Phonak Audeo?
Jan 20, 2009 at 8:54 PM Post #406 of 2,281

Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict /img/forum/go_quote.gif
We appreciate your honesty.

They seem to be driven fine by my iPhone 3G without amp, and the black filters are not that bad, although I do like the grey filters too (ordered more of both). I do agree about the ear loops - I took them off because of how easily they twist and spin and are then oriented wrong for putting them on, and I have short hair.

With Pico amp on my iMod with portable Vcaps yesterday, there is no lack of emotion with the black filters, and with either filter I only hear sibilance if it is there in the recording, but it doesn't seem to add to or amplify sibilance at all. I listened to the Phonak yesterday with Doug from Westone; and while we both agree the Westone 3 are better we also feel the Phonak are a good competitor to (or on the level of) the Image X10, which I previously felt were a little more transparent than the q_JAYS (which I also liked but not as much). My Livewires and SE530 in a custom Livewires acrylic shell are also still better than the Phonak, but also better than stock SE530 too.

So, for me the Phonak are not a "one IEM to beat them all" kind of earphone, but rather a good neutral transparent IEM that is quick and easy to use with the iPhone 3G (with mic), and that doesn't take away a lot from the musical experience. For serious listening while mobile or when I need a lot of isolation I'll still grab my Westone 3, and for most of my serious listening at home I pick up a nice full size set of cans.

That's a pretty good praise if a $150 single driver IEM can best or hold their own against some of the big boys.
Jan 20, 2009 at 9:04 PM Post #407 of 2,281

Originally Posted by tstarn06 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Don't do it. Just kidding. But I owned the ER4P, and these phones are along those lines, but warmer (and not losing the crisp, clean sound from the mids/highs). But the bass is not hidden or lean.

Listening right now, with the Sony DAP and E5 amp (using the bass boost) and wow, they sound fantastic. Looking forward to trying them out with my replacement Minibox E+ ... when it arrives some day.

Does it do better than the ER-4P what the ER4P is known to do best? That is, crisp clean analytical high end and just very transparent sound.
Jan 20, 2009 at 9:05 PM Post #408 of 2,281
Once again Larry, you summed it up nicely. I only feel that the W3s need more "tinkering" to get to their best sound. Example: The W3s are a bit much bass-wise with the Zune80, at least to me. And with no EQ, that makes them a not great match with the Zune. The Phonaks, however, are a very good match with the Zune, as they produce a more mid/high-focused delivery.

Now, with the iPod Touch (2G) and the Sony A818 (and Clip as well), I am able to EQ the W3s just a bit on the higher end, and they really work well together. The Phonaks also sound fine with those DAPs, but the W3s are more involving, for lack of a better word.

To me, owning both the Phonaks and the Westones is just about perfect for a portable combo. Also, I had really ignored my 7-year-old Grado SR-80s the past few months, and last night I gave them a listen with the Zune and an amp and some flats, and wow, I forgot how full-sized cans can sound (and the Grados are hardly high-end). Oh, and I like the Grado sound, but understand others do not.

Anyway, the Audeos are a very good value for someone who can't afford to go to the higher level cost-wise. For someone who does own a so-called "top tier" IEM, they are a nice complement.
Jan 20, 2009 at 9:07 PM Post #409 of 2,281

Originally Posted by FlyPenFly /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Does it do better than the ER-4P what the ER4P is known to do best? That is, crisp clean analytical high end and just very transparent sound.

I think so. But without an A/B listening test, that's hard to call. Maybe someone here has both, and can do a fair comparison. I sold my Etys a long time ago.
Jan 20, 2009 at 9:10 PM Post #410 of 2,281

Originally Posted by oarnura /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That's a pretty good praise if a $150 single driver IEM can best or hold their own against some of the big boys.

Agree. They are that good, I believe. And if you don't need the mic and use the Phonak coupon, they aren't even $150. I feel very lucky to have gotten mine on Amazon for $94 (from a woman whose mom works for Phonak and gave her a free pair, which she had no use for).
Jan 20, 2009 at 9:27 PM Post #411 of 2,281

Originally Posted by tstarn06 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Agree. They are that good, I believe. And if you don't need the mic and use the Phonak coupon, they aren't even $150. I feel very lucky to have gotten mine on Amazon for $94 (from a woman whose mom works for Phonak and gave her a free pair, which she had no use for).

