Opening Olympics Ceremony Fireworks were fake!!!
Aug 13, 2008 at 7:16 AM Post #61 of 72

Originally Posted by nickdawg /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I hope so. Or else we'll be left with a sorry sight if that phenomenal building is ruined. Just about everything there had to be designed with the China climate in mind.

rhetorical questions
Aug 13, 2008 at 7:43 AM Post #62 of 72
faked fireworks, lipsynced song. can we nitpick anymore about China hosting the olympics? I think it looks like every other olympics I've seen and seems to run just as smoothly. sure China is still repressive and aggressive militarily (so are we in the U.S.), but trying to fault them for lipsyncing songs is a bit ridiculous.
Aug 13, 2008 at 12:50 PM Post #64 of 72
You know what?
I think you people are just biased really.
They've put up a really amazing performance.
Why do you have to pick out all these little details and be unhappy with it actually?
I think you guys just have a bad opinion of China and communism.
Aug 13, 2008 at 1:15 PM Post #65 of 72
Did you know the people were not really flying either? the pictures on the floor weren't real either but a giant video screen! omg we've been had.

but seriously.. only a very small segment of the fireworks were cgi and it was very obvious which ones, the remainder were IMHO by far the best anyone alive now will ever see.

The american media makes me sick.

just came across this footage of the real.. 'foot'age
Aug 13, 2008 at 2:49 PM Post #67 of 72

Originally Posted by chesebert /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Looking at their roster of professors many of whom from Michigan Law, I can only imaging the talents that place will produce for the next 20 years in China and the kind of transformation those graduates will have on the Chinese legal system.

Things are changing in China...we just need to be patient.

The legal system is not the leading force in a society. In fact (now I'm still playing with fire here...
) the law is highly dependent of the political evolution. Without reform of the latter even if Harvard graduated law students are coming back in China by the truck load there will be very few significant progress.

Empirical evidence? How many gifted lawyers/jurists are seduced by the political arena? Real power is hard to ignore if someone sincerely wants to change things.



On topic: seems that even the ''front singer'' was also misled since she truly believed that the crowd was hearing her own voice. Not nice....
Aug 13, 2008 at 2:59 PM Post #68 of 72
Well. Seems real in my opinion in that video. Only thing( not sure if it's the video camera quality) is that the sky there is really quite hazy
Aug 13, 2008 at 5:46 PM Post #69 of 72
"You know what?
I think you people are just biased really.
They've put up a really amazing performance.
Why do you have to pick out all these little details and be unhappy with it actually?
I think you guys just have a bad opinion of China and communism."

I don't really care that much about the Olympics one way or the other. I have an absolute abhorrance of communism though. Guess that would make me biased.
Aug 13, 2008 at 8:32 PM Post #70 of 72

Originally Posted by Genetic /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The legal system is not the leading force in a society. In fact (now I'm still playing with fire here...
) the law is highly dependent of the political evolution.

I disagree. You should revisit China's current legal system before making your assertion.
Aug 13, 2008 at 9:52 PM Post #71 of 72

Originally Posted by chesebert /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I disagree. You should revisit China's current legal system before making your assertion. need to. I'm relying exclusively on my knowledge of Montesquieu theories. Something China should explore....

So if I follow you correctly the real power in China is the judiciary? No wonder why they are so.....conservative.

Aug 13, 2008 at 10:22 PM Post #72 of 72
The fakery was unearthed by a local Chinese newspaper, The Beijing Times, which revealed that a 55-second sequence was created by a visual effects team, which included a series of giant footsteps made by fireworks.

Confusingly, this actually took place in the real ceremony, but the organisers felt that the sequence of 28 footprints would not be accurately captured live, so they faked it.

Speaking to The Beijing Times, an advisor to the Beijing Olympic Committee (BOCOG) defended the decision: "It would have been prohibitive to have tried to film it live," he said.

"We could not put the helicopter pilot at risk by making him try to follow the firework route."

To emulate the shot, the visual effects team actually put a slight camera shake on to the image, and even spoke to the Beijing meteorological office to ask them how to recreate the Beijing smog.

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