On a mission to like jazz

May 13, 2019 at 5:34 PM Post #2,866 of 5,152
I guess I‘d be completely freaking out if I‘d discovered any of those great classics, like for example ‚Kind of Blue‘. There‘s this film: ‚Runaway Bride‘ where Julia Roberts casually gives the ‚Kind of Blue’ LP to Richard Gere, not knowing what precious gift she hands over. Happens only to Richard Gere, not to me :)!
My father‘s Jazz collection just vanished over time. He was an engineer we moved from construction to construction place and with every move some of his precious LPs either broke or could not be found anymore. Sadly!

Yes, and I want to make sure my son and daughter (now in their 30's) recognize the value of these and don't just dump them at GW when I'm gone. Here are a couple more gems I found at the same record store:

May 13, 2019 at 11:57 PM Post #2,867 of 5,152

INSANELY well mastered album that I just got in today... Fusion Jazz... absolutely clean, intricate, and powerful recording... just dumbfounded listening to it on my L300 Limiteds...don't think I have any CD or SACD that comes close to the mastering quality of this.

Here's an atrocious quality (in comparison) Youtube video of one of the songs on the album:

May 14, 2019 at 2:28 AM Post #2,868 of 5,152
Yes, and I want to make sure my son and daughter (now in their 30's) recognize the value of these and don't just dump them at GW when I'm gone. Here are a couple more gems I found at the same record store:

True gems, indeed! I'd give my daughter (just turned thirty) a portable 2 TB SSD drive containing my Jazz collection :)
May 14, 2019 at 2:30 AM Post #2,869 of 5,152

INSANELY well mastered album that I just got in today... Fusion Jazz... absolutely clean, intricate, and powerful recording... just dumbfounded listening to it on my L300 Limiteds...don't think I have any CD or SACD that comes close to the mastering quality of this.

Here's an atrocious quality (in comparison) Youtube video of one of the songs on the album:

Interesting, will have a listen! Thanks for the tip!
May 16, 2019 at 12:14 PM Post #2,872 of 5,152
Two of my favorite artists also.

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