I got the version with the mic for use with the iPhone 3G.

You have a point it is only about $139 for the non mic version with no discounts. $125 with the 10% off.

That is pretty impressive. Can't wait till Friday for mine to show up.
Jan 20, 2009 at 9:29 PM Post #412 of 2,281
Just as an FYI, I went right to the Complys when I got my Audeos, but today decided to give the silicone tips a chance, and the medium are very nice, comfy, and the sound is very good. Now I am re-thinking the sleeves. I usually favor foamies, but maybe not this time. Time will tell.
Jan 20, 2009 at 9:38 PM Post #413 of 2,281
I'm not sure I understand the motivation of comparing the Phonaks to the Westone 3, SE530, IE8, and whatnot. They seem to be extremely different sounding phones, in a different price range.

Well, yeah, I prefer my UE11 to the Phonaks as well... but with reasonable comparisons to Etymotic, q-Jays, and whatever is relevant the Phonaks sure shine.

Just a thought... but I already said something similar here.

But probably it's good to grasp the differences between phones that don't have much in common to understand them better.
Jan 20, 2009 at 10:39 PM Post #414 of 2,281
Agree, but people tend to put the ER4P up there with the $300-plus phones (after all, they were $299 when the launched). So not a biggie comparing the two, right? I will say that Chi2, who was an early poster here, says he/she preferred the Phonaks to his/her Westone 3s. So maybe for some, the comparison isn't so far-fetched. But otherwise, I agree.

On the other hand, I just took the Audeos for a 45-minute walk with the dog, and I came home smiling after listening. They are excellent universal IEMs, no matter what the category, in my view. So what's the harm comparing them with the higher priced phones? As far as motivation, it could end up saving some folks a little cash if they are on the fence on whether or not to move up to more expensive phones, but get the Phonaks and use the money saved to buy something else (an amp, DAP, etc.).

No reason not to keep the Audeos in the more "mid-level" category, but they are good enough that they might suffice as top shelf for a certain segment of the Head-Fi membership, so this puts it into some perspective. As was the case with your 530a, my W3s are staying put. It's like having two very nice cars to drive, a Viper and a Cooper Mini, or something like that.
Jan 20, 2009 at 11:26 PM Post #416 of 2,281
I'd have to agree, most iems including dynamic and armature based ones are not so indifferent that a comparison is not warranted even going to the extent of stating what is better dependent on the particular owners preferences. If you were going to compare W3's to Senn HD800's then that would be something different all together!

Going back to the Phonaks, I am indeed a bit of a basshead at heart but most if not all of my iems have had copious midbass in comparison, even the pretty much transparent x10's. There is something quite alluring about the clean bass with the Phonaks. I used to think clean bass came hand-in-hand with low punch for iems based on the few I have used with those qualities. The phonaks do indeed dispel that previous thought as they do pack a punch so to speak.

If you are not indeed a midbass whore then I can see why some people may prefer the phonaks to the w3's or similar midbass accentuated iems. Havn;t used the phonaks outside yet but I do think I will miss the midbass hump as I do believe it to be an essential component to pleasurable listening when the ambient air isn't still but detrimental when it is.

Oh and @ tsarn, I didn'y bother using the included T130s but put on a fresh pair of T100 slims as I wasnt sure I would like the audeos as I thought they mght sound too sterile so wanted to have all tips unused in case I was going to return/sell them. Might try the T130's at a later date but they look similar in size to T400 shorts and if so are slightly more uncomfortable than the T100's albeit at the expense of a slightly better seal.
Jan 21, 2009 at 12:12 AM Post #418 of 2,281
Well I guess I’m a 'precise listener' because to me the Phonaks beat the Shure530's and the W3's just my personal opinion. I have a friend who has the W3 we traded for a week. I go to get my Phonaks he says their better and asks can he keep them.....So I’m not the only one I disagree with Headphoneaddict to me the W3's are not superior I used to like the mid bass hump in phones in general. But the Phonaks changed all that it sounds clean and punchy....and true. The Phonaks can do bass just needs the black filters or a little eqing....The bass is extremely punchy even when you turn EQ it up it sounds clean without over clouding the mids or the highs.

