Odd bonus gift from an e-bay sale?
Feb 5, 2005 at 2:06 PM Post #31 of 38

Originally Posted by seiko_citizen
i think it is 'accept'
:p.... I failed English, but I dont think it is that bad

I passed English
, but I failed Dutch.
Feb 5, 2005 at 2:31 PM Post #32 of 38
Just the other day I ordered a power supply for an electric cooler I have. I got the first one in the mail within a few days and then a week later another one showed up. The seller never responded to my email so I guess he does not care to get it back.
Feb 7, 2005 at 5:30 AM Post #33 of 38
I just got my first bonus gift with the Toshiba 4900 I recently bought...a sealed DVD: West Side Story!

(You know you want it. Bid early, bid to win!)

Still, it was a nice gesture from the seller and has made me consider what would be a fun bonus to include with the next item I sell. Cookies?
Feb 7, 2005 at 9:14 PM Post #34 of 38

Originally Posted by mbriant
This didn't happen on e-bay, but I have a friend who purchased an old house in an estate sale after it's owner who had been declared insane years earlier, died. Shortly after he moved in, while cleaning up the old unfinished basement, he noticed a string coming out of the top of an exposed concrete block at the top of the basement wall with the end tied to a nail. He tugged on the string and out came an old canvas bag filled with nearly $20,000 in old bills. This put him on a six month scavenger hunt where eventually he found a total of just under $100,000 stashed in various places .... mostly in old coffee cans burried in the back yard. All the bills had the old King's picture on them (we've had the Queen's picture since 1954) and were out of circulation, but were still valid currency. This occurred in the early 80's and at that time he'd barely paid $100,000 for the house.

So did he look into whether the occupant had left a will, or relatives?
Feb 7, 2005 at 9:27 PM Post #35 of 38
I doubt he checked into a will, but as far as I know, the previous owner didn't have any relatives. I believe he bought the house from the government. It would be a moral dilema ( for some of us at least, probably not for my friend) if there were relatives involved, but possession is 9/10ths of the law..... just as people have been known to purchase an old trunk at auctions, only to discover it contains some sort of treasure, or those odd cases where a valuable painting is purchased at a lawn sale from some unknowing seller .... don't have to return the item. I would think the new owners of a house acquire possession of anything that's left behind in said house ... especially if the previous owner is dead. I try to be a moral person, but if I ever bought a house from a dead guy and found $100,000 hidden in it, I wouldn't go too far out of my way to get rid of it.
Feb 8, 2005 at 7:49 AM Post #36 of 38
In 1994, well before all the online purchasing popularity I email a guy on a newsgroup, like rec.golf or similar.
I told him that I would buy a particular golf club from him for $75-85. The next day it was at my front door. I hadn't paid yet, and had only sent ONE e-mail to the guy. I told my wife to a check out the door the next day. He was a very trusting individual. That was a big bonus to me!

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