Playing Lossless Image+CUE On PMP or Android
Sep 18, 2012 at 4:51 AM Post #4 of 9
Neutron music player on Android has CUE support.
Sep 18, 2012 at 5:03 AM Post #6 of 9
Several I should think, including all of the Samsung players. Were there any particular models you were looking at?
Sep 18, 2012 at 6:01 AM Post #8 of 9
Hmmmm, Chinese Android devices often don't come with Play Store support... I don't know how the sound quality would be either. I know that the Ainol tablets come with Play Store support and are cheap, but never heard one so no idea about sound quality.
Sep 18, 2012 at 12:27 PM Post #9 of 9
Ainol was my first guess but when I looked into their models I found out that their 5" PMP's have poor battery life span and 7" is much too big for my needs. I was looking for a PMP with a screen size of up to 3". I guess I could get a Samsung Galaxy S5360 cell phone and use it as a PMP. The big question remains that remains is "How good is it sound wise and how long can the battery last?"

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