refund or try to get a copy of the Amazon receipt so you can RMA them. The warranty is non-transferable, but I think if you told Logitech they were a gift and provided them with a receipt, they would honor it.

Even if you confirm you have a working pair and get a good fit, you still might not like them but what are describing definitely does not sound right. AFAIK there are no known fake TF10, which is really kind of amazing when you think about how popular they are and that people routinely pay 3-400 dollars for them.
Jan 2, 2010 at 4:43 AM Post #18 of 41

Originally Posted by mesasone /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The TF10 sound will not be to everyone's liking, but what you described sounds like you either have a bad fit or defective pair. Definitely try the Sony tips, as they really made a huge difference for me (took the TF10 from "very good" to "excellent"), but if that doesn't help then I would get in contact with the seller and either get a refund or try to get a copy of the Amazon receipt so you can RMA them. The warranty is non-transferable, but I think if you told Logitech they were a gift and provided them with a receipt, they would honor it.

Even if you confirm you have a working pair and get a good fit, you still might not like them but what are describing definitely does not sound right. AFAIK there are no known fake TF10, which is really kind of amazing when you think about how popular they are and that people routinely pay 3-400 dollars for them.


The only burn-in I needed from my TF10s is how my ears will begin to get comfortable with these on 'em. It's kind of unwieldy after a few hours wearing them...hahaha

But as far as the sound goes, I don't think they benefitted from a certain burn-in period. There's no palpable difference from the time I first wore them a week ago until now. It's still the great sounding 'phone I've come to love.
Jan 2, 2010 at 8:33 AM Post #19 of 41
With the TF10s if you think you've got a good fit, you probably don't. If you think you've got a great fit, you might have an OK fit.

I've pretty confident that 95% of the people who say these cans don't sound good have never had a decent fit with them. The other 5% are those who persevered and finally got a good fit, but found they prefer a neutral/analytical sound, something the TF10 is not.
Jan 2, 2010 at 10:52 AM Post #20 of 41
^ Well I'm glad your confident about throwing arbitrary percentages about. The one thing I'm confident about, is that my TF10's do not sound at all like the one's that the OP is describing.
Jan 2, 2010 at 1:32 PM Post #21 of 41
The TFP10's won't change but your ears may change a little.

The problem is the "veiled" midrange of the TFP10. The silicone (versus comply) tips help a little but that is the characteristic of the TFP10.
Jan 2, 2010 at 1:47 PM Post #22 of 41
lol, love how some people just assume that everyone who doesnt like them must have not heard them right LMAO.

owned them, hated them, returned them

but it does sound like a fit issue, because even though I felt the sucked out cavernous midrange, piercing highs and robotron/frankenstine looks sucked badly, there is no way I would call them muffled, with no bass. the highs are actually quite extended (but not refined, I found them fatiguing in that area) and the bass extends quite low and is reasonably tight, but had no real weight to it IMO. good luck finding the source of the problem. even if its just that you dont like the sound sig, at least you will be able to have this point of reference when describing what you DONT want in your next IEM
Jan 2, 2010 at 1:56 PM Post #23 of 41
I'll admit that I'm never fully satisfied with the TF10s without listening to them without a Fiio E5. I agree with many others that they DO sound rather blanketed and muddy when used straight from a computer/portable player. My seal has always been good from the get-go, but the flipflop mod makes getting a seal a lot easier and faster than before, so I'm confident I've got a solid fit with them. I'm currently using medium sized Sony Hybrids, which are quite a bit better than the stock UE tips.

Now, the E5 is a $20 low tier amp, just A/Bing the TF10 with and without the E5 is a night and day difference for me. The TF10s straight from my Walkman, and especially from my laptop? Bland and blanketed, honestly. The TF10s with E5? Amazing and dynamic. It's a brilliant, detailed sound that opened my ears up to new details in songs I've listened to thousands of times, even coming from a detail oriented phone like the ER6i (yeah, they're in different leagues, but it's the only IEM I've owned known for detail). The TF10's sound with the E5 seems to represent all the positive things I've been reading about them prior to my $290 purchase, and I'm probably gonna have to doublestick tape it to the back of my Walkman real soon.
Jan 2, 2010 at 6:44 PM Post #24 of 41

Originally Posted by qusp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
lol, love how some people just assume that everyone who doesnt like them must have not heard them right LMAO.

I don't think that people are assuming everyone who doesn't like them hasn't heard them right, but this is the 3rd or 4th time in 2 weeks we've seen a new thread with someone who either has only listened to the TF10s for a few minutes is discouraged with them, or is new to IEMs and says the TF10s are garbage.

I can totally understand if you don't like the sound sig of the TF10, they present a very "smiley faced" EQ IMHO. But that's the kind of sound that I like, especially since my DAP doesn't have any EQ controls. If the OP had given a detailed account of how the sound signature didn't fit their preferences, I'm sure that the direction of this thread would be quite different.

@iponderous Clearly those percentages I was throwing about were in no way founded on anything scientific. It's called sweeping generalizations, and making a point.
Jan 2, 2010 at 7:14 PM Post #25 of 41

Originally Posted by qusp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
lol, love how some people just assume that everyone who doesnt like them must have not heard them right LMAO.

owned them, hated them, returned them

but it does sound like a fit issue, because even though I felt the sucked out cavernous midrange, piercing highs and robotron/frankenstine looks sucked badly, there is no way I would call them muffled, with no bass. the highs are actually quite extended (but not refined, I found them fatiguing in that area) and the bass extends quite low and is reasonably tight, but had no real weight to it IMO. good luck finding the source of the problem. even if its just that you dont like the sound sig, at least you will be able to have this point of reference when describing what you DONT want in your next IEM are the only one I have ever heard describe the TFP as having a sucked out cavernous midrange so we should not consider your ears the golden standard either. If you think it IS a fit issue, then yes, he actually is NOT hearing them right.
Jan 2, 2010 at 10:15 PM Post #26 of 41
My tf10s didn't really change with time, I think the slight change I heard was my mind adjusting to their sound signature.
Jan 2, 2010 at 10:54 PM Post #27 of 41
Not matter what did, I couldn't get any respectable highs. Some descent bass, with muffled highs. They are either defective or fake. My daughters stock nano earbuds have more bass and better treble. What? Maybe I should try another set? What else would compare to these for under $200
Jan 3, 2010 at 12:53 AM Post #28 of 41

Originally Posted by bcpk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
TF10s don't change with burn-in. Try some different tips, the sound of the TF10 is very dependent on fit...

Edit : Actually, looks like opinions differ. Although that could just be getting used to the sound.

i thought mine got a little better with burn.

for sure the highs evened more smoothly

who knows
Jan 3, 2010 at 1:01 AM Post #29 of 41
You would have the first set of fake TF10s we've seen on here. It's not likely.

Have you tried:

1) ETY insertion method
2) "Flip Mod"
3) All tips including the comply foams
4) Sony Hybrid Tips
5) Inserting as far as possible, then slightly pull them out without breaking the seal

Also, is this your first set of IEMs?

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