Official Denon AH-C700 Comparisons/Impressions
Dec 9, 2007 at 11:09 PM Post #616 of 1,418

Originally Posted by epithetless /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I expect any drastic price differences come down to the C700 being seen by retailers as an "old" model now that the C751 is available -- regardless of any manufacturing differences. The same thing happened when Shure changed their e500 to the se530 (in name only, mind you)...The e500 sold for much less despite being the exact same headphone (with a few different accessories).

Exactly, there were loads of people asking what the difference was between the 2 models - and there weren't any, it was all in the accessories! I'm sure it was just a ploy to get people to upgrade to the 'higher' number

denizg If you don't need/want the 'extras' - and you can only buy the C751 for twice the price of the C700, then you made a financially wise choice.
Dec 10, 2007 at 9:44 AM Post #617 of 1,418
hey im sure you heard this a gillion times, but thanks for your reveiw, it was VERY helpful for me, the biggest rookie every to scroll the pages of head-fi. i was actually looking at full size cans for ever, that was until i stumbled upon this reveiw. i just bought the c700's as i write this! i was wondering one thing though.. how are these for standing up to sweat and water? i run alot and sweat to an almost abnormal extent.
Dec 10, 2007 at 11:00 AM Post #618 of 1,418
these are heavy canalphones, i don't think running with them will be the best of ideas. that and they seal out probably around 12db or so of noise, so you will get dangerously absorbed in music while you phones absorb sweat. they are not armature based so they have openings in various places, i would not suggest getting too much sweat at all into them.

finally, they produce heaps of microphonics from the cable, so running would be a crescendo of thunder from your cables... think twice about the running!
Dec 10, 2007 at 7:46 PM Post #619 of 1,418
Received my Sony replacement tips today and I must say I'm pretty happy with them. They do seem slightly softer than the Sennheiser tips I typically use. They are definitely a bit smaller as has been stated. The C700s certainly insert deeper and does seem to enrichen the wonderful sound sig we all know and love. Not a night/day difference but I believe it does offer a slight improvement. Plus, I've shaved off about a second or two on insertion time since with the smaller size they just slide right in without any need for wriggling about. A big thanks to soozieq for this... ah... tip!
Dec 11, 2007 at 4:11 PM Post #620 of 1,418
One thing I really didn't like about the Ultimate Ears pair I had previously is that the filters slowly got more clogged up as time went on, to the point where there were clearly more holes in the filter clogged than not.

Anyone know how easy it is to resolve or prevent this with the Denons? I didn't have a case for my last pair so pocket fluff was killing them -- I assume putting them in a case will in itself help a lot.
Dec 11, 2007 at 8:35 PM Post #621 of 1,418

Originally Posted by marctonmaui /img/forum/go_quote.gif
how are these for standing up to sweat and water? i run alot and sweat to an almost abnormal extent.

I just got a pair of Denon C700 myself and took them on a run last night for the first problems here. I wore them with the cable over the ears so there were no microphonics. I also shortened the length of the cable where the left and right have separate wires...I just tied the two wires together with some black thread above the split point. This makes the phones sit very securely and there is no excess cable flopping around near the neck area. I also run the cable under my shirt. I don't find sweat a problem with earphones in general....even though I sweat I find that around the ears I don't....I just make sure to rinse the cable after every run as the salty sweat will eventually destroy the rubbery bits or so I have read somewhere.

All in all, given the limited time I had the phones so far, I am very happy with them. They are a bit big compared to my 2 other pairs of earphones and stick out more from MY ears, but the build quality is really superb so I don't mind that there is a bit more of them sizewise. B/c of their size they're not so suitable for sleeping unless you have a very soft pillow or lie mainly on your back.

Wrt cleaning the cotton wool like filter...I already had to do a bit of cleaning myself as I bought my pair second hand and the previous owner, let's say, left a bit of a personal note on them
. I used a dental pick to carefully remove the wax. Obviously it will help to clean/wash the sleeves regularly so that the built up of wax is kept to a minimum and thus will not reach the filters.

More impressions to come once I get more quality time with them....
Dec 11, 2007 at 10:46 PM Post #622 of 1,418

Originally Posted by suba3333 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I used a dental pick to carefully remove the wax. Obviously it will help to clean/wash the sleeves regularly so that the built up of wax is kept to a minimum and thus will not reach the filters.
More impressions to come once I get more quality time with them....

Look forward to more impressions suba - I've had mine for almost 4 months now, and love them as much now as I did at the beginning.

Good tip about the dental pick. I did have cause to poke my filters gently with a needle recently to remove some invisible fluff. . . and I think a 'pick' would have been safer!!
Dec 12, 2007 at 5:25 PM Post #623 of 1,418
I figured that since this is one of the few times where I have two comparable earphones on hand I should attempt a quick comparison between the two, namely the Audio Technica CK7 and Denon AH-C700.

Based on the overall sound signature, these are two very different earphones. About as different as apples and oranges. The CK7 is a very neutral earphone, with emphasis on the highs, while the C700 has very forward mids and plentiful bass.

The highs on the CK7 are the best I've heard out of a canalphone, and the instrument seperation tops the C700 and pretty much every other canalphone I've listened to. The C700 lacks the treble energy that is present with the CK7, and even sound a bit veiled in comparason.

The mids are hard to judge. On the CK7 they are very neutral, neither forward or laid back, and very detailed. On the C700, they are definitely forward sounding. Switching between the two it sounds like you moved up several rows at a concert. Vocals really do stand out on the C700. I'd say the CK7 is a bit more detailed in the mids, but only barely. It's all about personal preference here, and my preference goes to the C700.

