Pathos Inpol Ear Headphone Amplifier
Jun 4, 2021 at 12:43 PM Post #211 of 701
I recently received my custom Dynahi and Beta22 amps which were 5 months delayed due to the pandemic (in which time, I bought the Pathos InPol).

Initial impressions (PC > UltraRendu > Holo Audio May > amps via XLR)

Beta22: Fairly laid back across the spectrum with superb delivery, power and oodles of bass

Dynahi: More fun characteristic (compared to the Beta22) with slightly less bass but more forward mids and improved sparkle at the top end

InPol Ear: I must admit I have been listening to the InPol in a more demure manner (around 100-110 volume). Not until I've had the Beta22/Dynahi that I cranked up the volume to (130-140) which is where the fun starts. The InPol is like the Beta22 + Dynahi combined and then some. Presentation is more layered (as mentioned before) without losing details whilst also presenting more micro details information than the other 2 amps.

I really should stop buying amps lol

Jun 4, 2021 at 1:48 PM Post #212 of 701
Nice Stable of Amps! And that looks like a Studio Six on the right. Sounds like you discovered "Concert Volume" on the InPol. The 1/2 db volume steps really are a great feature.

BTW for fun I tried the Final A8000 IEM (102db) on the InPol and found it to be a very quiet amp
Jun 4, 2021 at 2:42 PM Post #213 of 701
Nice Stable of Amps! And that looks like a Studio Six on the right. Sounds like you discovered "Concert Volume" on the InPol. The 1/2 db volume steps really are a great feature.

BTW for fun I tried the Final A8000 IEM (102db) on the InPol and found it to be a very quiet amp
The volume control on the InPol is stellar.

Yes, that's the Studio Six. I've sold my Phonitor X, Pathos Aurium and ECP Audio Ravenwood DSHA-3F. My La Figaro 339 is currently with my dad on his vinyl setup. So yeah, I really should stop but curiosity gets the better of me hahaha
Jun 4, 2021 at 3:11 PM Post #214 of 701
I really should stop buying amps lol
Or not :) Have you heard the Trafomatic Head 2? I had the Inpol Ear (and I loved it), but I have to say I am most impressed with the Head 2.
Jun 4, 2021 at 11:38 PM Post #216 of 701
I recently received my custom Dynahi and Beta22 amps which were 5 months delayed due to the pandemic (in which time, I bought the Pathos InPol).

Initial impressions (PC > UltraRendu > Holo Audio May > amps via XLR)

Beta22: Fairly laid back across the spectrum with superb delivery, power and oodles of bass

Dynahi: More fun characteristic (compared to the Beta22) with slightly less bass but more forward mids and improved sparkle at the top end

InPol Ear: I must admit I have been listening to the InPol in a more demure manner (around 100-110 volume). Not until I've had the Beta22/Dynahi that I cranked up the volume to (130-140) which is where the fun starts. The InPol is like the Beta22 + Dynahi combined and then some. Presentation is more layered (as mentioned before) without losing details whilst also presenting more micro details information than the other 2 amps.

I really should stop buying amps lol

Tambaqui! 🤩🤩🤩
How are you liking it so far?
Trial or did you already purchase?
How was you (purchase) experience?

I'd love to hear your impressions of the Tambaqui's performance. 🙂
Jun 5, 2021 at 1:35 AM Post #217 of 701
Tambaqui! 🤩🤩🤩
How are you liking it so far?
Trial or did you already purchase?
How was you (purchase) experience?

I'd love to hear your impressions of the Tambaqui's performance. 🙂
Hey chaZZZy007, the Tambaqui was initially supposed to be a lockdown loaner, but after I returned it, I missed it's sound. It didn't help that @canfabulous was poisoning me every step of the way.
So, after re-mortgaging my house, I got myself a unit, which my wife would probably kill me if she found out how much it cost 🙈🙊🙉

Anyhoo, impressions can be found on the Mola Mola Tambaqui thread but what I loved about it above the May is the way it renders and portrays drums and strings in the upper registers especially cymbals and guitar plucks.
Jun 5, 2021 at 8:32 AM Post #218 of 701
I recently received my custom Dynahi and Beta22 amps which were 5 months delayed due to the pandemic (in which time, I bought the Pathos InPol).

Initial impressions (PC > UltraRendu > Holo Audio May > amps via XLR)

Beta22: Fairly laid back across the spectrum with superb delivery, power and oodles of bass

Dynahi: More fun characteristic (compared to the Beta22) with slightly less bass but more forward mids and improved sparkle at the top end

InPol Ear: I must admit I have been listening to the InPol in a more demure manner (around 100-110 volume). Not until I've had the Beta22/Dynahi that I cranked up the volume to (130-140) which is where the fun starts. The InPol is like the Beta22 + Dynahi combined and then some. Presentation is more layered (as mentioned before) without losing details whilst also presenting more micro details information than the other 2 amps.

I really should stop buying amps lol

Which versions of the B22 and Dynahi did you go with out of curiosity?
Jun 5, 2021 at 9:09 AM Post #219 of 701
Hahaha carboncopy, I have been reading your praises on the Trafomatic and I have been researc..........No, I must stop *ohmmmmm, ohmmmmm*
Uhhmm, I have also spotted the Holy Mola... errr the Tambaqui in your setup, but I must resist, you know, show some discipline and restraint.. No really:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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Jun 5, 2021 at 9:21 AM Post #221 of 701
Hi paradoxper, I have the fully balanced B22 (4 board version) and the SuSy Dynahi. Was also tempted by the CFA3, no........must resist............ *ohmmmmm, ohmmmmmm*
Very cool. I am familiar with them all.

There is a hybrid CFA3 on the horizon to also consider. :grin: :laughing:
Jun 5, 2021 at 6:56 PM Post #222 of 701
Uhhmm, I have also spotted the Holy Mola... errr the Tambaqui in your setup, but I must resist, you know, show some discipline and restraint.. No really:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Jun 5, 2021 at 7:37 PM Post #223 of 701
Uhhmm, I have also spotted the Holy Mola... errr the Tambaqui in your setup, but I must resist, you know, show some discipline and restraint.. No really:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

This is me all the time trying to resist buying something I really don't need but want to listen too, haha :sweat_smile: !!
Jun 5, 2021 at 9:27 PM Post #224 of 701
This is me all the time trying to resist buying something I really don't need but want to listen too, haha :sweat_smile: !!
It feels like we are all catching Tambaqui fever! 🤩🤩🤩

TBH I have been thinking about upgrading my DAC, but the upgraded Modwright Oppo 205 performs so well and has just the right amount of richness to make it a very good match to the neutral Pathos.

But still, that Tambaqui looks so bee-yoo-tee-full! 🤩🤩🤩

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