Feb 19, 2011 at 6:24 AM Post #46 of 1,082

I am think more in line of double sealed speaker with a vent. But with an actual air volume that small, it is kind of difficult to imagine how the acoustic behavior will be since scaled up model (loudspeaker) might not be a linear example to that of a small system.

Aperiodic? Probably too big a vent for that in the shure. I'm thinking it just makes a larger chamber.
This New Phonak looks really interesting. To those that have heard it, does it have more presence or boogie than the 112. I thought them quite good but a bit soft or less solid than I wanted. You know, the prat stuff. I'm assuming that this one no longer has an edge firing BA in the mix.
Feb 19, 2011 at 7:00 AM Post #47 of 1,082
... I'm assuming that this one no longer has an edge firing BA in the mix.

I don't think there is an edge firing BA in PFE in the first place. For the pictures I saw I think it is just a regular BA with a bend sound tube..
Feb 19, 2011 at 9:12 AM Post #50 of 1,082
Apperently this early reviewer was told so by Phonak.  http://anythingbutipod.com/2008/11/phonak-audeo-pfe-perfect-fit-earphone-review/
First time I heard about edge firing at the time. Hard to see what's actually happening here but it looks a little tight to get a tube under. Thought it might be this but there's no way to know. http://www.sonion.com/Products/Transducers/Receivers/~/media/Files/Products/Data%20Sheets/Transducers/Receivers/Receivers%202300/Receiver%202300/2359_v1.ashx
[size=xx-small][size=xx-small][size=xx-small] [/size][/size][/size] May be your pic, dfkt.
Not that important really. Sounds like the new one definitely isn't. How's the new one compare solidity and rhythm wise?
Feb 19, 2011 at 9:38 AM Post #51 of 1,082

Apperently this early reviewer was told so by Phonak. link deleted First time I heard about edge firing at the time. Hard to see what's actually happening here but it looks a little tight to get a tube under. May be your pic, dfkt.

That 'early reviewer' is dfkt
. That's just a direct copy of review he posted on ABi.
Feb 19, 2011 at 10:15 AM Post #55 of 1,082

What a scumbag blog. I've seen blogs do that before and link to fake sources that link back to the fake blog. Several of my reviews have been stolen by these shyte blogs, too. Looks like a great job on the new PFE.

I hate that crap. I paid no attention to the site and new that revue had made the rounds. Changed the link to not help fund him.
Feb 21, 2011 at 3:29 AM Post #60 of 1,082
Do you know what Phonak's goal was for this earphone?
I actually liked the original a lot.  I would have liked to have a driver with more texture like the Westones.  The biggest shortcoming of the original was just the limit of coverage of the single driver.  It kind of takes at least two to really cover the spectrum well.  I am finally glad that they are making a 2 driver earphone.  Frankly they needed to long ago.  However, I am kind of saddened by their choice to deviate from their original sound goals.  I thought following the ideals of Etymotic was a good call and provided a very balanced earphone.  All I'd really like to see from them is just a better version.

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