Pictures of your computer rigs! Post them here!
Oct 11, 2010 at 10:44 AM Post #2,401 of 10,951

There's nothing like watching good porn by the fireplace, what a great setup...



Lol. This is celibate-man dream

Oct 11, 2010 at 12:23 PM Post #2,403 of 10,951
Yup, there be a tube on the Motherboard :)  Sovtek tube. The CoolerMaster piece was just for show, it was placed inline with the output on this board at one time, but there was too much line noise. So I axed it. It just looks nice lit up.
Oct 11, 2010 at 8:18 PM Post #2,405 of 10,951

Here's my modest study/listening area. Being a Biochemistry and English Writing double major has it's ups and downs, but mainly requires that I stay at this desk way too much. As a result, I've brought in all the comforts I possibly can (admittedly the xbox 360 is gone, too distracting...).

This picture is pretty awful if you're a wire neat-freak, just a heads up

The Tivoli Audio Model Two's are nothing to write home about, especially considering their retail price. Luckily, the Target near me was getting rid of them and donated them to the thrift store, where they were only $10. That's pretty much the definition of my set up / life, everything on a "no-budget" budget (though I often spend too much even then). The TV and the Macbook Pro are the only "expensive" things I really have and they were gifts for graduation

My meager listening area, once again most of it purchased at thrift stores, with the exception of both 'phones, the Go-Vibe and the Hotaudio HotUSB1 Dac.

   I've recently moved out of my fraternity for my senior year of college, and I've updated a lot of my listening set up since the last time I posted.  My new primary phones are some Sennheiser HD580's which I found at Goodwill for something like $8.  My Speakers are EPI Series 3 Model 120's.  They're way too large for my desk, but they were another goodwill find and until I can find something cheap and small to replace them with, they're what I've got.  I'm looking at the Dayton B652's.  My DAC for my computer is a Carat Peridot that was modded by a previous owner for Op-Amp rolling.  It's a great DAC/Headphone Amp.  The CD player is a Magnavox CDB480, and it's the only thing that hasn't changed from my set up (another goodwill find).  The receiver is an Onkyo TX-SR505, it was a Goodwill find for $5.99.  The sound is very good but I prefer the Yamaha Natural Sound Receiver (which I still have, but it's in my apartments main area for party/couch listening music). 

My computer is an Asus G73JH-A2.  I absolutely love this machine; it's a beast (i7 720QM, 8gb DDR3, 5870M, 1TB HDD space).  My portable/for class computer is an Asus EEE PC 1215N (Atom 525, Ion 2, 2gb DDR3, 250GB HDD).  All told, I'm very happy with the sound, especially when considering that, outside of the laptops and the Carat Peridot (which I got at a steal), I bought it all from Goodwill.  I'm truly a bang for your buck guy, and I'd probably pay full price for the equipment I have, but at 10% (tops) of retail I'm more than happy with my set up.

The Vizio TV I had was stolen, so I recently invested in a Samsung PX2370.  Overall, it's a very nice monitor, but at times I wish I had gone IPS instead.
I'm very satisfied with the sound, as a whole.  I don't have any upgrades planned, outside of finally finishing my SS tube amp.  I'd like to get a portable USB DAC/Amp for my netbook and some closed headphones for travel; if all goes well on ebay and the FS forum here I should be traveling with an E7 and Shure SRH440's.
The posters were gag gifts from my sister.  I'm not normally the kind of guy to hang unicors/a wizard on his wall, but it's better than plain white.
Oct 12, 2010 at 11:43 AM Post #2,407 of 10,951
Yeah, it doesn't really feel small. to the left and in front of me is all open space looking over my living room and there plenty of room behind me. My computer is more less in the walkway to my bedroom room though. 
Oct 12, 2010 at 5:41 PM Post #2,408 of 10,951
Using my iPad to control iTunes (via the Remote app) until I can afford a second monitor.


And got this nifty iPhone stand today. Looks great (the silver matches my monitor stand) and is angled perfectly for use with FaceTime IMO.


Next purchase will be the Maverick D1. I'll be using it as a DAC/pre-amp for my Swans.
Oct 12, 2010 at 6:50 PM Post #2,410 of 10,951

   I've recently moved out of my fraternity for my senior year of college, and I've updated a lot of my listening set up since the last time I posted.  My new primary phones are some Sennheiser HD580's which I found at Goodwill for something like $8.  My Speakers are EPI Series 3 Model 120's.  They're way too large for my desk, but they were another goodwill find and until I can find something cheap and small to replace them with, they're what I've got.  I'm looking at the Dayton B652's.  My DAC for my computer is a Carat Peridot that was modded by a previous owner for Op-Amp rolling.  It's a great DAC/Headphone Amp.  The CD player is a Magnavox CDB480, and it's the only thing that hasn't changed from my set up (another goodwill find).  The receiver is an Onkyo TX-SR505, it was a Goodwill find for $5.99.  The sound is very good but I prefer the Yamaha Natural Sound Receiver (which I still have, but it's in my apartments main area for party/couch listening music). 

My computer is an Asus G73JH-A2.  I absolutely love this machine; it's a beast (i7 720QM, 8gb DDR3, 5870M, 1TB HDD space).  My portable/for class computer is an Asus EEE PC 1215N (Atom 525, Ion 2, 2gb DDR3, 250GB HDD).  All told, I'm very happy with the sound, especially when considering that, outside of the laptops and the Carat Peridot (which I got at a steal), I bought it all from Goodwill.  I'm truly a bang for your buck guy, and I'd probably pay full price for the equipment I have, but at 10% (tops) of retail I'm more than happy with my set up.

The Vizio TV I had was stolen, so I recently invested in a Samsung PX2370.  Overall, it's a very nice monitor, but at times I wish I had gone IPS instead.
I'm very satisfied with the sound, as a whole.  I don't have any upgrades planned, outside of finally finishing my SS tube amp.  I'd like to get a portable USB DAC/Amp for my netbook and some closed headphones for travel; if all goes well on ebay and the FS forum here I should be traveling with an E7 and Shure SRH440's.
The posters were gag gifts from my sister.  I'm not normally the kind of guy to hang unicors/a wizard on his wall, but it's better than plain white.

mind sharing the screen wallpaper? thanks
Oct 12, 2010 at 6:52 PM Post #2,411 of 10,951

Using my iPad to control iTunes (via the Remote app) until I can afford a second monitor.


And got this nifty iPhone stand today. Looks great (the silver matches my monitor stand) and is angled perfectly for use with FaceTime IMO.


Next purchase will be the Maverick D1. I'll be using it as a DAC/pre-amp for my Swans.

Looks great. I like the color scheme.

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