Pipe Smoking
Mar 2, 2003 at 5:40 PM Post #16 of 40
I didn't realize my comments would spark such an intrest. But I am pleased. I only own 2 pipes: a straight Savinelli, and a bent red-briar Peterson (my current favorite.) I tend to stay away from the flavored tobaccos and instead smoke the straight or blended stuff.

As far as the smoke being too hot, make sure the tobacco is humidified properly. If it is too dry it will burn too hot and taste burnt. Also the shape and depth of the bowl will affect the taste. The larger or wider the bowl, the cooler the smoke and vice versa.

I haven't tried many tobacco's, but from the ones I have tried I seem to like the Virginia blends. My current choice is one called Squadron Leader. Unfortunately, the company that once grew the tobacco is now under new direction and altered most the their former lines. Oh well, I guess this would be a good time to try other blends of Head-Fi members. Smoke away!!!
Mar 3, 2003 at 5:01 AM Post #17 of 40
Even though pipe and cigar smoke does contain nicotine, it has far less than cigarettes or chew. And since one should not inhale the smoke in the first place, I'd gather not too many people become addicted to nicotine just from cigar or pipe smoking when used moderately.


Just think: all that money could have been saved or it could have been at least earmarked for music or audiophile gear.

I happen to disagree. It's more of a choice of budgeting my expendable income. If I receive as much or more pleasure from smoking a bowl of my favorite tobacco on a lazy Sunday, then it was money well spent. But as I mentioned above, everything in moderation.
Mar 3, 2003 at 5:56 AM Post #18 of 40
hear hear, finleyville.

i too believe in moderation in all things. i don't have any problem with things that those around me say are bad for me, whether, it's drugs, alcohol, tobacco, motorcycles, other dangerous pursuits, etc...

i'll try [almost] anything once, and if i enjoy it, i'll continue responsibly. i think i'm lucky in that i don't have an addictive personality at all, and have never had any troubles with excess. well, not since i went on a real rum bender at 17 years old, anyway, but that's going back a few years.

i think i can sum up my philosophy like this:

anything in moderation. be smart about your decisions. take responsibility for your actions. make friends. don't be a dick.
Mar 3, 2003 at 6:01 AM Post #19 of 40

I really like your philosophy. Of course there are some things that cannot or should not be used in moderation (maybe Sonystyles headphones

As for motorcycles, I am expecting the delivery of my dreambike on Tuesday: 2000 Honda VFR!
Mar 3, 2003 at 6:45 AM Post #20 of 40
I ride a ZX7R, and while it's good and fast, and great fun, I'm having a bit of trouble with it. You see, ever since I rode a new ZX9R and ZX12R, the 7 just seems sluggish. :)

Looks like upgrade-itis isn't unique to the world of headphones...

The dangerous part is that I finally paid off the ZX7R about three weeks ago, so I'd get the full value of the trade-in. Must... resist... temptation... and... keep... drivers... license...

Mar 3, 2003 at 1:50 PM Post #22 of 40
Wow, very interesting replies! I own three pipes, 2 Stanwell machine mades (but both are good smokers) and a new purchase of a Tinsky Christmas pipe. Only two taboccos I have tried are Petersons Sherlock Holmes & Two Friends Deacons Downfall, but I have a tin of Firedance Flake on the way. I would be interested in doing a "Tobaco Tradeoff" if one was started.

Intersting talk about the addicting (or not) habits of cigars & pipes. I agree that as you do not inhale, the health and addiction dangers are much less. I also think that certain people have what I would term an "addiction personality", and are much more suseptable to any type of vice.

Mar 3, 2003 at 5:49 PM Post #23 of 40
although i gave up tobacco years ago, i still enjoy a hand-thrown ceramic water pipe now and then. the artist who created it put a lovely black and gold patterned glaze, and the pull is very smooth and steady, with a glass downpipe and stem. it is even signed on the bottom.
Mar 4, 2003 at 3:04 PM Post #24 of 40
Hey All:

If anybody want's to try a small tobacco trade, here is what I will do. Send me your name & address via PM and I will send you a few bowls of Two Friends Deacons Downfall. All I ask is that you send me back a similiar quantity of something else. As I have not tried many things, you can send anything!
Mar 5, 2003 at 8:04 AM Post #25 of 40

Originally posted by kpfeifle
Hey All:

If anybody want's to try a small tobacco trade, here is what I will do. Send me your name & address via PM and I will send you a few bowls of Two Friends Deacons Downfall. All I ask is that you send me back a similiar quantity of something else. As I have not tried many things, you can send anything!

"anything" you say? hehehe....
Mar 5, 2003 at 8:57 AM Post #27 of 40

That's the pipe I want. I actually think that I saw someone walking around campus smoking one too. Looked like a damn snazzy pipe. Plus it has two stems, which is a definite plus.

Like everything though, it waits until August. (I have a budget and it's tight.)
Mar 5, 2003 at 9:17 AM Post #29 of 40
Just a fyi, that is a stanwell "hans Christian Anderson II"

The standard internet pricing during my research has been $88 bucks or so.

I'm drooling over that pipe.

/looks in wallet
/wallet looks back up and pleads for mercy
Mar 5, 2003 at 5:57 PM Post #30 of 40
I've never smoked out of a pipe, but I love the way the smoke smells, I can't say that for regular tobacco smoke.

I smoke a cigar on rare occassions, my favorite is Arturo Fuente Flor Fina 8-5-8. I like the mild ones.

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