Philips Fidelio X2?!
Jun 10, 2015 at 2:34 PM Post #4,938 of 15,270
It is down to 6 to 8 days per Amazon's website. I am waiting too. Better than the 3 to 5 weeks it was a few days ago.

I saw your post about the 5 week wait and as it changed over the past few days i jumped on the offer. When i first purchased them, it was at full price and i paid just over $400AUD for them shipped to Aus. This time its about $340AUD shipped. I definitely regret selling my old pair, i have only just craved it in the last month or so. 
Jun 10, 2015 at 7:19 PM Post #4,939 of 15,270
I saw your post about the 5 week wait and as it changed over the past few days i jumped on the offer. When i first purchased them, it was at full price and i paid just over $400AUD for them shipped to Aus. This time its about $340AUD shipped. I definitely regret selling my old pair, i have only just craved it in the last month or so. 

It now says in stock at!
Jun 10, 2015 at 8:39 PM Post #4,940 of 15,270
If anyone in here the has the X2's and Senn HD598/600's would you please tell me which puts more pressure on your jaw bone in front of your ear? I'm looking for a replacement from you DT990 pros. Or if you have the a900x's I would be interested as well. Thanks!
Jun 10, 2015 at 9:36 PM Post #4,941 of 15,270
If anyone in here the has the X2's and Senn HD598/600's would you please tell me which puts more pressure on your jaw bone in front of your ear? I'm looking for a replacement from you DT990 pros. Or if you have the a900x's I would be interested as well. Thanks!

I have the a900x on right now. I would say the pressure is very light. The wing system supports the headphones very well on my head with little clamping force. I have a relatively small head I would say.
Jun 11, 2015 at 12:43 AM Post #4,943 of 15,270
  If anyone in here the has the X2's and Senn HD598/600's would you please tell me which puts more pressure on your jaw bone in front of your ear? I'm looking for a replacement from you DT990 pros. Or if you have the a900x's I would be interested as well. Thanks!

Easily the X2s. I have stretched out the HD600s though, they probably clamp harder out of the box, and mine are 10 years old, X2s are ~2 months old. Nothing compares to my HD600s in terms of comfort, of the cans I've had anyway. X2 comfort is a 8.5-9.0 on my HD600 comfort scale though, very close.
Jun 11, 2015 at 6:51 AM Post #4,944 of 15,270
If anyone in here the has the X2's and Senn HD598/600's would you please tell me which puts more pressure on your jaw bone in front of your ear? I'm looking for a replacement from you DT990 pros. Or if you have the a900x's I would be interested as well. Thanks!

598s are much lighter and have a lower clamping force.
Jun 11, 2015 at 2:25 PM Post #4,945 of 15,270
My X2 just shipped from Amazon, so it was maybe a week instead of 2-5 weeks.Will be here Friday. I own the HP 50 the Q701 and 900x for those might be of interest of comparisons of these cans.
Jun 11, 2015 at 4:12 PM Post #4,947 of 15,270
Received my X2 and loving it. Overall I like them a lot more than my HD650 since my amp and dac are nothing fancy but the e09k+e17 combo. I have no intention to change my amp/dac as in near future. Is there any headphone(open or closed) or iem(ciem) that has similar sound signature as X2? Places I wish X2 can do better(my personal preference): deeper and more impactful bass and a more forward mid. Any recommendation is welcome as long it can be driven decentlyby my entry amp/dac set up! 
Jun 11, 2015 at 8:55 PM Post #4,948 of 15,270
Just got mine in. Pretty dang good sound. I've been comparing this to my Somic MH463(for sale currently on here and ebay) to see how they stack up. The one negative I'm feeling on these is the headband pressure is too much, hopefully that'll ease up a bit.
Jun 11, 2015 at 9:03 PM Post #4,949 of 15,270
Your kidding about the bass right?

Received my X2 and loving it. Overall I like them a lot more than my HD650 since my amp and dac are nothing fancy but the e09k+e17 combo. I have no intention to change my amp/dac as in near future. Is there any headphone(open or closed) or iem(ciem) that has similar sound signature as X2? Places I wish X2 can do better(my personal preference): deeper and more impactful bass and a more forward mid. Any recommendation is welcome as long it can be driven decentlyby my entry amp/dac set up! 
Jun 11, 2015 at 9:29 PM Post #4,950 of 15,270
How do the x2 compare to planar magnetics like he560 and pm3?

Well the HE560 is an engame level headphone for a lot of people, so it doesn't compare. Haven't heard the PM3, but it is a closed planar magnetic, so probably not the best comparison.
Compared to the similarly priced HE400, the bass is more present on the X2, but not quite as good. I prefer the highs on the X2 as there is no crazy spike, and the mids are a wash. Comfort is much better on X2.
But honestly, they sound very different from planars, it's just a different sound that is hard to explain. 

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