Ottawa Regional meet - September 2015 - respond here
Aug 3, 2015 at 10:33 PM Post #32 of 154
  Any updates on possible venues?  Let's not leave this until the last minute!

Yes, I have dropped this ball recently as life has gotten in the way. I will look into the rates t some Legion Halls ASAP. Thanks for the reminder. Cheers.
Aug 14, 2015 at 10:10 AM Post #33 of 154
Many branches of the Ottawa Public Library have meeting rooms of appropriate size for our needs.  See for details.  Looks like rental would cost $75 for four hours.
Aug 14, 2015 at 1:21 PM Post #34 of 154
  Many branches of the Ottawa Public Library have meeting rooms of appropriate size for our needs.  See for details.  Looks like rental would cost $75 for four hours.

Thanks, I was considering this as a secondary option. Libraries are no fun!
Sep 17, 2015 at 4:50 PM Post #36 of 154
Depending on the number we could host it at Modern Sounds here in Ottawa. We have Audeze, Sennheiser, B&O Play, AudioQuest, Celsus Sound, NuPrime and Paradigm on-hand. You would be welcome to bring anything in for a listen of course. We might be able to get some industry people there too perhaps.
Sep 18, 2015 at 12:26 AM Post #38 of 154
Unfortunately,I can't make it for October, I'm booked up October 2, 10th, 16th, for shooting weddings. I'm being flown to the Dominican republic Oct 25th to November 2nd for last wedding of the season. Then I have dumb amount of editting to do. So I'm free mid to late November.
Sep 20, 2015 at 11:00 PM Post #39 of 154
Sorry to have checked out for so long. I think that mid/late November is a great target as Dan is very instrumental in getting us together so he should be there. I ended up with some very time-consuming situations as of late so I again apologize for being missing in action.
Rick, the realistic range is from 8 to 15 people I would say with an outside chance of above 15, but below 25 attendees. Would your facility allow for that many people, plus, take into consideration that a great deal of the time attendees would be listening to other members gear, perhaps so much so that on-hand gear you might like to promote might not get the love it deserves?
As well, we need to revisit the idea of designing and conducting at least one, if not two multiple trial, multiple subject blind listening tests. I think this should be a key goal of our meet and the key to success is to plan so that the event allows people who agree to participate as subjects still have enough time to enjoy themselves. So a virtual show of hands for mid/late November please. Cheers.
Sep 20, 2015 at 11:16 PM Post #40 of 154
Sorry to have checked out for so long. I think that mid/late November is a great target as Dan is very instrumental in getting us together so he should be there. I ended up with some very time-consuming situations as of late so I again apologize for being missing in action.

Rick, the realistic range is from 8 to 15 people I would say with an outside chance of above 15, but below 25 attendees. Would your facility allow for that many people, plus, take into consideration that a great deal of the time attendees would be listening to other members gear, perhaps so much so that on-hand gear you might like to promote might not get the love it deserves?

As well, we need to revisit the idea of designing and conducting at least one, if not two multiple trial, multiple subject blind listening tests. I think this should be a key goal of our meet and the key to success is to plan so that the event allows people who agree to participate as subjects still have enough time to enjoy themselves. So a virtual show of hands for mid/late November please. Cheers.
i appreciate that very much and ill be first to commit to mid/late november. Ive cut down on my collection to the essentials of which i use most at the moment. And invested on lore camera equipment. I for one have been looling forward to these blind tests and experiments. Also interconnects placebo? Or your ears are tuned so well you can clearly hear the difference everytime? And depending on turn out and venue i mst go all out bring studio lights and back drop and go all out. Let me know whats the plan. Ill try to fit in any organization with any free time i do get on my hands.
Sep 22, 2015 at 8:41 AM Post #42 of 154
Any date and time will probably work for me.  Modern Sounds would be a nice venue.  I've visited there recently, and I'm sure Rick would be a congenial host. 
Depending on the venue, I could possibly pick up one or two car-less attendees.
Sep 22, 2015 at 10:00 AM Post #43 of 154
While Modern Sounds would be a good venue I think being so far out of the city is a major barrier and would create a lot of extra work and time. While I appreciate the suggestion and kind offer my instincts tell me it would consume a great deal of time in travel alone. I take public transit. That said, if enough people really prefer this venue, which is fine with me, and can coordinate car-pooling efforts I have no objections in principle.

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