ouija boards experiences
Aug 30, 2010 at 7:56 AM Post #31 of 36
I use a form of divination all the time and have for my big life concerns for the last ten years. All I can say is it has worked for me. I do not use it for selfish reasons other than to know what the future may hold. It has been right so much that I could write a good book about it. For most people "in the know" this stuff is just a normal part of life. For people not used to it it may seem pretty strange and scary. It has helped me a lot so that is just where I am. I keep it personal as many people in the world look down on such things or are scared due to a lack of understanding. Some have said this divination is one of the greatest gifts to man. It may be. I just like to have little reassurances about the direction of my life. The second and profound result has been a better understanding into what the basic elements of life may be. Maybe even what the true self inside of myself is.
Aug 30, 2010 at 2:31 PM Post #32 of 36
I had a funny experience with a psychic once. I went to one in 91.. She told me I would be getting married at 25 & married again in my early 30's.. Well, in 98 when I was 25, I didn't get married, but a close friend did get married when I was 25 in 98..I went to the wedding. Another friend got married in my early 30's.. Guess her spirit guide had it backward.. At least she was half right..:)O
Aug 30, 2010 at 2:38 PM Post #33 of 36

They will just make fun of you here... If science can't prove it, it doesn't exist to many. Let's face it.. Theres some strange sxit that science can'y explain away..The City of Troy was just a myth until it was discovered.. & people forget, we had real life monsters known as dinosours who roamed the earth.. It if wasn't for their bones.. Science would put them in the same category as bigfoot.
I use a form of divination all time and have for my big life concerns for the last ten years. All I can say is it has worked for me. I do not use it for selfish reasons other than to know what the future may hold. It has been right so much that I could write a good book about it. For most people "in the know" this stuff is just a normal part of life. For people not used to it it may seem pretty strange and scary. It has helped me a lot so that is just where I am. I keep it personal as many people in the world look down on such things or are scared due to a lack of understanding. Some have said this divination is one of the greatest gifts to man. It may be. I just like to have little reassurances about the direction of my life. The second and profound result has been a better understanding into what the basic elements of life may be. Maybe even what the true self inside of myself is.

Aug 31, 2010 at 2:17 AM Post #35 of 36
It is just like interconnects and power cords. The people who believe do not need proof and the for the others all the proof in the world would not be enough!
Sep 1, 2010 at 6:35 PM Post #36 of 36
Never tried any ouija board or anything along those lines and I don't think I would ever have the guts to go for it. Even though I'm kind of skeptical about these things, if they were to be real, I'd be scared sh**less! 

Kind of interesting to see this post at head fi!

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