NITSCH x Schiit Pietus Maximus Release/Impressions Thread
Dec 8, 2023 at 3:05 PM Post #46 of 476
Don't scare me like that. The first Piety drop I made a note of and then forgot until about half an hour AFTER they were sold out, which took half a day so I would have has plenty of time. I got over it, and then convinced myself it was okay, because what I really wanted was something with a negative gain setting to play well with IEMs as well. I almost bought a Magni+ several times. and then finally ordered a Magni Unity which is still in transit. Only to then discover that the Pietus Maximus was going to happen.

I. Am. Not. Missing. This. Release.
I remember that day, I was watching the countdown. Someone mentioned if you add like 1000 units into the cart then it will tell you that you exceed the quantity available and proceed to tell you how many left.

I cave in when there's 20 units left in North America.
Dec 8, 2023 at 3:06 PM Post #48 of 476
I remember that day, I was watching the countdown. Someone mentioned if you add like 1000 units into the cart then it will tell you that you exceed the quantity available and proceed to tell you how many left.

I cave in when there's 20 units left in North America.
I woke up and a video about the Piety came up on my YouTube feed, and ended up buying it that day.

I'm going to try not to buy at launch this time around, but we'll see :sweat_smile:
Dec 8, 2023 at 3:07 PM Post #49 of 476
Lol, it was up for 1min then taken down. $500 for just the amp, $650 with the ESS card.
Unfortunately it outside my budget by quite a bit 😢 so I'll stick with my Midgard. But I'm very curious to hear some reviews whenever y'all get them in!
$500 is a little bit higher than I anticipated, was hoping to be like $350-$400 or so.

I hope it's not available right away I might need 1 night to think about this..... LOL.
Dec 8, 2023 at 4:28 PM Post #52 of 476
We'll have to see if there are any left after Christmas. Gifts for family come first.
Dec 8, 2023 at 4:57 PM Post #55 of 476
NITSCH x Schiit Pietus Maximus Review:

Today I’ll be sharing my experiences with the NITSCH x Schiit Pietus Maximus paired with my headphone and DAC stable. I was fortunate enough to be able to purchase this DAC slightly before release and am choosing to share my impressions of my own decision. I’m not being compensated in any way for this review and as always, my viewpoint will be unfiltered. My preferences may be different from yours and I welcome this.

My review chain is as follows: Schiit Modi Multibit 1, Modi Multibit 2, Bifrost 2 OG, Gungnir A1, Modius E. Yes, my DAC collection is pretty Schitty. I’ve also owned the Gustard R26, Yggy A1/2/LIM and several other high performing DS and MB dacs. Headphones are JAR580 OG & HD8XX EQ'd


This is extremely important as synergy is king in the world of audio enjoyment. I found that the Modi Multibit 1 and by similar sonic extension the built in MMB card are an ideal match for my preferences. The BF2 OG sounded good, Gungnir SE wasn’t as great due to the inherent limitations of that DACs SE outputs. MMB2 was serviceable but not as layered as MMB1, MMB2 is a touch energetic in the treble and Pietus revealed this. Modius E was another excellent pairing and, as before by extension the built-in Sabre card will also perform well here.

So, long story short you won’t need an uber-buck DAC to get great sound of the Pietus. A neutral/dark one is a great match. Just get yourself one of the in-built DAC cards from either Nitsch or Schiit and call it a day with an all-in-one solution or get yourself a used MMB1/Modius E for pretty cheap. They are all over and reliable.

For headphones I use primarily the JAR580 OG (which performs similar to the JAR600 available on NITSCH’s website) and an EQ’d HD8XX. The 660S/S2’s were also great from this amp. I don’t currently own any Planars so if this is your primary headphone type I won’t be able to share any impressions, however given the specs of this amp it should perform well enough with everything short of the HE-6. I can certainly say that the Sennheisers I own sounded incredible. The JAR series in particular really did shine on the Pietus.


Features and Operation:

This amp is simple, RCA in and SE out with an RCA out pre section as well. Inside is an Alps RK27 pot which I have absolutely no complaints about. The black knob on the front is a very welcome change from the usual Schiit gray affair. Everything feels smooth and there is no annoying light up front, though the power switch is still in the back per classic Schiit design. In the front there is a three-pole gain selector which is -10db, 0db and +15db. Unlike the original Piety the gain settings are perfect and even high gain allows for some pot movement before ramping up quickly. Power is rated at 4.2w into 32ohms and 600mw into 300 – which is to say plenty. Internal PCB is white and components are very high quality. Add-in cards are supported of course making this a compelling all-in-one solution. The Pietus also runs pretty cool and can be left on 24/7 without worry. This is a big plus in my opinion.

