Oppo PM-3 : The Portable Planar - Impressions
Feb 21, 2016 at 12:16 PM Post #3,511 of 6,313
Haha, I misunderstood horribly. For some reason I thought he meant the actual padding for the headband was plastic.

We're talking about the top part that's colored I'm assuming now correct? I guess it was probably easier to do when the headband isn't a solid color. The black version is still completely wrapped in pleather isn't it?

Yep, black is pleather. I like colour, but hard plastic wouldn't be comfortable I think.
Feb 21, 2016 at 12:17 PM Post #3,512 of 6,313
Haha, I misunderstood horribly. For some reason I thought he meant the actual padding for the headband was plastic.

We're talking about the top part that's colored I'm assuming now correct? I guess it was probably easier to do when the headband isn't a solid color. The black version is still completely wrapped in pleather isn't it?

Yeah then black and white version is completely wrapped in pleather..
Feb 21, 2016 at 7:41 PM Post #3,515 of 6,313
Does anyone use these on a plane? I'm curious if they'll suffice for travel use.
Quick story: I want to get a closed pair mostly to complement an open pair, and if it can double up as "good enough" for airline travel that will be icing on the cake. I'd rather drop $400 on this and have it cover those two bases, rather than feeling like I should drop another $300 on a ANC pair. I realize these won't cut out as much noise as ANC, but if the the isolation is at least passable that I don't have to crank my music, then I'll be one happy puppy.
Feb 21, 2016 at 8:03 PM Post #3,516 of 6,313
Can't understand people's obsession with ANC. It cuts down ambient noise, true, but in the process distort sound and makes me wonder why would you bother with performant DAPs, amps and HD files... Something like PM-3 that does passive isolation pretty would do just fine in my view.
The only situation I would use ANC is if I'm not playing anything and have them on just for noise cutting but then why bother when ear plugs do such a great job and don't require recharging? :D
Feb 21, 2016 at 8:17 PM Post #3,517 of 6,313
PM3 and dp-x1 DAP balanced are an unbeatable pair when it comes to maximum sound quality and portability. I listened for about 5 hours today and I can say that Sol Niger Within and Panasonic Youth never sounded so detailed, so clear, with strong bass, magic mids and just right highs. Amazing value for just over $1k!

You're RUINING MY LIFE! Ok, probably not. Though, you do have me VERY interested in what this headphone sounds like balanced. I'm thinking, if the DP-X1 is strong enough to drive something like the HD800 or something in that class, then the DP-X1 might be my end game and I'll keep the PM-3 for mobile use, and something open for home use. Feeding them both balanced from the DP-X1. If that is the case, then I hope that I can return my HA-1 and put that money towards the purchase.
Feb 21, 2016 at 8:24 PM Post #3,518 of 6,313
You're RUINING MY LIFE! Ok, probably not. Though, you do have me VERY interested in what this headphone sounds like balanced. I'm thinking, if the DP-X1 is strong enough to drive something like the HD800 or something in that class, then the DP-X1 might be my end game and I'll keep the PM-3 for mobile use, and something open for home use. Feeding them both balanced from the DP-X1. If that is the case, then I hope that I can return my HA-1 and put that money towards the purchase.

Well hopefully I will make your life even worse. I can concur that the DP-X1 and PM3 are an amazing combination. The Onkyo can even drive my 400i quite well, and I prefer a pretty loud playback volume. I think my average listening level is probably around 90db and the DP-X1 in balanced mode can drive the 400i to that point with contemporary music. It would not drive older masters to that same level of volume as they are of course recorded with a great deal less amplitude, but if you don't listen to a great deal of music from the 60s, 70s and 80s, you should find the DP-X1 can even drive moderate loads quite well.
Feb 21, 2016 at 8:29 PM Post #3,519 of 6,313
PM3 balanced is very loud at 120/160, I would say you need to dial back 15-20 compared to SE. Sound wise is fantastic, so much so that I stopped using the Mojo stacked with DP-X1. I am doing most of my DAP music listening while jogging/walking and that is a few hours a day and I'm very happy with the combo. At the office I always plug in the Mojo and use the laptop to play HD files and streaming.
Feb 21, 2016 at 8:51 PM Post #3,520 of 6,313
  Can't understand people's obsession with ANC. It cuts down ambient noise, true, but in the process distort sound and makes me wonder why would you bother with performant DAPs, amps and HD files... Something like PM-3 that does passive isolation pretty would do just fine in my view.
The only situation I would use ANC is if I'm not playing anything and have them on just for noise cutting but then why bother when ear plugs do such a great job and don't require recharging? :D

