Nuforce HDP with Denon D2000
Jul 19, 2010 at 8:31 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


Headphoneus Supremus
Jan 29, 2010
I had started this thread in 'Dedicated Source Components' but haven't had any replies, maybe wrong place? So I thought I'd try here. I searched in the appropriate forums and have read the odd comment from someone saying they're enjoying it with their Denons, but was wanting to get a bit more of a detailed review of this pairing. How is the bass with the D2000?, some say it is quite bright sounding? My only other point of reference is the uDAC, which I intend to sell to help fund the HDP. The HDP looks to be the all-in-one I'm looking for, but I have a stingy exchange rate and international shipping fee to factor in, so I really want to feel confident in my choice. If it is not such a good match, I'd maybe save some money, and go for the iBasso D10 (I don't need portability but I want optical).  Thanks in advance
Oct 12, 2010 at 1:42 AM Post #2 of 3
I don't have time to post a long review atm, but I will say that the HDP's DAC is, in my opinion, a very significant step-up from Ibasso D10 - both of which I own. I have heard both my D10 and HDP using D2000. I felt D10 was a little underpowered with the D2000s (turned up to at least 3/4 volume and could tell it wasn't driving it to its potential) but it still sounded pretty darn good for the price and gives you the benefit of the mobility.
As far as HDP goes, I think it is a slam dunk value and really recommend it over D10 easily if you can afford the added cost - especially since HDP will fully power any full-size (okay, almost any full-size) headphone you might upgrade to in the future. When I purchased my d10 a year ago, there was no dedicated DAC/amp combo at the price performance of HDP, and especially not with a 24/96 outstanding USB section with no discernable jitter IMO (unlike D10's comparatively horrible USB input which sounds very clearly worse than optical IMO). I have contemplated selling d10 on several occasions, because I hardly ever use it. I do like the idea of still having an amp the same size as my ipod for travel though.
I had started this thread in 'Dedicated Source Components' but haven't had any replies, maybe wrong place? So I thought I'd try here. I searched in the appropriate forums and have read the odd comment from someone saying they're enjoying it with their Denons, but was wanting to get a bit more of a detailed review of this pairing. How is the bass with the D2000?, some say it is quite bright sounding? My only other point of reference is the uDAC, which I intend to sell to help fund the HDP. The HDP looks to be the all-in-one I'm looking for, but I have a stingy exchange rate and international shipping fee to factor in, so I really want to feel confident in my choice. If it is not such a good match, I'd maybe save some money, and go for the iBasso D10 (I don't need portability but I want optical).  Thanks in advance

Nov 3, 2010 at 9:10 PM Post #3 of 3
I'm going to revive this with the same question. How does the HDP compare with the uDac-2? If I use the uDac-2 as a DAC, and the amp in the HDP, is there any difference from using solely the HDP? Thank you.

And how does the Icon-2 fair?

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