NIN: With Teeth tracklist + SAMPLE
Feb 17, 2005 at 6:24 AM Post #16 of 43
Those track names are vomit inducing. I wish Nine Inch Nails would just put out an album without lyrics. I used to be a HUGE fan, but now most of their songs make me wince when Trent starts singing. I guess it's one of those phase bands.
Feb 17, 2005 at 6:36 AM Post #17 of 43

Originally Posted by Leto Atreides II
Those track names are vomit inducing. I wish Nine Inch Nails would just put out an album without lyrics. I used to be a HUGE fan, but now most of their songs make me wince when Trent starts singing. I guess it's one of those phase bands.

Yeah, right. Why don't you go download something trendy on Soulseek and pretend you have cutting-edge musical taste? (oh wait you've done that a hundred times already!)

Stop crapting on my thread.
Feb 20, 2005 at 6:54 PM Post #18 of 43
Hand that feeds was leaked on an Arizona radio station Friday night. It is due to drop March 21st. I bet it gets pushed up now.

Obviously, I am not in Arizona, but those that say they heard it state that it is real poppy for what it is worth.
Feb 20, 2005 at 9:33 PM Post #19 of 43
I heard it this morning. It's a real typical radio song. Not bad, but still a bit poppish for T.Reznor.

I'll still have to hear a decent sounding version to have a real opinion about it...
Feb 20, 2005 at 10:17 PM Post #20 of 43

Originally Posted by false
Any one remember Ministry's 1983 release Work For Love? I swear im the only person who owns it. It came before Twitch. It's absolutly terrible early 80's pop. Nothing unique or challenging about it. Ministry peaked for me right around Psalm 69.

i don't have "Work For Love" (i have all of the other Ministry releases, though), but i think i've heard about it. it's kind similar to what happened with Underworld. their early stuff is fairly insipid 80's pseudo college rock, but in the early 90's they turned into an amazing progressive house group. i do agree that Ministry peaked around Psalm 69, but i like their later stuff, too.
Feb 20, 2005 at 10:29 PM Post #21 of 43

Originally Posted by DarkAngel
I have very low expectations for any new NIN album.........would love to be pleasantly surprised with good work. Almost certainly it will not be in the same league as his Hate Machine thru Downward Spiral albums, Trent has lost his muse.

i have high expectations of it. i hope i'm not disappointed.

Really only one album released in last 10 years "Fragile" and it is really collection of random different ideas drawn from previous albums over long period of time thrown together with some new stuff......not really a proper album for me, almost like a b side/outtakes collection

The Fragile is a concept album. think of it as the industrial DSotM. it really doesn't sound like anything else, and i don't think that most people were expecting that. The Fragile also has a lot of cohesion, but you have to listen to the whole thing. it's not an album that lends itself well to short listening sessions.

Interesting that Trent's pal Al Jourgensen's new Ministry album "House of Mole" is actually very good stuff even if not getting much attention in today's pathetic music scence......Al pretty much started the whole industrial metal scence back in 1988 with "rape & honey" setting template for many bands to emulate. He went through a real long dry spell from 1992-2003 when he came back big with "Animositisomina" so it can be done, but will Trent pull it off ????

i personally think that Houses of the Mole' is uninspired, but i don't think that Ministry has done anything particularly interesting for a long time. i like the recent stuff well enough, but i rarely go out of my way to listen to anything by Ministry from the last 10 years. i would have loved to have seen their show in Cleveland this past year, though. i don't think that Trent Reznor has hit a dry spell at all, he has merely been taking his time. at least Trent hasn't pulled a Nivek Ogre and changed suddenly his style dramatically. i like OhGr well enough, but i was expecting Skinny Puppy when i first played Greater Wrong of the Right. he [Trent] makes the music that he wants to make regardless of the musical tastes that are dominant.
Feb 20, 2005 at 10:57 PM Post #22 of 43
nine inch nails/Trent Reznor has developed as all true artists develop. [Ch-ch-ch-changes...] Some will criticize the new album because it's not "Pretty Hate Machine," and others will hate it because it's not "The Downward Spiral." You know the new album will have elements that are familiar, but it won't be a clone of one of his previous efforts. Around the time that "The Fragile" was released I read an interview of Trent Reznor. I think that it might have been in "Rolling Stone" but I'm really not sure. He indicated that his real interest was in producing/directing the creative effort, and that he could see nine inch nails developing in a more instrumental direction because he really does not like doing the vocals anymore. Whatever Reznor does will be interesting and probably unexpected.
Feb 22, 2005 at 2:07 AM Post #23 of 43

Originally Posted by DLeeWebb
Whatever Reznor does will be interesting and probably unexpected.

No kidding, I heard THTF and it is pure radio gloss. It is very interesting when you take the lyrics in context with the song.