The lows are another area where I'm having a hard time judging. The lows are another area where the CK7 shines in certain respects, and the C700 in others. Bass guitars sound absolutely splendid for the most part on the CK7. Primus for example sounds exceptionally good. Every pluck and thump is present and never gets muddied up. However, it sounds like there is a bit of a roll-off in the lows. Super low bass notes are completely absent. What frequency this happens at exactly I couldn't tell ya, but only because I'm not that hardcore. An example would be in the QOTSA song "Gonna Leave You". At the very beginning of the song, there's a nice low grinding of a bass guitar which is missing while listening with the CK7. Extremely tight, controlled, but lacking a bit of presence and extension would describe the lows of the CK7. The lows of the C700 on the other hand definitely have presence and extension, but lack some of the control that the CK7 holds over them. While the C700 doesn't have the crazy impact that the M5 has, they still have enough bass to satisify most bass heads out there, with a bit more control overall.

Isolation overall goes to the C700, but only after a bit of fiddiling around with the fit. The best results I got were with the tips from the CK7 and wearing them with the cable over my ears. Wearing them that way allows me to get a deeper seal. Comfort is a draw. Both can get a bit uncomfortable after extened listening, but YMMV as always.

Overall I'm still gonna call the CK7 the best sub $100 canalphone, but if you go a bit over $100, then the C700 is worth some serious consideration if you're willing to fight with the fit a bit. As much as I need the money, I think I might end up keeping both, as they have their uses in different situations.
Dec 12, 2007 at 11:09 PM Post #624 of 1,418
What a great thread. This is my first post, but I've been reading head-fi for a couple of months now. It's rare to see such a dense community of knowledgeable & passionate people on one site like this. I've learned a lot, and thanks to you guys, and after much debate between the AH-C700K, Mylarone x3s, and the new UE 4s, decided on the AH-C700ks.

I grabbed them off amazon on a sick deal ($99):
biggrin.gif Denon AH-C700K Reference Audio In-Ear Headphones (Black): Electronics

Apple earbuds --> Apple In-ears --> Sony MDR-EX71 --> Senn Cx300s --> AH-C700s

Thanks guys!
Dec 13, 2007 at 12:29 AM Post #625 of 1,418

Originally Posted by kus9er /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What a great thread. This is my first post, but I've been reading head-fi for a couple of months now. After much debate between the AH-C700K, Mylarone x3s, and the new UE 4s, decided on the AH-C700ks. I grabbed them off amazon on a sick deal ($99):

Thanks guys!

WOW! That is an amazing deal. I just paid exactly the same price for the 'lesser' AH-C551, so you did well. Glad you like our thread. It's very friendly and only occasionally insulting. . .

mwallace - Good comparison. I'll put it on the front page
Dec 13, 2007 at 12:36 AM Post #626 of 1,418
There's a pair of Denon for 70$. It's on eBay.
I like spotting things for you guys, and will do it again, but don't crowd the auction or price will raise and this recommendation will be vain!
Dec 13, 2007 at 2:18 AM Post #627 of 1,418

Originally Posted by kus9er /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What a great thread. This is my first post, but I've been reading head-fi for a couple of months now. It's rare to see such a dense community of knowledgeable & passionate people on one site like this. I've learned a lot, and thanks to you guys, and after much debate between the AH-C700K, Mylarone x3s, and the new UE 4s, decided on the AH-C700ks.

I grabbed them off amazon on a sick deal ($99):
biggrin.gif Denon AH-C700K Reference Audio In-Ear Headphones (Black): Electronics

Apple earbuds --> Apple In-ears --> Sony MDR-EX71 --> Senn Cx300s --> AH-C700s

Thanks guys!

Welcome to Head-fi, and sorry about your wallet!
Dec 15, 2007 at 10:47 PM Post #628 of 1,418
Argh! I just bought the Sony A818 for $184 from Amazon and now I see these earphones for $99! My wallet's hurting!

I have the CrossRoads Mylarone X3 and the UM1, would the C700 be a significant improvement?

*time to read through topic*
Dec 15, 2007 at 10:57 PM Post #629 of 1,418
I've owned all three of those phones (have none now), and yes, the Denons would be a huge improvement in my view. I just favor the Atrios over the Denons, but it was a close call. But you can sell the UM1s and/or X3s to finance the Denons.
Dec 19, 2007 at 1:03 PM Post #630 of 1,418

Originally Posted by kus9er /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What a great thread. This is my first post, but I've been reading head-fi for a couple of months now. It's rare to see such a dense community of knowledgeable & passionate people on one site like this. I've learned a lot, and thanks to you guys, and after much debate between the AH-C700K, Mylarone x3s, and the new UE 4s, decided on the AH-C700ks.

I grabbed them off amazon on a sick deal ($99):
biggrin.gif Denon AH-C700K Reference Audio In-Ear Headphones (Black): Electronics

Apple earbuds --> Apple In-ears --> Sony MDR-EX71 --> Senn Cx300s --> AH-C700s

Thanks guys!

Great choice. I got mine on amazon about two months ago and thought I had stolen them for $132 shipped. You've got all of us beat. Congratulations on your awesome deal. I don't think you'll be disappointed (and these blend so well with the new black iPod Classic).

Oh, and sorry about your wallet (but not so much in this instance).

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