Sound Quality:

Compared to the Piety the Pietus is not as upper mid forward – which is quite the relief. Depending on the headphones (looking at you, 660S) this posed quite the problem with Pietus’s little brother. With the other 6 series I had no qualms. Pietus has a more relaxed and fleshed out low-end as well with a very organic bass presentation. My favorite rendition of the lower registers was from the Modi Multibit DAC (or MMB card) as the heft was very engaging and the high frequencies are smoother as well. Perfect match for the 600 series. Modius E wasn’t far behind trading a bit of euphony for accuracy and speed, which the higher tier headphones took advantage of. Midrange here is incredibly resolving from Pietus, not to be confused with overly sharp or detailed. Every sound is complete with a pleasing finish and my urge to keep playing tracks definitely overwhelmed. Treble range is a huge improvement with Pietus. It is far more detailed and engaging than the Piety, as well as more even. This is as far as my subjective FR analysis will go, but I will say that Piety is punchier on the top and bottom while Pietus has the far and away more elegant and performant midrange – all while having more cohesive bass/treble capabilities.

My initial approach was going to be comparing the Pietus to other amps in my stable and really digging down deep. This plan quickly faded away upon long listening sessions with the Pietus. All sounds were distinct and had a great follow-through. Like a craft brewed coffee finish on my pallet, Pietus was nimble in how it carved through my music library presenting music in a different way that really won me over. This isn’t your typical measurement focused amp yet doesn’t present itself in a way that is deficient either. I’ve spent a lot of time comparing gear and using music I know as a tool. The Pietus just made me want to listen and enjoy for hours on end, which is what this hobby is supposed to be about. Soundstage isn’t the biggest I’ve heard; however, the mid-sized staging has incredible resolve and cohesion – on top of accurate placement. Nothing is missing or obscured. Incredibly engaging and textured throughout is how I'd characterize the Pietus.


Simply put Pietus is the best sounding SS amp I’ve ever heard (I've owned the Auralic Taurus MKii, Rag 1.5&2, GS-X Mini and many more) and suits my preferences well. It’s effortless in presentation and I don’t even care to analyze my music while using it. It runs cool and presents my music in a way that wants to be heard and enjoyed. It finds that perfect balance between performance, engagement and a very slight euphonic touch. It’s not flat or panned, wide or claustrophobic. Honestly it brings me back to the roots of what I enjoyed about this hobby in the first place every time I listen to it.

As an aside I was considering giving MJ3 a go using Schiit’s 15-day trial. However the Pietus has left me quite pleased, even surprised. I think I’m good here, and it’s time to get back to listening. Thanks for reading all!

Again, the nice white PCB of the Pietus:

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Dec 8, 2023 at 7:35 PM Post #56 of 476
Looks like the amp + delta sigma card option has already been sold out.

The amp only and amp + multibit card option are still available.
I found that the Modi Multibit 1 and by similar sonic extension the built in MMB card are an ideal match for my preferences.
Question! Do you have the older MMB1 card, or is the newer card still sound more like MMB1 but with unison USB?

I was under impression the new Multibit card should sound more like MMB2 but I haven't tried so I don't know.

This card:
Modius E was another excellent pairing and, as before by extension the built-in Sabre card will also perform well here.
Modius E and the ES9028 card right? I wonder how well Modi+ (ES9018) would fair here..... :thinking:

Lol but thank you for your review!
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Dec 8, 2023 at 8:01 PM Post #58 of 476
Looks like the amp + delta sigma card option has already been sold out.

The amp only and amp + multibit card option are still available.

Question! Do you have the older MMB1 card, or is the newer card still sound more like MMB1 but with unison USB?

I was under impression the new Multibit card should sound more like MMB2 but I haven't tried so I don't know.

This card:

Modius E and the ES9028 card right? I wonder how well Modi+ (ES9018) would fair here..... :thinking:

Lol but thank you for your review!
You can also order the cards from Schiit and self install, btw. No clue on the Modi+ though.
Dec 8, 2023 at 8:06 PM Post #59 of 476
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Dec 8, 2023 at 8:19 PM Post #60 of 476
I've had an older MMB card and tonally I'd say it was similar to the DAC itself. I'm guessing the newer cards are better however, more similar to MMB1 than 2 as they have not renamed it and have been clear to do so with big changes. Self install also has the option for return so there is that..

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