Cool, that's what I wanted to hear. And definitely don't mark me down in the "obsessed with ANC" crowd -- I've never even owned anything with it. I've always used IEMs on planes, and have gotten pretty tired of the feeling. I love them for gym/mowing, but don't want to use them in the air any more -- too irritating (to me). So I'm a fan of passive noise isolation for sure, and was hoping that moving to headphones could do a comparable job. IF I move down the path of ANC at some point, I'll probably give the Philips NC1/27 Fidelio a run --- it's hard to throw my money at Bose.
Feb 21, 2016 at 8:55 PM Post #3,521 of 6,313
  Well hopefully I will make your life even worse. I can concur that the DP-X1 and PM3 are an amazing combination. The Onkyo can even drive my 400i quite well, and I prefer a pretty loud playback volume. I think my average listening level is probably around 90db and the DP-X1 in balanced mode can drive the 400i to that point with contemporary music. It would not drive older masters to that same level of volume as they are of course recorded with a great deal less amplitude, but if you don't listen to a great deal of music from the 60s, 70s and 80s, you should find the DP-X1 can even drive moderate loads quite well.

Well, request was sent to return the HA-1. We'll see what happens now. In the mean-time. I'm listening to Gregory Porter through the Headphone out on my iPod 5.5G (the only iPod I actually retained), and he sounds fantastic with the PM-3. I almost don't miss the HA-1 already.
Feb 21, 2016 at 9:10 PM Post #3,522 of 6,313
  Can't understand people's obsession with ANC. It cuts down ambient noise, true, but in the process distort sound and makes me wonder why would you bother with performant DAPs, amps and HD files... Something like PM-3 that does passive isolation pretty would do just fine in my view.
The only situation I would use ANC is if I'm not playing anything and have them on just for noise cutting but then why bother when ear plugs do such a great job and don't require recharging? :D

Normally I use in ears for noise cancelling, the reason I don't like regular passive close headphones in the plane is because no matter how good they isolate you can still hear that engine noise and I feel like I need to raise the volume outside my comfort level to mask the external noise and if you listen to classical forget about it.  I think the newest crop of ANC headphones are not that bad.  
Feb 21, 2016 at 10:50 PM Post #3,524 of 6,313
Well, request was sent to return the HA-1. We'll see what happens now. In the mean-time. I'm listening to Gregory Porter through the Headphone out on my iPod 5.5G (the only iPod I actually retained), and he sounds fantastic with the PM-3. I almost don't miss the HA-1 already.

We often underrate how good our cell phones actually sound. I know my Blackberry Leap sounded amazing with the PM3. The leap actually has near perfect audio output (it actually measures better than the iPhone 5, and simply destroys the 6). I ended up getting the DP-X1 mostly due to the fact that the amp in the Leap was rather weak so I had it on full all the time and it was too quiet with older material. I listen at I'm sure 90db easily. With the PM3 on ACG mode on the DP-X1 I usually have the volume at about 140 - 142. I just hated using my E12 with the phone. What is nice with the Leap is it has a true line out so there was no double amping (although I have read the whole thing about double amping being bad is greatly exaggerated). Hell the Leap even ran most Android apps flawlessly. Just giving some props to Blackberry, they earned it. IPods, sounded quite good. I had a 5.5 Video for years with an E11. Loved that combo. Not super clear sounding, but still really nice to listen to. I still have a Classic here, one of the better sounding versions.
Feb 21, 2016 at 10:57 PM Post #3,525 of 6,313
its weird buts is a Mediabridge cable like $10.00 bucks but makes it sound so much better. I'm thinking of getting a Forza cable for it.

Which Mediabridge cable will work for the Oppo PM-3? I'd like one that will allow a 1/4" screw on plug like the stock cable that came with the PM-3, but I'd like a shorter cable. It seems that the cable is odd-sized where it plugs into the PM-3 ear cup. Thanks.

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