News: Sony 1Gb Flash players (The Sony Shuffle?)
Mar 13, 2005 at 1:46 PM Post #76 of 96

Originally Posted by utdeep
I don't know if any of you even understand why the shuffle is a success.
It's not just for looks, it's the software!!!!
IF this sony player worked with something as simple and nice to use as iTunes or Windows Media Player 10, I would consider it. NOTICE that this stupid crap still uses the "optional" MP3 File Manager. That's how you get the MP3s from your PC to the player... and it adds a little encryption.

I suggest you download the latest incarnation of SonicStage. SonicStage3 is a completely different animal to its predecessors.

And if the software is your reason for not buying a different player, what is your reason for not trying the iAudio players, which are not just in a different ballpark to the Shuffle, but in an entirely different universe.

In actual fact, I don't think one can compare most mainstream flash players with the Shuffle. On one side of the net, we have the stripped-down, plain-Jane Shuffle; on the other, we have players which offer a multiplicity of different functions. Choosing a Shuffle over an iAudio player, for example, is akin to buying a Mini rather than a Porsche.
Mar 14, 2005 at 1:18 PM Post #77 of 96

Originally Posted by Fenhalls
Choosing a Shuffle over an iAudio player, for example, is akin to buying a Mini rather than a Porsche.

I beg your pardon, but as an iAudio U2 owner myself, I'd say its more like buying a railway box car without windows, instead of a Porsche!!
Mar 16, 2005 at 7:54 PM Post #78 of 96

My agency does a lot of work for Sony UK, including writing content & product photography.

When I got to Sony's offices today I was given samples of the NW-E100 series and NW-E500 series for me to take piccies of & write about.

The NW-E100s I've got are display dummies, so I can't tell you anything about how they work.

One thing that does intrigue me is that it looks like the front fascia of the NW-E100 (where the track info is displayed) has some sort of rocker switch for selection of PLAY/STOP & PREV/NXT. The way that the fascia is laid out, with the play button close to the headphone socket, means that you should be able to perform basic operations by touch.

Most of the NW-E500s I've got are also display dummies, but I've got 2 fully functioning NW-E503's (the 256Mb model).

My first impression is that the NW-E500 series is a lovely piece of kit. They are lightweight but don't feel flimsy & the design is distinctive and expensive looking.

Also, the NW-E503 sounds much louder than my Jap NW-HD3 (with the EU noise limiter turned off). I'm guessing that the NW-E503 I've got is also a Jap version, so I'm comparing like with like.

Here's a quick & dirty photo taken in poor lighting..

Mar 16, 2005 at 8:52 PM Post #81 of 96
Thanks for the initial impressions and for the pics with comparison to the iPod and HD-3, can't wait when it's becomes available for retail. How is the software that came along with the NW-E503? If it was included with your demo model.
Mar 16, 2005 at 9:02 PM Post #82 of 96
I have a feeling we're about to get slashdotted again. *prepares for geek onslaught* anyhow, nice spoiler pics!
Mar 16, 2005 at 9:20 PM Post #83 of 96
Warubozu - I didn't get software but I think I'll have a copy of SonicStage 3.0 (European) before the weekend.

Some other impressions.

On my first picture you can see a black plastic clip on the reverse of the NW-E503. This is removable & there is also a small moulded hole at the top so you can thread a cord in to wear it around your neck.

At the bottom of the unit there's a rubber hinged cover for the mini USB port. The NW-E503 connects as an external drive, so you can use it for data. It also charges over the USB port.

Considering I have no instructions I've found it to be pretty easy to operate. The Organic EL display is clear & bright. Volume is controlled by 2 switches either side of the top of the unit.
Mar 17, 2005 at 3:19 AM Post #85 of 96
Wow its actually a bit bigger then I first thought. Still...its gorgeous. I want one. As for color...that light blue one is mine.
Mar 17, 2005 at 3:37 AM Post #86 of 96
i played with all of sony's new players at CeBIT. they're crap, sorry. they just feel cheap, like, really.

edit: just IMO.. blah blah... sheesh
Mar 17, 2005 at 3:39 AM Post #87 of 96

Originally Posted by austonia
they just feel cheap, like, really.

dude, you are so totally, like, stupid. ****.
Mar 17, 2005 at 3:52 AM Post #88 of 96

Originally Posted by Underdog311
dude, you are so totally, like, stupid. ****.

is that supposed to be funny? clever? what?
Mar 17, 2005 at 5:26 AM Post #89 of 96
Welcome to the big leagues son.
Mar 17, 2005 at 5:57 AM Post #90 of 96
I used to own one of the Sony predecessors, the Sony NW-MS70D flash player. That round jog wheel at the top with the integrated headphone input is taken from that model (and other previous Sony flash players).

Based on what they've done before, I'd guess that these things will sound good. Better than average flash player, if not necessarily stellar. You dont have to worry about that.

The ergonomics are usually pretty good. Whoever does their ergonomics on flash players is usually very smart and often prioritises that over looks, which is is why their flash players some times look odd.

The screen is one place where Sony are going beyond what they have done in the past. Usually their flash player screens are totally inadequate in display size and capability.

Obviously Sony is finally getting the picture with removing the DRM anti-MP3 nonsense.

But key questions remain
- software: will Sony EVER let you drag-and-drop from Explorer with these players? Their proprietary SonicStage aka SonyConnect Software host media player/library software has in all iterations lagged far behind the stability and capabilities of things like WMP and Foobar. So if you are forced to use that crap, that will be regressive move
- value: these things are lower than Sony normal prices, but still the most expensive flash players out there. Will Sony price these in line with what is out there? Or will they continue to attempt to pawn off products that are functionally no better than what is out there, for above-average prices, but trying to dazzle you with design and the Sony Brand.

Those are the key questions for me with these things....

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