Is the joke on us or is it on him?
Feb 22, 2005 at 2:45 AM Post #24 of 43

Originally Posted by DarkAngel
...Al pretty much started the whole industrial metal scence back in 1988 with "rape & honey" setting template for many bands to emulate. He went through a real long dry spell from 1992-2003 when he came back big with "Animositisomina" so it can be done, but will Trent pull it off ????

Dry spell? Is that the polite term for not using the needle anymore? I doubt that anyone would agrue with the fact that Trent is the Paul Macartney of the Industrial world. Between "Land of Rape & Honey" and "The Mind Is A Terrible Thing to Taste" everything there after is pretty much a Ministry/Skinney Puppy clone. Nothing was sadder than seeing 18 year old kids in 1994 copying NIN? That would be like skipping the Beatles and copying Wings?

You know there is no god in this world when John gets the bullet and Paul plays the SuperBowl?
Feb 22, 2005 at 2:50 AM Post #25 of 43

Originally Posted by DLeeWebb
nine inch nails/Trent Reznor has developed as all true artists develop. [Ch-ch-ch-changes...] Some will criticize the new album because it's not "Pretty Hate Machine," and others will hate it because it's not "The Downward Spiral."...Whatever Reznor does will be interesting and probably unexpected.

You won't find me saying that because I tought Pretty Hate Machine was very overrated and Downward Spiral was good but we don't need another. I am hope you are right. But I think Trent gets a lot of credit for stealing ideas from other better, lesser known artists.

But I would love to be proved wrong. I am just not sure the boy has it in his soul to do it.
Feb 22, 2005 at 3:03 AM Post #26 of 43

Originally Posted by BlackJackSkanz
Dry spell? Is that the polite term for not using the needle anymore? I doubt that anyone would agrue with the fact that Trent is the Paul Macartney of the Industrial world. Between "Land of Rape & Honey" and "The Mind Is A Terrible Thing to Taste" everything there after is pretty much a Ministry/Skinney Puppy clone. Nothing was sadder than seeing 18 year old kids in 1994 copying NIN? That would be like skipping the Beatles and copying Wings?

NIN was nothing like Ministry or Skinny Puppy. if anything, early NIN is more like KMFDM in that it was derived from dance music. after Broken i don't think you can really argue that NIN sounds like any other industrial group. The Downward Spiral really set Trent apart from every other group in the genre, and i think it is still way ahead of what most industrial groups are putting out now.

i would say that Skinny Puppy has been moving more towards early NIN than the other way around. SP side projects like OhGr and Ritalin/Rx/R are much more in the KMFDM/pre-Downward Spiral NIN IDM model than they are "real" industrial. unfortunately, they are just treading the same territory that NIN and KMFDM walked all over 10 years ago. don't even get me started on VNV Nation and Apoptygma Berserk...
Feb 22, 2005 at 3:57 AM Post #27 of 43
i finally got around to listening to that teaser and it just makes me more impatient for what i HOPE to be a great and cohesive piece of music. release date cant come soon enough for me, i think the production value of this album is going to be phenomenal.
Feb 22, 2005 at 8:33 PM Post #28 of 43

Originally Posted by EdipisReks
NIN was nothing like Ministry or Skinny Puppy. if anything, early NIN is more like KMFDM in that it was derived from dance music. after Broken i don't think you can really argue that NIN sounds like any other industrial group. The Downward Spiral really set Trent apart from every other group in the genre, and i think it is still way ahead of what most industrial groups are putting out now.

i would say that Skinny Puppy has been moving more towards early NIN than the other way around. SP side projects like OhGr and Ritalin/Rx/R are much more in the KMFDM/pre-Downward Spiral NIN IDM model than they are "real" industrial. unfortunately, they are just treading the same territory that NIN and KMFDM walked all over 10 years ago. don't even get me started on VNV Nation and Apoptygma Berserk...

Feb 22, 2005 at 9:19 PM Post #29 of 43
Wait, wait, wait.......time for reality check here!

First two NIN albums are very much like Ministry "rape" and "mind" albums, don't make excuses for Trent everyone has gottens "ideas" from others, no shame in that. There would be no NIN without Ministry.

Second nothing and I mean nothing NIN has done to date is anywhere near as creative or original as Skinny Puppy Vivisect/Too Dark Park period work, it will be avante guard 20 years from now, Ogre practically invented a new language for this.......Trent still must bow before his ancient masters.

Edipis you of all people must admit the obvious truth............
Feb 22, 2005 at 11:22 PM Post #30 of 43

When did NIN become Industrial? I guess if Spin says so...and whats up with the
NIN/Skinny Puppy references? That is kind of like comparing Orbital to Autechre in my book.

Anyway, carry on.

Another track leaked BTW; The Line Begins to Blur - really good stuff IMHO.

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