It sounds clean and clear I like the fact it does not sugarcoat stuff. If the record does not sound good then you will hear just had bad it sounds. If it sounds good you will be smiling the whole time you’re listening to it. Bad records wow I felt like shooting metallica for one of their bad sounding songs (Not going to mention which one). Anyhow, I feel as if the Phonaks are better then say the Shures530s,W3's I mean they won Editors review plus if you take a look at Martins spreadsheet they were rated higher then the Shure530's.

(By the way me listening with no filters, I guess is just my perference....I agree with all the opinions on this way of listening. They sound overly bright indeed, but I agree with whoever said that sound without the filters is moredetailed....
Jan 21, 2009 at 12:20 AM Post #419 of 2,281

Originally Posted by communic /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'd have to agree, most iems including dynamic and armature based ones are not so indifferent that a comparison is not warranted even going to the extent of stating what is better dependent on the particular owners preferences. If you were going to compare W3's to Senn HD800's then that would be something different all together!

Going back to the Phonaks, I am indeed a bit of a basshead at heart but most if not all of my iems have had copious midbass in comparison, even the pretty much transparent x10's. There is something quite alluring about the clean bass with the Phonaks. I used to think clean bass came hand-in-hand with low punch for iems based on the few I have used with those qualities. The phonaks do indeed dispel that previous thought as they do pack a punch so to speak.

If you are not indeed a midbass whore then I can see why some people may prefer the phonaks to the w3's or similar midbass accentuated iems. Havn;t used the phonaks outside yet but I do think I will miss the midbass hump as I do believe it to be an essential component to pleasurable listening when the ambient air isn't still but detrimental when it is.

Oh and @ tsarn, I didn'y bother using the included T130s but put on a fresh pair of T100 slims as I wasnt sure I would like the audeos as I thought they mght sound too sterile so wanted to have all tips unused in case I was going to return/sell them. Might try the T130's at a later date but they look similar in size to T400 shorts and if so are slightly more uncomfortable than the T100's albeit at the expense of a slightly better seal.

Funny you mentioned bass. I did something I would never do tonight, I used the "bass boost" setting on my Touch 2G. I know, I know. iPod EQ sucks. Guess what? It sounded pretty darn good with the Audeos, except on a couple of very heavy bass hip-hop tracks (distortion reared its ugly head). But on some other tracks, the Dead's Shakedown Street is one, wow, it sounded nice.

Nice idea with the T100s. The T130s are the same height as the T400s, but wider at the tip than the comparable T100s (mid sized).

That mid-bass issue is why I need to EQ the W3s a bit with the Zune. Just overpowers the rest of the sound spectrum with that DAP on tracks where bass is powerful. But when I can lessen that effect, the W3s do sound very, very alluring.
Jan 21, 2009 at 12:20 AM Post #420 of 2,281
Well I guess I’m a 'precise listener' because to me the Phonaks beat the Shure530's and the W3's just my personal opinion. I have a friend who has the W3 we traded for a week. I go to get my Phonaks he says there better and asks can he keep them.....So I’m not the only one I disagree with Headphoneaddict to me the W3's are not superior I used to like the mid bass hump in phones in general. But the Phonaks changed all that it sounds clean and punchy....and true. The Phonaks can do bass just needs the black filters or a little eqing....The bass is extremely punchy even when you turn EQ it up it sounds clean without over clouding the mids or the highs. It sounds clean and clear I like the fact it does not sugarcoat stuff. If the record does not sound good then you will hear just had bad it sounds. If it sounds good you will be smiling the whole time you’re listening to it. Bad records wow I felt like shooting metallica for one of their bad sounding songs (Not going to mention which one). Anyhow, I feel as if the Phonaks are better then say the Shures530s,W3's I mean they won Editors review plus if you take a look at Martins spreadsheet they were rated higher then the Shure530's.

(By the way me listening with no filters I guess is just my perference....I agree with all the opinions on this way of listening. They sound overly bright indeed, but I agree with whoever said that the sound without the filters is more detailed....

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