[Pictorial Review] Head-Direct's RE1 - contender of the best IEM
Apr 27, 2008 at 4:38 PM Post #16 of 51
Yes, I'm listening to the iMod+Minibox E+ and RE1 combo. In my opinion a group buy from Fang would be very nice to introduce these IEMs on the market.
May 8, 2008 at 6:32 PM Post #18 of 51
[UPDATE] I didn't keep track of the hours I put on RE1, but I am quite certain that I should at least have double or triple the original burn-in time now. I can't really tell if the burn-in affect the treble or not. If it does, the effect is somewhat subtle as I still have the same overall impression I have before.

Head-Direct now has RE1 on group buy for $150, and this time it comes with a case, maybe leather but I can't really tell what material it is from the blurry picture of Head-Direct's website. The painting of the case is an ancient Chinese dragon which looks quite interesting.

As my original opinion stated, RE1 is really a great pair of IEM and those of you who are interested should grab it before the group buy is over.
May 9, 2008 at 5:12 AM Post #19 of 51
package weight:0g

package certainly looks leather
May 11, 2008 at 3:51 PM Post #20 of 51
Good to see another great IEM on the market. Thanks for the nice review, ClieOS!

I still remembered my first IEM, Sony MRD-EX70LP. It makes me appreciate and listen to music a lot more. I can't really commute without IEM in my ears. Isolation and good music goes well with IEM.

I think I am now on my 5th IEM (Triple-Fi coming tomorrow!). So far, my current favorite (and long-lasting) IEM is the Etys ER4P.

The group buy is really nice @ $149. Need to sell something to get them!
May 23, 2008 at 3:46 AM Post #23 of 51

Originally Posted by vincent_teh /img/forum/go_quote.gif
ClieOS, i know it might be a bit difficult but if you were to quantify how much better is RE1 over RE2, both unamped, how would you rate them?

RE2 has a SQ which compare well to IEM around $100, RE1 has a SQ which compare well to IEM ~$200-250 (unamped), or $250-300 (amped).

Takes a look at the IEM guide in my signature, on the different classes of IEM. RE2 is at the top spot of entry class or low end of the middle class IEM; RE1 is around the best middle class IEM unamped, or high end IEM when amped. Generally speaking, RE1 is two classes above RE2.

p/s: Vincent, do you have a friend called Lim.... (who are helping you on finding IEM)?
May 23, 2008 at 4:36 AM Post #24 of 51
Looks like RE2 is a superb bet at 80$ for entry level earphones. Just one question, can sony nwz618 dap run the RE2? or is the power not enough? read that RE2 are quite demanding on power!
May 23, 2008 at 5:07 AM Post #25 of 51

Originally Posted by cramkay /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Looks like RE2 is a superb bet at 80$ for entry level earphones. Just one question, can sony nwz618 dap run the RE2? or is the power not enough? read that RE2 are quite demanding on power!

RE1 is a bit demanding, but I find RE2 to be just fine running directly from DAP.
May 23, 2008 at 6:14 AM Post #26 of 51
thanks ClieOS!! i guess ill go with RE2. The reviews are just too promising. I live in India, there is no way i can try them before buying. Hope they turn out as said! Is there by any chance any earphones that serve as an alternative or that can compare with RE2 in a similar price range? ($80). I listen mainly to rock music, and i love good bass! Thanks guys for all the advice!!
May 23, 2008 at 9:11 AM Post #27 of 51

Originally Posted by ClieOS /img/forum/go_quote.gif
p/s: Vincent, do you have a friend called Lim.... (who are helping you on finding IEM)?

Erm.. nope, i guess that's another vincent you're talking about?

And wow, 2 classes above.. I am a minimalist for my portable audio, i do appreciate hi-fi audio but i don't like the idea of bringing around an amp. My mp3 player is really small too (Meizu M6 SL).

I'm not experienced in hi-end equipment either, the best cans i own so far are the Koss KSC75s which i bought off an ebay seller in the US. So i would normally opt for RE2.. but RE1 sounds very sexy indeed for the group buy price.. Damn, you are poisoning me
May 23, 2008 at 1:30 PM Post #28 of 51
You can consider the RE1 like a Triple.fi with slightly less upper midrange details (cymbals) and a LOT less sibilance. They are not as hard to drive as the Yuin PK1 or OK1.
May 24, 2008 at 12:18 PM Post #29 of 51
How's the bass on the RE1? Is it boomier than the SA6?
May 25, 2008 at 8:19 PM Post #30 of 51
In the end i ordered the RE2 for its higher sensitivity. My mp3 player goes everywhere i go and i'm just too reluctant to bring around an amp too. That's just me though.

Can't wait to try 'em out, i will be VERY satisfied if they can provide me sound that can rival my KSC75 in an IEM.

Yes you can call me easily contented...

For now, at least.

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