Nuforce HEM Discussion & Impressions
Jul 12, 2016 at 3:26 AM Post #272 of 533
Anyone have the HEM8 and the Fidue A83 to do a quick comparison?
Jul 12, 2016 at 8:56 AM Post #273 of 533
  I'm a bit disappointed. I've had some issues with my ear and TMJ crop up again and I think it's the HEM2's that are the culprit. They're are generally really comfortable but when something about the angle and getting them seated seams to aggravate things more so than the A8's which have a shallower fit.

Well I have to go back on this. After a bit of time I think it's actually the Cardas A8's that are causing issues, not the HEM2's. I gave the HEM2's a break and found I was still having some issues after using the A8's. It's odd because they're a much shallower insertion but I think it may have something to do with the supplied Comply tips giving me a really tight fit. 
I also got the Massdrop Shozy Zero's in but I can't get a decent fit with the Comply's I use with the A8's. For the record, I can't seem to use silicone tips, they cause my ears to become irritated after a very short time. We're in between houses (staying at the in-laws) so all my extra tips are packed away until mid August. I did order a few types of Comply and Shure tips for the HEM2's and A8's but I doubt they'll work with the Zero's as I actually have the opposite problem with those, with the same Comply's I'm using on the A8's the fit with the Zero's is too loose. It's strange how that works. I would have liked to try InAirs foam tips but there's no way for me to buy them in Canada.
Anyhow, I plan to keep all three until after we get settled in our new house and I can give them all a fair shake with various foam tips but as of now the HEM2's have actually become my go to IEM while the A8's are taking a break. Since coming back to the HEM2's I've been even more impressed with them. As @nmatheis said earlier, they really tick a lot of the boxes for my preferences. That they do this with a single BA and for such a reasonable asking price is that much more impressive.
Jul 20, 2016 at 2:47 AM Post #277 of 533
Got a review sample of the HEM4 today. Very nice an close to neutral sounding. I get the strong impression that the HEM4 uses the Knowles GQ-30738 - I didn't crack it open, though

I wonder if anyone, especially @jyri, can confirm?

HEM4 is not using the Knowles GQ-30738. 

Aug 1, 2016 at 12:16 AM Post #282 of 533
Anybody know if there are any good ear tip's that isolate very well while being very durable, without having to do any modding? I enjoyed the comply medium isolation tips for a while but they did not last long. They now decide to randomly stop isolation sound causing me to keep putting them into my ears. I don't mind if the tips improved the sound as long they last longer.I still have the large comply but those are too large for my inner ear and cause it to be uncomfortable after a couple with pressure.
Aug 1, 2016 at 2:47 AM Post #284 of 533
Anybody know if there are any good ear tip's that isolate very well while being very durable, without having to do any modding? I enjoyed the comply medium isolation tips for a while but they did not last long. They now decide to randomly stop isolation sound causing me to keep putting them into my ears. I don't mind if the tips improved the sound as long they last longer.I still have the large comply but those are too large for my inner ear and cause it to be uncomfortable after a couple with pressure.

The Westone isolation / foam tips that come with the UMPro series have the same bore size and fit well from personal experience. They have a slightly longer insertion but a more rigid core and the foam seems to be a lot more durable than the Comply (or it has been so far).
Aug 1, 2016 at 5:51 AM Post #285 of 533
Anybody know if there are any good ear tip's that isolate very well while being very durable, without having to do any modding? I enjoyed the comply medium isolation tips for a while but they did not last long. They now decide to randomly stop isolation sound causing me to keep putting them into my ears. I don't mind if the tips improved the sound as long they last longer.I still have the large comply but those are too large for my inner ear and cause it to be uncomfortable after a couple with pressure.
I've been using the Shure "black olive" tips with my HEM2's. They're far more durable than Comply's and I find them more comfortable with better isolation.

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