New V-Moda Headphones Look Hot!!
Oct 29, 2006 at 3:17 AM Post #16 of 31
Actually since my post my wife tell's me that she borrowed the Bass Freq's and caught the cable on a gate only the day before they failed on me so maybe I ought to put them crapping out down to female interference
sooner than bad cable.
Oct 29, 2006 at 5:38 AM Post #17 of 31

Originally Posted by leqin
Actually since my post my wife tell's me that she borrowed the Bass Freq's and caught the cable on a gate only the day before they failed on me so maybe I ought to put them crapping out down to female interference
sooner than bad cable.

LOL, I could get snarky about that comment - but ya know, female interference is what killed my husband's dt990s, the old vintage kind, so I have nothing to say about anything when it comes to that.

I wonder how these will fair against the's.

Oh for heaven's sakes, what's with the editing??
If some mod or admin has something to say, it's far more professional, and ethical to actually communicate.
Oct 29, 2006 at 6:07 AM Post #18 of 31
Bah, am I the only person to think they look terrible? Too industrial IMO...I like the sleek look of, say, E500's better.
Oct 29, 2006 at 4:30 PM Post #21 of 31

Originally Posted by Lime Cat
But do they look hot in your ears too? Now that's the question.

True that, im pretty sure thats some ace photography there. But regardless they still look pretty nice
Oct 29, 2006 at 11:55 PM Post #24 of 31

Originally Posted by leqin
I knew I'd seen things like it on eBay, or at least similar without the knurling but a little looking round pays off so here you go

If you can read Chinese then you maybe know more than I do but they look the same don't they.

lol they look the same. wouldnt be surprised if the V-moda is made in china
Oct 30, 2006 at 3:02 AM Post #25 of 31
kinda makes them less special, huh?
Oct 30, 2006 at 6:27 AM Post #27 of 31
V-MODA prides itself on the originality of our sound and style - and Vibe is very unique. All our products have our own signature, as I personally sign off on the final sound curves we carefully sculpt.

Like all modern companies, we of course reserve the right to license parts for markets worldwide if we choose so, and we will OEM/license certain V-MODA assets some day - but we are not at this time.

After reading your post we were made aware of that company making a similar looking product and we have already legally contacted them to stop, and they have and delisted the product already. They only shipped 900 pieces with a 2.5mm jack, and I appreciate you catching this even if it is just in China (which is hard to enforce as many factories can attest to - just ask Sony or Nike!). Companies like ours actually use multiple (we use three) factories, and many more to make individual parts such as the metal, speaker drivers, packaging, and cables. As you can imagine it is sometimes hard to police, but it is taken VERY seriously.

I can assure you it was not the same as our product except its design was similar - it had a 2.5mm jack and looked/sounded very different. As many people know Aaron Fournier (our head audio engineer) and myself have been tweaking the final sound curve up until the last few days before production and our new driver is literally only a few days old (as proven on the reference curve date/time).

In the future V-MODA will post some info about “copy products” that effect all of us in the industry at Audio-Technica, Sennheiser, Sony, Nike, Apple, and V-MODA sold in certain areas are actually not the same if they are not branded and sold through authorized channels. Even if they look similar, they aren't the exact same - as they can use similar parts or are even be made at the same factory - but for one reason alone they are different regardless: Quality Control. At V-MODA we are fanatical about QC, and oversee every aspect of our production and testing to be within +-3dB of our reference curves at all of our factories.

Here is the unique design philosophy and QC information on Vibe for your reading enjoyment:

Val Kolton
ceo V-MODA
Oct 30, 2006 at 7:13 AM Post #28 of 31
Thanks for your informative response, Val. I think this sets aside any concerns people may have about the OEM issue, at least at this time and in the foreseeable future.

BTW, the usual greeting is: Welcome to Head-Fi, and sorry about your wallet! But I guess we should be worried about our wallets instead.
Oct 30, 2006 at 8:49 AM Post #29 of 31
so who here feels like trying em out for us? or do I have to do it? :wink:

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