PC Enthusiast-Fi (PC Gaming/Hardware/Software/Overclocking)
Nov 17, 2012 at 5:22 PM Post #76 of 9,120
I forgot to mention, I do have a copy of Windows 7 Enterprise. Should I just install that, and wait until Win8 becomes all warm and toasty? (Seems like a yes)
How much life does DDR3 have left? Don't want to invest in the ram, but not be able to use it for a new rig 1-2 years from now. If the question is even answerable, apologies. (My current ram is DDR2)

Why not if it is not bothersome? I don't have many personal things on my main drive so it would be a no brainer for me. 
DDR3 has about 2 years left. DDR4 is expected to get 5% market share in 2013 . But at $18 for 4GB's it is a no brainer. Your system is DDR3 (right?) and so at the price, it is a no brainer.
Oh crap. DDR2 >_<
DDR2 because of phasing out is about 3X+ more expensive. I honestly don't want to recommend 2GB with Win 7. I hvae a computer with that on it. It runs and does stuff but GAMES? You will get a seroius bottle neck. Win 7 uses up about 1GB+ of RAM if you are an actual user (It's "BS" claims are for a blank system and its "real world" claims are for a tidy consumer) 
Right now I am not running that many programs, Google Chrome, Foobar and have a window open. Of course a few 3rd party here and there. Nothing big. Windows is using up 2.85GB's of physical ram right now. If you have less, yes Windows will try to make virtual RAM and or attempt to make itself as small as possible but that reduces performance quite a bit. People can game with 2GB on Win 7 don't get me wrong, it is just a serious bottle neck. I don't expect DDR4 to be cheap at all. Not sure what to tell you. You would need to find a mobo that not only supports your CPU socket and CPU specifically(unless you know how to flash the bios and want to) and that has DDR3 support. As of right now due to phasing out, I expect that to be $50-$70 for a decent one.
$55 +$20 for 4GB =$75 approx. Not sure if that would still be a good improvement. I may say to wait on maybe and hold on for next year if you wish. Or buy a new system. A cheap system that is. But ....then again. Your 4850 and CPU isn't exactly a hag either. My 5770 compares brute force wise to a 4870 except with more acceleration in programs specifically and plays on high @ 1080p on most games. 
Nov 17, 2012 at 5:40 PM Post #77 of 9,120
I've flashed the motherboard bios on my Gigabyte a few times, same thing?
Yeah, I see ram go on sale frequently, so it's not exactly a huge loss even if DDR3 gets sent to the bowels of Narnia. Though I just spent $200 on storage (6TB across two Seagate externals), so my bank account is draining quick.
My current HDD is 500GB, and most of the data is already backed up. I'd likely create an HDD image before installing a new OS. I do worry, I've abused the drive for over four years. I was holding out for an SSD (last gen Samsung), the prices are getting cheaper, but I'm not sure it's worth the cost with my current rig.
Nov 17, 2012 at 5:46 PM Post #78 of 9,120
I've flashed the motherboard bios on my Gigabyte a few times, same thing?
Yeah, I see ram go on sale frequently, so it's not exactly a huge loss even if DDR3 gets sent to the bowels of Narnia. Though I just spent $200 on storage (6TB across two Seagate externals), so my bank account is draining quick.
My current HDD is 500GB, and most of the data is already backed up. I'd likely create an HDD image before installing a new OS. I do worry, I've abused the drive for over four years. I was holding out for an SSD (last gen Samsung), the prices are getting cheaper, but I'm not sure it's worth the cost with my current rig.

Nearly. Imagine that your computer can not be used and you can't do crap with it because your motherboard doesn't support that version of your CPU. This highly depends on how the motherboard flashes. Some don't have that option or its terrible so it won't even boot. The better ones with those options allow you to get a USB stick or floopy that have a file on it. Obviously you need to download said file from a nother computer. It will then install it that way. This is if our CPU was newer after the mobo came out and later came to support it.
You spend that much on storage but not on boosting the speed of your computer?
Nov 17, 2012 at 5:51 PM Post #79 of 9,120
Priorities. Other than gaming, my PC performance is fairly acceptable. Storage is very much a necessity, I can live without PC gaming for the short-term if it ever meant choosing.
Nov 17, 2012 at 5:55 PM Post #80 of 9,120
Priorities. Other than gaming, my PC performance is fairly acceptable. Storage is very much a necessity, I can live without PC gaming for the short-term if it ever meant choosing.

