Nordost Heimdall headphone cable
Aug 25, 2014 at 3:45 PM Post #16 of 191
I'm not sure if calling people's decision 'stupid' is a way to go. I'm sure there are some poor bloke think spending money on Vanquish or a HD800 is quite stupid also. :)
Have you had a chance to compare these cables in the same sitting A/B/C/D/etc.? I also find it ridiculously expensive, but the quality of sound I get compare to stock vs. several other brand, it gave me the most joy for my hard-earned money to enjoy the music. Explore with open mind.

a pic or two of LDC3 with Nordost's would be real nice to see.
Aug 25, 2014 at 4:21 PM Post #18 of 191
  First of all spending as much on a cable as for the headphone "sounds" a bit stupid to me
but when someone has money to burn, why not.
Second with any high end name brand from a major manufacturer you are paying the brand name logo, the retailer mark up and the manufacturer mark up and you get a cable in a certain pre cut length and termination.
Especially in headphone cables there are lots of well reputed small scale guys where you can get customized length and termination for your headphones and amps for a much better value. Just my $0.02. Me personally I am not looking any further than my Norne Vanquish.

I don't see people with V-Moda's or even Senn 650's saving to buy this cable. But, if you have an end-of-game kind of headphone system, then the question is more like not how much is it, but does it deliver. Is it better than the other cables?
personally, after my experience with the Heimdall 1, I'm not in a rush to get Nordost's cables. 
Sorry for my Samsung S3 quality... 

Sep 2, 2014 at 4:42 PM Post #22 of 191
I just picked one up from Music Direct about 20 minutes ago. It'll be fun to see how it sounds. I have Nordost for all my other cables so it was to hard to resist. Regarding the extra connection to go single ended, I have to assume that Nordost was thinking that anybody willing to spend $800.00 for a cable is running balanced anyway. At least they provide the option. With any other cable it's either or.
Sep 14, 2014 at 8:11 PM Post #24 of 191
Has anyone done any A/B tests on the Heimdall2 HP cables using with and without the adapter and source that outputs both SE and balanced? Would love to hear if there is any real discernible differences. 
I have a Bakoon HPA-21, which is an awesome amp, but alas lacks balanced outputs since they feel that their unique circuitry sounds fine and negates the need for balanced outputs. 
Thanks all! 
Sep 14, 2014 at 8:39 PM Post #25 of 191
Sent an email to the Nordost distributor today, asking for pricing on the Heimdall 2 HP cable and some RCA IC's to use with my LCD-X's and Studio Six. I wonder how much of a difference they will make over my ALO Salty Peppers (HP & IC's)?
Sep 14, 2014 at 8:55 PM Post #26 of 191
Sent an email to the Nordost distributor today, asking for pricing on the Heimdall 2 HP cable and some RCA IC's to use with my LCD-X's and Studio Six. I wonder how much of a difference they will make over my ALO Salty Peppers (HP & IC's)?

I've never heard your cables, but the Nordost heimdall IC's and headphone cable are quite a bit better than any others I have compared them to.
Sep 14, 2014 at 9:04 PM Post #27 of 191
Trying to see if they'd be an upgrade from my Moon Audio Silver Dragon V3's. 
Sep 14, 2014 at 9:40 PM Post #28 of 191
Cables are on their way for me to try out. Will report impressions here.

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