Nordost Heimdall headphone cable
Sep 15, 2014 at 2:31 AM Post #31 of 191
Has anyone heard it versus the Cardas Clear headphone cable?


I have both the HD2 and Cardas clear USB cables and RCA ICs of each. So I feel like I have a good feel for the house sound of each line.

They are both great, for me, I prefer the Cardas. With my system they are a bit more laid back and musical to me. If you want more transparency/rawness, or have a warm setup, maybe go HD2. Otherwise it seems most people that I have talked to at least, prefer the Cardas in their kits. Much more clean (clear : ) than Cardas' other offerings, but a nice musical engagement that works well. HD2 is more revealing, a bit more raw, kind of like the Frey - which I sold. I preferred Cardas to Frey as well.
Sep 15, 2014 at 6:26 PM Post #32 of 191
  Has anyone heard it versus the Cardas Clear headphone cable?


I have both the HD2 and Cardas clear USB cables and RCA ICs of each. So I feel like I have a good feel for the house sound of each line.

They are both great, for me, I prefer the Cardas. With my system they are a bit more laid back and musical to me. If you want more transparency/rawness, or have a warm setup, maybe go HD2. Otherwise it seems most people that I have talked to at least, prefer the Cardas in their kits. Much more clean (clear : ) than Cardas' other offerings, but a nice musical engagement that works well. HD2 is more revealing, a bit more raw, kind of like the Frey - which I sold. I preferred Cardas to Frey as well.

Thanks! I feel the same way about Cardas vs Nordost for other cables, just have not heard the Cardas headphone cable. 
Sep 15, 2014 at 9:33 PM Post #33 of 191
Anyone know if Nordost is going to be showing their Heimdall 2 HP cable at the upcoming CanJam/RMAF in Denver in October? 
Pulled the trigger to attend today. 
Sep 16, 2014 at 7:29 AM Post #34 of 191
Pulled the trigger on the Heimdall 2's went for a full setup with HP cable, IC's and S/PDIF will be here Thursday am. I guess I am up for the usual 100 hours of burn in
Sep 16, 2014 at 8:15 AM Post #37 of 191
Good to know, I've gone mad (madder!) and decided to get the LCD-3's with Fazor as well this week. Oh well!
Sep 19, 2014 at 12:37 AM Post #40 of 191
The Heimdall 2 family has arrived ! 
First impressions was very happy with the presentation packing etc. If anyone wants photos I will take some.
I tried the optical 75ohm S/PDIF 1st. Noticed straight away a reduction in noise and better timing, I like the way it comes with BNC as standard with an optional true 75ohm gold RCA connector. Its also directional.
Next up were the RCA's, same as above and relieved that they fitted my Hugo. 
Finally the HP cable arrived this afternoon, very well made, I appreciate that Nordost has provided so many termination options with he cables. Normally I would have to hunting for various connectors, nice they have it all covered.
Listening to them on my LCD-X's not too bright at all, very revealing, quieter than the ALO Salty Pepper's and tonally richer. Best of all worlds really!
Will burn these in for a few hundred hours but straight off they are worth the $
Sep 19, 2014 at 6:16 AM Post #41 of 191
  The Heimdall 2 family has arrived ! 
First impressions was very happy with the presentation packing etc. If anyone wants photos I will take some.
I tried the optical 75ohm S/PDIF 1st. Noticed straight away a reduction in noise and better timing, I like the way it comes with BNC as standard with an optional true 75ohm gold RCA connector. Its also directional.
Next up were the RCA's, same as above and relieved that they fitted my Hugo. 
Finally the HP cable arrived this afternoon, very well made, I appreciate that Nordost has provided so many termination options with he cables. Normally I would have to hunting for various connectors, nice they have it all covered.
Listening to them on my LCD-X's not too bright at all, very revealing, quieter than the ALO Salty Pepper's and tonally richer. Best of all worlds really!
Will burn these in for a few hundred hours but straight off they are worth the $

Photos please!
Sep 20, 2014 at 8:12 PM Post #42 of 191
Photos here, I took a few so you can see the different terminations. The quality of the connectors is top notch.







Sep 20, 2014 at 8:46 PM Post #44 of 191
we should just be glad Nordost is doing it at all.

Doing what? Charging an outrageous price for a few dollars worth of equipment or taking advantage of the often erroneous adage, "you get what you pay for"? (Or maybe taking advantage of people who rely on subjective abilities to determine if something is better)?

Sep 20, 2014 at 9:17 PM Post #45 of 191
Very nice, thanks.

Here are a couple of mine with balanced connections. Also Nordost Vishnu AC cord.

Thank you, I like the Nordost power products, I am running the Shunyata power gear and really cannot afford/ don't want to go chasing down that road! (yet)

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