Pictures of your portable rig- Part IV- A fresh start
Feb 17, 2006 at 8:55 PM Post #361 of 595
I haven't seen any pictures where the X5 or whichever has a smaller surface area is on top as a comparison yet.

I guess I'll meet up with a buddy of mine for that shot when I get to school.

It'll be a camera phone pic though.
Feb 17, 2006 at 9:44 PM Post #362 of 595

Originally Posted by -Paolo-
I haven't seen any pictures where the X5 or whichever has a smaller surface area is on top as a comparison yet.

You mean like this?:

It's from the 5G-review of there are some more shots with the X5 as well.

(btw. that's the "standard" X5 and the 30GB 5G)
Feb 17, 2006 at 11:36 PM Post #365 of 595
I have actually started to paint my docks black with automotive touch up paint. Works wonders.
Feb 17, 2006 at 11:45 PM Post #366 of 595

Originally Posted by rhymesgalore
You mean like this?:

It's from the 5G-review of there are some more shots with the X5 as well.

(btw. that's the "standard" X5 and the 30GB 5G)

Yeah, but up top.
Feb 18, 2006 at 12:02 AM Post #367 of 595

Originally Posted by bangraman

In which case, I guess this will freak you out.

LOL..Yes the X5L is a thicker device , the thickest dap known to man (im not sure), and heavy too ...Thats why it takes real men (like Fabio.....and me) to operate it.
Us manly men with our huge fingers and massive forearms need a player of significant size .
How silly we would feel using the slender ipod...our massive fingers fumbling at the click wheel .
The X5L is made of metal and rocks and some lead also . I think of the toggle control as a hurst stick shift on a track car. This metal music machine is truly for men only and is extremely manly and very ....masculine.
Warning: its very heavy and thick and
Feb 18, 2006 at 12:06 AM Post #368 of 595

Originally Posted by max-9
LOL..Yes the X5L is a thicker device , the thickest dap known to man (im not sure), and heavy too ...Thats why it takes real men (like Fabio.....and me) to operate it.

Don't forget Chuck Norris.

I don't know, the weight adds a sense of value to it.
Feb 18, 2006 at 5:56 AM Post #370 of 595

Originally Posted by enjoi_rootbeer
chuck norris doesn't need an mp3 player. he memorized everysong ever made.

Feb 18, 2006 at 11:18 AM Post #372 of 595

Originally Posted by max-9
Warning: its very heavy and thick and

Us *real* men are so sure about our manhood that we can even operate a *white* iPod nano in public (which has taken the place of the pink iPod mini). Of course we prefer it to be attached to a massive portable amplifier with an IC as thick as our pinky. Us real men know that size does matter. But we also know where it matters. It's all in the caps
Feb 18, 2006 at 1:18 PM Post #373 of 595
Oliver [img said:[/img]]Us *real* men are so sure about our manhood that we can even operate a *white* iPod nano in public (which has taken the place of the pink iPod mini). Of course we prefer it to be attached to a massive portable amplifier with an IC as thick as our pinky. QUOTE]

Good (manly) choice! The massive portable amp and industrial cable . Now top that off with the mammoth X5L and a portable gas dc generator ...and perhaps somthing with tubes.
also Chuck Norris (manly coversations always include his name)
Feb 18, 2006 at 9:24 PM Post #374 of 595
Been using this combo a few weeks now.

Feb 18, 2006 at 10:41 PM Post #375 of 595
any DAP worthy of chuck noris would have some sort of radial saw attachment for cuting through the roofs of out of control school busses

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