The blasphemy. Lol. I'm kidding. I game quite a bit so it's a bit different for me. I have 5 HDD's internally in my desktop and my 2TB External. I look forward to upgrading next year I'm preparing a $900 budget for one.
Nov 17, 2012 at 5:56 PM Post #81 of 9,120
Well I do have gaming consoles. But no HDTV. Or LCD monitor. (Often can't read in-game text) Yeah I'm really really cheap. If I can't justify the cost, I sit and suffer.
Nov 17, 2012 at 6:04 PM Post #82 of 9,120
Well I do have gaming consoles. But no HDTV. Or LCD monitor. (Often can't read in-game text) Yeah I'm really really cheap. If I can't justify the cost, I sit and suffer.

You are like opposite man every time I read your post.
Has E8400 and 4850...but 2GB of RAM!!!! What!?
Ok so let's upgrade to 4GBs. Wait...DDR2!!!>!>!>!?? WHAT!?
Ok...whyWin 8, whats wrong with Win Seve----....Wait.....You run Win XP!!?!?!?! WHAT!!!!
ok let's try to see if you can maybe get or save up......wait....you spent $200 on Ext's this year!!!? PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
How about we say.................no LCD or HDTV??!!
I am this right now:

Nov 17, 2012 at 6:06 PM Post #83 of 9,120
I thought I may as well start one. But I guess here it is. A thread for talk about PC Enthusiasm. Be if you just want to talk about new PC tech news like that new GPU form Nvidia or how Samsung is making smaller chips and whatever! Need help building a PC? We can help! Want help on Overclocking? Sure! PC parts and what are good buys? That would do as well.
Discussion about tech news or battles against Apple are not allowed. Discussion on if a Mac is right for you however is. 
PC Gaming: 
Upcomming games I am interested in:
COD Black Ops 3 (I am not a very hipster kind of guy, I go with anything really)
Assasins Creed
Crysis 3
PC Tech:
4th generation Intel Chips

And this my friends is when I look at graphics and can tell you that this came from the console version.

This is this threads first post. And I was just blown away. Looking back at my mentality during this time period with Dishonored. Let's just say this. The trailer video, and that picture right there. NEVER FRICKING HAPPENED. The trailers of the game months before it released showed MUCH MUCH different storyline or what they implied was happening and that pic also never happened. What is going on?
Nov 17, 2012 at 6:11 PM Post #84 of 9,120
They do it with movie trailers too. The Man likes to entice you with his lies.
Nov 17, 2012 at 6:18 PM Post #85 of 9,120
They do it with movie trailers too. The Man likes to entice you with his lies.

LOL, some trailers miss some parts of the movie like 21 jump street.
BO2 opening video: Quite decent video. Until we see the kid carrying his sister. Not that that's bad but the graphics just didn't fly with it. They weren't bad until that part due to careful camera craftsman ship but then when he got out there, they were like the usual things you see.
Part 1 of the actual game video was decent, a bit cliche but decent. Quite interesting. And of course very general situation.
Nov 17, 2012 at 6:22 PM Post #86 of 9,120
Right now my desktop is:
AMD Athlon X2 5000+ 2.6Ghz
OEM HP motherboard
3GB DDR2 533 RAM (Already have 16GB of DDR3 1600 ram to replace this when I get a new mobo)
2 1TB internal drives (WD Black and Seagate Barracuda)
MSI NX8800gt
500W PSU
Antec 900
Logitech G15 1st generation
Logitech MX Revolution
Dell 23" Monitor main, HP 19" secondary
New addition:
OCZ Vertex 4 128GB SSD.

That SSD really makes my PC fly again. But I'm looking to get an i3/i5 depending on the budget I have, with a decent motherboard.
Any suggestions?

Also, my HTPC:

Silverstone HTPC case
Biostar TA75M
AMD A6-3650 APU
4GB DDR3 1600 (Currently have the 16GB waiting to be dropped in my Desktop here as well)
OCZ Vertex 4 64GB SSD (Yes, Newegg had a sale on OCZ vertex 4's as well as a coupon for buying the APU)
Seagate barracuda 320GB HDD for Music and Ero-Games :p
2TB external WD Essentials with media
Nov 17, 2012 at 6:39 PM Post #87 of 9,120
It looks like your HTPC may actually be faster than your Desktop. The CPU should do better in more areas on the HTPC as it has new acceleration and upgraded new pipelines and efficency.

Just played the first part of Black Ops 2. As in the first 10 minutes. 
I would give it a 7/10 on the regular scale as of these first 10 minutes.
The standard customizations again are horrible. I had to spend 5 mins customizing it. 
So hard to stand. Really? You have thousands crawl over the border against the what it seems to be hundred or two troops I witnessed? And then the enemies are not only wearing the same exact clothing but somehow aren't dead when everyone has assault rifles? The reviewer mentioned that this was an attempt at what COD used to do. Yes it was one. But COD 1-3 did something different. They had this thing calle dstrategic cover, flanking enemy and gun nests. That was exciting. This is just hilarious. And let's not mention how utterly terrible the chopper part of these first 10 minutes was. It somehow with a chopper which kinda resembles the shape of this:

Somehow took out about 15 tanks and could easily continously and eaisly always hit the target and take out a medium tank in one shot that wasn't even aimed?
This is the 80's by the way when this battle was fought.
I thought that I may be incorporating too much realism I have experienced from BF3 into this. But honestly no. This first part was like what?

