NITSCH x Schiit Pietus Maximus Release/Impressions Thread
Dec 5, 2023 at 12:06 PM Post #16 of 476
That's high praise indeed!
Having owned a Quicksilver HPA for a while, I absolutely loved its SQ, but it had a persistent 60Hz low-level hum that I just couldn't get rid of no matter what I tried, so I ending up selling it. From what I understand, the low-level hum is a known issue with Quicksilver HPAs, so it just comes down to if it bugs you or not.

While I also loved the SQ of the Piety, it definitely had its limitations, so I can't wait to hear what this fully realized version of the Piety sounds like.

I'll for sure be getting one! :ksc75smile:

That is the QS HPAs greatest weakness. Nearly impossible to get rid of hum. It can be managed, but it is very sensitive to the RCA and power cable placement, but never completley removed unfortunately.

The Pietus has no such issues! Its clear and dynamic with greater resolve over Piety. Their is a more tangible sense of slam and lack of veil. With the Piety I mostly use high gain because it has more dynamics and engagement. The Pietus retains the engagement factor on all Gain levels, while having more clarity. The power section upgrades make a large difference with this circuit as evidence by people buying linear power supplies and my own expirements replacing the adapter brick with a toroidal power supply.
If you like Piety, this one is better in every way. Plus you get a black volume knob.

Anticipating the launch...going to be soon...
Dec 5, 2023 at 2:39 PM Post #17 of 476
Glad to hear it. If it helps, the Pietus is also miles ahead of the Jot2. Would love to compare the two someday however!

I suspect it'll be a battle of refinement between Pietus and Mjolnir 3. I still see Mjolnir 3 being most refined Schiit headphone amp I've heard to date which is to me would be a monumental task for Piety to beat IMHO. I hope to hear them side by side one day
Dec 5, 2023 at 7:14 PM Post #18 of 476
I'm tempted to try the MJ3 but there are some attractions towards Pietus even if the SQ is a little better. Runs cool (MJ3 is very hot), doesn't take a lot of power and I can just leave it on 24/7. Tidy stack with BF2 and less than half the price are pretty big considerations. However, if you care for none of these just go big!
Dec 6, 2023 at 4:36 PM Post #19 of 476
For what it’s worth, Purr1n (Marv) over at Best Audio Super Friends says the Pietus Maximus is about 85-90% as good as the Mjolnir 3.

If the PM is sub $800, that is one hell of an accomplishment.

The ASR crowd will probably hate it because it will measure like crap. But I’m sure it sounds amazing.

I’m definitely buying one. It will be compared to my HeadAmp GSX Mini.
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Dec 6, 2023 at 6:31 PM Post #20 of 476
I’m definitely buying one. It will be compared to my HeadAmp GSX Mini.
I uhh, I like it better than the Mini. If it's $500ish it'll be a total knockout.
Dec 7, 2023 at 8:40 AM Post #22 of 476
I uhh, I like it better than the Mini. If it's $500ish it'll be a total knockout.

I’d love to hear you expand on this comparison a little more. I’m not surprised actually since the GSX Mini is very overpriced for what it is.

What sonic traits would you say are improved going from the Mini to the Pietus?
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Dec 7, 2023 at 11:01 AM Post #23 of 476
The Pietus has a more engaging flow using my JAR580, which could also be attributed to personal preference. Vocals are presented a touch closer and are more fleshed out. Over time with the Mini I would ease the volume down, no issue here with Pietus. I just listen at a constant volume and no fatigue sets in. The mids are just a very touch forward which enhances engagement for me and all around I just enjoy it paired with my BF2. The Pietus is resolving with very good detail, while the mini has great detail but is thinner sounding and so less convincing. Hope this helps.
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Dec 7, 2023 at 11:44 AM Post #24 of 476
The Pietus has a more engaging flow using my JAR580, which could also be attributed to personal preference. Vocals are presented a touch closer and are more fleshed out. Over time with the Mini I would ease the volume down, no issue here with Pietus. I just listen at a constant volume and no fatigue sets in. The mids are just a very touch forward which enhances engagement for me and all around I just enjoy it paired with my BF2. The Pietus is resolving with very good detail, while the mini has great detail but is thinner sounding and so less convincing. Hope this helps.

Thanks. That’s very useful feedback.

I know what you mean about listening fatigue with the Mini. It was especially noticeable with the Bifrost 2/64 which is a little bright in my opinion. Using the Mojo 2 as a DAC alleviated the issue for the most part.

Last question. How would you say the Mini and Pietus compare in terms of staging? With the GSX Mini, I get really good depth but so-so width and a lot of the Schiit amps I’ve heard are sort of the inverse of that, great width with shallow-ish stage depth. The MJ3 was the first Schiit amp I heard to really give that impressive depth you get from TOTL amps.
Dec 8, 2023 at 12:25 AM Post #27 of 476
Ohhhhhh I was forever contemplating either to buy Magni Unity or Midgard. I've been looking for a solid state unit to replace my Lyr 3 for a long time without success.

My concern was that Magni Unity or Midgard might be too neutral to my taste coming from Lyr 3.

Then purely by chance someone mentioned about this and I think this fits what I'm looking for! I had the original Piety but it had too much gain even in low gain, so it was unusable for me with Lawton TH900. That and the smaller unit always sounded small compared to Lyr 3.

So I hope this will address all of the issues. Looking forward to it!

If I were to nitpick..... I wish they sell the silver knob separately, I would've preferred silver knob on this unit. But that's just me..... :stuck_out_tongue:
Dec 8, 2023 at 12:29 AM Post #28 of 476
I'm definitely interested in this.

I loved the sound of the Piety, but I didn't love the usual crappy noisy potentiometer that all Schiit Magni (and Magni-adjacent) amps have.
Dec 8, 2023 at 12:39 AM Post #29 of 476
My concern was that Magni Unity or Midgard might be too neutral to my taste coming from Lyr 3.

None of the Schiit dedicated DACs (except Bifrost 2/64) should sound bright with Midgard though. I have tested Gungnir Multibit, Bifrost 2 OG and Modius E with Midgard and none of them give Midgard a neutral bright signature
Dec 8, 2023 at 1:13 AM Post #30 of 476
I'm definitely interested in this.

I loved the sound of the Piety, but I didn't love the usual crappy noisy potentiometer that all Schiit Magni (and Magni-adjacent) amps have.
Oh yeah 100% agree, I had the Vali 2+ and Magni Piety and I thought both volume pot were pretty crap. Just a bit hard and stiff and not smooth.

While Lyr 3 is not the best volume pot I've used but it's a huge improvements.
None of the Schiit dedicated DACs (except Bifrost 2/64) should sound bright with Midgard though. I have tested Gungnir Multibit, Bifrost 2 OG and Modius E with Midgard and none of them give Midgard a neutral bright signature
Ahhhh though I think I look for a very specific and very colored sound. I want forward vocal and soul crushing bass LOL.

And everywhere I look the review keep saying it's neutral and good for mastering. I think that's why I hesitated.

But good to hear Midgard is not bright and thin. Though at this point I might still wait for Pietus instead lol.

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