Obscure Chinese DAPs

Feb 14, 2023 at 2:31 PM Post #7,801 of 8,264
Strange, battery was an issue for me on original FW that RUIZU supplies with. On the "clicking" fw battery life was great, I'll test this new one too then, maybe it sucks again
Normal Battery life is arround 9-10 hours. People an Amazon are telling about 5 hours with Bluetooth.

If the NWA 306 is too quiet I'm gonne return the sucker. But thanks for the advise.
Feb 14, 2023 at 3:15 PM Post #7,802 of 8,264
Be careful if you are buying from EU, US, Singapore or Canada, the Sony A306s there are all volume locked with the high gain option disabled. So essentially, it is only useful for easy to drive transducers.
Isn't EU volume capped only? Please share the link if possible.
Feb 14, 2023 at 7:35 PM Post #7,803 of 8,264
Isn't EU volume capped only? Please share the link if possible.


Please see this link, and within it there are links to the sony DAP threads where it has been discovered that for these new DAPs sold in US/EU/Singapore/Canada, the high gain is disabled.

Pretty lame decision, since only EU has laws on volume exposure.

On some sites like Amazon, apparently these DAPs are taken off, probably a lot of angry customers have asked for refunds LOL.
Feb 20, 2023 at 6:41 AM Post #7,804 of 8,264
What am I doing here? I thought I had kicked this audio toy addiction to the curb :)
Sitting here, rediscovering my old old toys, listening to a Zishan Z3 / Walnut F1 combo .. and somehow I ended up in this thread again and start salivating over all the nice new DAPs that have come and gone over the last few years .. I think my last impulse buy was the Xduuo Nano D3 .. and somehow I barely ever played with it ... admittedly, most of the time I use iPhone and TWS since my music listening has shifted to 'when I am running' .. but more often now I stick my balance cans into my earstudio es100 ... or anything that connects to my Fiio Q1M2 amp ... or my shanling M3s ... needless to say, I really do not need another obscure Chinese DAP!

That being said: What should I get? :D I am having itchy trigger finger on the Xduoo X2S (The X2 were my very first Aliexpress purchase back in 2016! Sweet memories) ... What else is currently a 'must at least take a look at?'
I prefer buttons over touch screens, I like when there's a 2.5 balanced out :) (thinking budget, 150$ and lower)
Heck, I saw mentioned earlier this 2010 Hifiman DAP ... and that looks so cool, still available on aliexpress for 99$ ... but I don't want to know what battery life is like .. and usb-mini input ... doubt I kept any of those cables :D

Cheers for now.
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Feb 20, 2023 at 2:13 PM Post #7,806 of 8,264
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Feb 20, 2023 at 11:29 PM Post #7,807 of 8,264
My itchy order trigger finger has moved from the Xduoo X2S over to the Zishan Z4 ... :) What are the chances I could still get an old v5 (bad BT) instead of the new, improved v6? I am baffled at how much Zishan manages to cram into such a small unit. Very tempting ... but QC is still an issue? I saw pics of bloated battery on arrival .. mention of scratched screens (mentioned by the seller!)
Anything else? Wait for Z5? Toodlelooo
Feb 20, 2023 at 11:42 PM Post #7,808 of 8,264
I wouldn't buy Zishan's or F.Audio.
Feb 25, 2023 at 9:53 AM Post #7,810 of 8,264
Okay, dumb noob question.
I have Fiio M11 Plus.
Will I get an improvement in sound in my IEMs by connecting any of the chi-fi dac/amp to it?
Does it make sense at all?
Feb 25, 2023 at 9:57 AM Post #7,811 of 8,264
Okay, dumb noob question.
I have Fiio M11 Plus.
Will I get an improvement in sound in my IEMs by connecting any of the chi-fi dac/amp to it?
Does it make sense at all?

What IEM are you using?

In general, most IEMs are easy to drive. But some outliers (eg low sensitivity/high impedance) may scale better with amplification, in terms of providing better dynamics. Otherwise, a poorly implemented source with poor noise floor control or very high output impedance may cause hiss or skew the frequency response, and therein maybe a "better" source with improved measurements may help in this regard.
Feb 25, 2023 at 10:06 AM Post #7,813 of 8,264
7Hz Timeless AE now, UM MEST MKII in the near future.

I think the Timeless AE and MEST MK2 are easy to drive. IMHO, upgrading the transducer (ie IEM) gives the most yield in the audio chain. Perhaps next areas to upgrade would be the eartip, source file (eg youtube/192 mp3 -> FLAC/320 mp3), amp next. Then if you have additional money, you can look into upgrading the DAC +/- cables (cables are a big can of worms, not in the scope of this discussion).

Well other than what was discussed above, maybe different dac/amps may give different colouration to the music (ie some are neutral, some are treble/bass boosted), so they can add a different flavour to the music and improve synergy in a way.
Feb 25, 2023 at 10:12 AM Post #7,814 of 8,264
I think the Timeless AE and MEST MK2 are easy to drive. IMHO, upgrading the transducer (ie IEM) gives the most yield in the audio chain. Perhaps next areas to upgrade would be the eartip, source file (eg youtube/192 mp3 -> FLAC/320 mp3), amp next. Then if you have additional money, you can look into upgrading the DAC +/- cables (cables are a big can of worms, not in the scope of this discussion).

Well other than what was discussed above, maybe different dac/amps may give different colouration to the music (ie some are neutral, some are treble/bass boosted), so they can add a different flavour to the music and improve synergy in a way.
So, the conclusion: it makes no sense )
Unless I want to get a different coloring of sound without changing the iems.
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Feb 25, 2023 at 1:26 PM Post #7,815 of 8,264
Something I have been curious about with some of these less expensive DAPs. Is it common for them to keep a log file (txt, json, etc) of what tracks you have listened to? I'm a last.fm hold out because I love keeping stats of my music listening but I highly doubt any non-android daps support scrobbling as a feature. But if I had access to some sort of log file I think I could write a simple program to parse the log for scrobbling.

Two of the devices I was especially curious about are the Ruizu 64GB and the Hidizs AP80 PRO-X. If anyone has any experience with this obscure use case for these obscure players I would love to hear your thoughts.

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