More rant:
Ok the controls for carrying the dude suck and that ship battle....again....cringe worthy. Not to mention why is it that COD always have these close encounter situations where you have to hide from the enemy....EXCEPT. That in real life, they would have been found immiadately. For example, there is a huge crack right there and they are looking at you and dude. You are whipsering too loudly.
Pciking the lock part was also bad. HE just waltzed in there and immaidately knew to take the trap.
Nov 17, 2012 at 7:45 PM Post #88 of 9,120
Mmmm, Mirror's Edge at 1080p with 8xAA.




Nov 17, 2012 at 8:25 PM Post #90 of 9,120
BO2 is very hilarious. It is made by exactly who you think it is. Hipster geeks that think they know stuff when they start to learn things. HILARIOUS. 
So...fricking hilarous. 
The regular COD stuff is already in there. Where 4 people can take down hundreds of elites and walk into gunfire and survive or howit was even possible to carry 20 missles that could destroy a Armored carrying vehicle in one shot and a medium tank in 2.
But the best part is The mission briefing on Tian Zhao.
Let's break it down as to the subjects these guys have been on in the last 3 missions I played
BO2 Break down:
  • Chairman
  • SDC
  • Superpower  coalition
  • America's hypocracy
  • Cold War with China/Russia/Cuba/Americas involvement and aid
  • Control of the market and war in the future and the leadings of it
No. Hipsters. You guys didn't do your hw. We all know Chairman Mao and what Americans think is (was) Chairman Hu. NO...just stop, its embarassing how hipster it is. I can just imagine it. A group of hipsters sitting down and talking about this. They usually hit it pretty nicely but their arguments for it and facts are just so hilariously out of there. This is one of them. There is no Chairman of China. After 1982, China decided to not have any more Chairman's for a variety of reasons. The most powerful leader and represenative of China is the General Secretary which is often referred to as the President of China (kinda correct as that is a unofficial title used by many and them sometimes) andvery incorrectly the Chairman of China. 
SDC....lOL. Change a letter. For those of you that know. America, U.K, and France are in a coalition of armed guaranters of each other called NATO. Right now China (PRC) and Russia (RF) are also in their own armed guarantee coalition named the SCO. Shangai Co-operation Organization. They are talking about that probably. The differnece is, Russian Federation is already in it while in the game they are not. The game is correct though. India is not part of it and feeling IMMENSE pressure from it.
America's hypocracy. Something very often NOT ever mentioned is America's hypocracy which is shown and hinted on a few times here. Basically many of the public today confus American National Security with Worldwide Security. No. America is a nation and thus has its own huge ambitions. Helping other nations of course is a part of their mentallity and how they go about it but do not be confused that that is not always or most often the case. The taking of the invisbility cloak and devices kinda move on this. Basically it was a technology that America didn't have but now will analyze and use for themselves. Let's spin this the other way around. Russia found a technology from America and now will analyze it and use it for themselves. What changed? A country and how a group of people feel on how that nation will use it. But for the majority of American mentality. What was OHH YEAH! Turned into, those evil bastards.
Cold War aid and crap is great. I must really say that I am so amused by how many nations and the huge scope of the cold war main fights that BO2 is letting the public experience (horribly) now and that they even included China with the Mujahadeen which is INCREDIBLY awesome because ......no game ever has included China in such a way in the last decade probably
95% Chinese control of rare earth materials. So hipsterish. Again, I can already imagine people in a circle talking about it when they (and me) have little idea of how the system works. Just like the patent wars today. If you don't know how the patent system works and what can be considered one, then shut your mouth. Say it's an opinion and include that you don't know or shut your mouth. Chinese economy and people= business. Unless told to by the National Party Assembly, the Chinese economy and Capitalism there will continue like normal. People want to make money. American companies right now are sending many jobs to China. Very similar in that sense that unless huge war breaks out. The economy and military are very seperate. 
And now some of you may wonder if I can even say these things as I just said that we should know it before talking about it. There is that but the point is, the facts I did include are real facts. No assumptions or highly faulty analyzation. I analyzing the analyzation by the hipsters that made the game is all. We all know the types of people that go into game development. My cousin is kinda one and I am friends with many of them. Highly opinionated but also don't see everything at the same time.
It is great that BO2 is stepping on these awesome issues. Just wish they would do it better.

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