Oppo PM-3 : The Portable Planar - Impressions
May 21, 2016 at 8:00 AM Post #4,231 of 6,313
I received my new PM-3s and matching HA-2 a few days ago. I am no aficionado so I will spare all of you my attempt at technical jargon. What I will provide are just a couple of quick comments from a layperson. First the good. Absolutely the best headphones I have ever listened to. Now that may not be saying much considering that my experience is limited to my ATH-M50X, QC-25s, and some Senn PC-350s. Nevertheless, I have never heard anything like it. I used them together with my IPhone 6S. I will say that they sounded much better with the amp then without. I used the high gain and it was heaven. Btw, I used a free iPhone app to control the EQ called TuneShell that made a big difference as well. Okay, that's the good. Now the bad........

While these headphone were the best I've ever heard, they were equally the most painful cans I've ever had on my head! Now admittedly I had read some comments in the reviews of a few that complained that these should be treated as "On ear" as opposed to over ear. I knew with my big noggin that there might be an issue. Honestly though, I had never really considered my ears to be oversized nor has anyone pointed that out lol. Now I have a complex. Thanks Oppo! All kidding aside, while they are considerably heavier than my QC-25s, which is so very minor, it's barely worth mentioning. As soon as I put them on my head I had to adjust them a bit to get all of my ear in both cups. What was also very apparent was that they are vey shallow and so I had both the force of the cups around the sides and now the force from above clamping down. I wouldn't say they rise to the category of torture devices but be warned those of of you with borderline to large ears, this should be an immediate pass. After about 30 minutes I had to take them off to massage the blood flow back into my poor ears.

In conclusion, Soundstage: 10, Comfort: -1.

I'm so depressed. I absolutely need some help here people. I need some suggestions on alternative closed back cans in the $350-$550 range that will leave me equally impressed. I will likely keep the amp as I think it's still a good buy for a portable device. Now please help me find something to connect to it!
May 21, 2016 at 1:03 PM Post #4,234 of 6,313
I also have a really huge head and don't have any problems with comfort with my PM-3, you may want to just stretch the spring steel in the band a little bit and it'll ease up on the clamping force.
May 21, 2016 at 1:05 PM Post #4,235 of 6,313
In regards to them opening large enough, I tested the resistance and they can be opened large enough to accommodate just about any head. Unfortunately, with my 7 3/4 head, they started with a fair amount of clamping pressure and as I pull them wider, that resistance increases significantly. I wish you the best of luck though. I'm still crying as I stare at them in my hands!

Again, for me the pad size was the deal breaker. If it was simply the clamping, I could make that work. Just goes to show how different we all are.
May 22, 2016 at 9:22 AM Post #4,236 of 6,313
I just purchased these and very impressed. I was worried as some said bass was lacking and soundstage small. I am glad i experienced the opposite.
May 22, 2016 at 9:45 AM Post #4,237 of 6,313
I just purchased these and very impressed. I was worried as some said bass was lacking and soundstage small. I am glad i experienced the opposite.

Plenty of good bass, I can't understand  those who say the bass is anything but solid. Soundstage isn't huge, but it is adequate I thought, but I'm not a big soundstage head.
May 22, 2016 at 10:04 AM Post #4,238 of 6,313
Plenty of good bass, I can't understand  those who say the bass is anything but solid. Soundstage isn't huge, but it is adequate I thought, but I'm not a big soundstage head.

Confused me too. I love my bass, but I guess I am not a basshead. :)

These have plenty and very well done. I am glad i was not disappointed.

Soundstage isn't really wide but it is fine. I know closed back won't be as wide as open, but I have heard closed backs with way smaller soundstage.
May 22, 2016 at 12:26 PM Post #4,239 of 6,313
Thanks folks for the info on clamping force. That's the second most common issue. The most common isn't how far they open in terms of width, but me putting on headphones, fully extended, that'll only reach 1/2 way down my ear. In other words, my head isn't just wide, it's long and I guess my ears aren't that high up. Probably 2/3 of headphones are not "long enough" in that way.
May 22, 2016 at 1:28 PM Post #4,240 of 6,313
  Thanks folks for the info on clamping force. That's the second most common issue. The most common isn't how far they open in terms of width, but me putting on headphones, fully extended, that'll only reach 1/2 way down my ear. In other words, my head isn't just wide, it's long and I guess my ears aren't that high up. Probably 2/3 of headphones are not "long enough" in that way.

You'll just have to get a new head it seems.

May 22, 2016 at 6:19 PM Post #4,242 of 6,313
  Or shrink the current. It's possible, I saw it comics

Yes, I think that is also a good approach, maybe even easier. Good suggestion mate.
May 22, 2016 at 7:17 PM Post #4,243 of 6,313
  Plenty of good bass, I can't understand  those who say the bass is anything but solid. Soundstage isn't huge, but it is adequate I thought, but I'm not a big soundstage head.

Maybe if they wear glasses I could see how someone might think they are a little light on the bass. With a good seal though, it's killer!
May 22, 2016 at 8:30 PM Post #4,244 of 6,313
  Maybe if they wear glasses I could see how someone might think they are a little light on the bass. With a good seal though, it's killer!

True. While I sometimes wear glasses, with any headphone I make sure the arm of the glasses sits on top of the headphone ear pad and not under it. The glasses are slightly angled, but at least with my prescription this doesn't effect the way the lenses correct my issues. I did notice that the PM3 does shed some bass when the seal isn't tight.
May 22, 2016 at 8:58 PM Post #4,245 of 6,313
I wear glasses normally with the pm3 and have no issue with lack of bass. I guess it depends on the glasses?

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