New TOL A&K DAP : the AK Ultima SP1000
Dec 26, 2018 at 5:55 PM Post #4,893 of 9,436

Here is another one. Less important, but still a bug.
It adds < / at the end of a couple songs.
Dec 28, 2018 at 8:23 PM Post #4,899 of 9,436
Anyone get the chance to try yet?
I've had the new AK T5p 2nd Gen Headphone and 1st ver.(which I will soon put for sale) since they both came out.
As far as I know the only difference is the cable. The drivers are the same.
So yes better cabling gives more detail.
The original Gen 1 can be modded to take detachable cables by a qualified tech which I presume would make it equal or better sounding depending on the quality of the cable.
Dec 29, 2018 at 12:28 AM Post #4,900 of 9,436
Yes, no issue leaving it plugged in for multiple days.

Are you sure there's no issue leaving it plugged in? I ask because mine has been plugged in for 2 days and it's very hot to touch, I'm concerned it might blow or die..

And also, won't leaving it plugged in for multiple days ruin the battery life as in essence it's contanslty using the battery life whilst charging?
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Dec 29, 2018 at 8:25 AM Post #4,902 of 9,436
Is the line out working only on the 2,5mm port? I’ve just bought a 3,5mm to RCA cable to try my SPK with my amp and seems that the line out function does not work. Switched line out on but still nothing happens while chaging line out voltages. The signal strenght is still depends on the volume level.
Dec 29, 2018 at 9:05 AM Post #4,903 of 9,436
Is the line out working only on the 2,5mm port? I’ve just bought a 3,5mm to RCA cable to try my SPK with my amp and seems that the line out function does not work. Switched line out on but still nothing happens while chaging line out voltages. The signal strenght is still depends on the volume level.
With the Line Out function on, turn the volume dial and click on the Line Out button on the screen. This should work.

Dec 30, 2018 at 12:09 AM Post #4,905 of 9,436
My SP1000 dies in standby/sleep within 24 hours. Is something wrong with my battery? Or is there a setting I'm unaware of?
AUTO POWER OFF is set to 30 minutes.
Screen Timeout is set to 1 minute.
Sleep Timer is set to Always Turn On.

I just picked it up from using it last night. It didn't power down (normally it takes a minute to boot up) and instead the last album I listened to was on the screen after pressing the crown.
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