Perfect Sound Dido D901 Mini-Tour | reviews, discussion, impressions, musings, etc.
Feb 11, 2014 at 12:52 PM Post #107 of 244
Hi guys, just updating everyone. The Dido tour sample was officially mailed yesterday afternoon and should be in the next persons hands in 6 to 8 business days

The video review I promised should be live on my YT channel within the next couple of days. Once it's live I'll link it here. Many thanks to gelocks for including me in the tour, the Dido was a fun listen
Feb 11, 2014 at 1:28 PM Post #109 of 244
Thanks Arly for your impressions, videos and for taking part of the tour!!!
In the meantime, just in case I will keep the second post updated with your impressions:
Thanks all.
Feb 16, 2014 at 12:22 PM Post #112 of 244
Hmm. Thought they would be good portables.

The Dido?  The can work as portables...  But they are a little large for on the go use.  Most people would elect to go with something smaller XD 
Feb 16, 2014 at 8:53 PM Post #114 of 244
  Can't be as large as my LA-D2000, and I used to take these out... lol

Well, you shouldn't have a problem with the Dido's then... with the exception of the knocks and clanks from the metal if anything... :wink:
Thanks for the review DF!! :wink:
Feb 19, 2014 at 1:20 PM Post #117 of 244
Yeah, he already has them at his house...
He'll probably chime in later on but he mentioned this briefly...
"Bass is AMAZING - on my Spec system"
Feb 19, 2014 at 1:40 PM Post #118 of 244
These headphones should have been called Perfect Sound Di<insert missing letter here>do D901, they are lots of fun and are a pleasure to play with and have a nice rumble.

regular_smile .gif
 I can't be the only one here that have been thinking this...
Feb 19, 2014 at 4:46 PM Post #120 of 244
Spent a total of 2 hours with the Dido last pervs had me misspell that twice now by the way...................and I can add the following as preliminary impressions. 
Presentation - one of the best I've seen, on par with the Denon D7000, TH900 and the like.  Great box, well designed, opens easily to a lush view of the headphones.  The stand, much like the Alpha Dog stand, is too short but better than nothing. 
Fit - a lot of discussion about this so thought I'd touch on this first.  Two aspects - clamp and ear pads.  Easy one first - clamp is very weak as it came out of the box but since the headband is spring steel it takes reshaping very well so I just reworked it gently and now the clamp is PERFECT.  Any user who buys this can make it as strong or as weak as you want.  That's the good news.  Ear pads are another story.  They are soft and relatively comfortable - the issue is the size of the opening.  Now they aren't really too small like the M100 but they are just on the border of being too small for me.  I had no discomfort after an hour of listening to Rush 2112 like I would have with the M100 or even the Signature Pro I bought from gelocks a while back.  So the design of the pads could be improved and making them removable would be a good idea as well.  If these were my phones I'd try to remove them and try to retrofit some Alpha pads to this chassis.  THAT would be a win. 
Sound - let's start with what makes them badass - the BASS - since that's what we all want.  It is as deep and present as ANY headphone I've ever heard - or maybe a tie with the Sennheiser DJ7 that I just returned to Sennheiser because of TOO much bass.  The difference with the Dido is the sound overall is very good and tho it's not balanced it sounds very high quality to me and therefore I can tolerate the wall of bass you get.  I'm running these out of my vintage 1978 Pioneer Spec 1/2 system out of the headphone jack on the Spec 1 so oodles of power on tap.  With the tone controls enabled on the preamp I flattened out the bass and de-emphasize it on the SG-9500 Equalizer - success!  It becomes just right and on some songs I add a notch or two of midbass to the preamp controls.  These are very capable headphones and I look forward to the next few days of experimenting with various genres (hard rock to smooth jazz) as well as modes (vinyl, CD and digital).
Noise - yes, they do creak and make groaning noises when the volume is low.  Easy solution - turn it up.  Not sure if I've ever experienced this level of noise before and I question whether you could minimize or solve it by using some graphite spray.  Might be worth a try.
More to come after my audition is complete.........................thanks again to a good friend gelocks for putting this together.  Without his generosity most of us would have never tried these headphones. 

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